Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 790 The Tyrons Arrive!

Chapter 790 The Tyrons Arrive!

boom boom-

When the last batch of Thunderhawk transport planes carrying mortals successfully jumped out of the atmosphere and entered the lower decks of the major ships.

With a sailing command from inside the bridge of the flagship 'Water Monster'.

Every ship, large and small, started to speed up their engines and headed towards the route away from the Shadow Interstellar.

And above the surface of the planet.

Countless mortal warriors who still chose to stick to their positions also raised their heads subconsciously.

They looked up at the bright tracks in the bright night sky.

Many Cadians couldn't help humming an ancient ballad widely spread among the people of the Human Empire.

As for the specific meaning of this ditty.

It's an outsider's view of a mother who personally sent her grown sons and daughters to join the Cadian Guard.

After facing the tragic situation where all relatives were loyal to the emperor, they still chose to pick up the guns at hand to fight against the invading traitors.

And according to Rorschach's knowledge.

This is also a story that really happened, and even similar stories are staged in the endless territory of the human empire every day.

dong dong dong-

A burst of heavy footsteps temporarily interrupted Luo Xia's wandering thoughts.

He drove the vibration gold power armor and turned around to look.

Immediately, he saw two gray knights wearing the Heaven's Punishment Fear Knights slowly stepping out of the secret warehouse that had been sealed for a long time.

This kind of powerful mechanical creation that can temporarily resist or even kill the Chaos Demon to a certain extent can only be equipped by gray knights.

And only the elite Astartes in the Gray Knights can perfectly control it.

It seems to fight the ensuing swarms of Tyranids and Chaos Daemons.

Cadylon, the think tank of the Gray Knights, also put the fighting power at the bottom of the box on the table.

At this moment, Rorschach who turned his gaze saw Fulgrim walking towards him again.

One ceramic steel palm of the opponent has never let go of the hilt of the Sonic Sword, while the other ceramic steel palm holds several portions of high-protein food to supplement physical strength.

"Fulgrim, you should actually follow my arrangement and leave this galaxy temporarily with the fleet. Besides, if I'm the only one on the battlefield, even if I choose to escape at that time, I won't have any worries at all."

Rorschach, who stretched out his hand to take several servings of food, said to Fulgrim in a half-joking tone.

And Luo Xia's voice just fell.

Fulgrim, with long white hair fluttering in the wind, stared at a peaceful and bright night sky, and said lightly:

"Aren't there Tiberus and Iron David in the fleet? They are more suitable than me."

"Little brother, I know that you are much more capable than my clone, but since I am your elder brother, I must fight side by side with you. Besides, isn't Doom still in control of the teleportation technology? Even the back of the planet There are also several Cobra-class destroyers hidden, and after your plan is successful, each of us has a suitable retreat."

"Hehe, what skills can I have? If I really have the skills, I will block the door of the Eye of Terror every day, and if I see which Chaos is not pleasing to the eye, I will smash the opponent's planet..."

With a sneer, Luo Xia swallowed the cold food without raising his head.

Fulgrim, who heard the complaint, didn't speak.

He just raised a pottery steel palm and patted Rorschach's vibrating gold shoulder armor lightly.

"Master Primarch! The deep space reconnaissance array has detected a large number of signals belonging to the Tyranid fleet appearing on the edge of the galaxy. Our long-awaited guests have finally arrived!"

At this moment, a deep voice from Doom quickly radiated from the communication channel.

It also completely broke the status of brothers and sisters between Rorschach and Fulgrim.

Rorschach, who gradually narrowed his eyes, forcibly swallowed all the food into his stomach, and said in a flat tone:
"The damn will of the hive won't let people finish a bite of food safely...Come on, brother, let's start a killing spree!"

Rorschach's voice just fell.

Fulgrim, who also had a more solemn expression, abruptly pulled out the Sonic Sword hanging from the waist of the power armor.

Waves of terrifying sound waves visible to the naked eye are fleeting on the sharp blade glowing with cold light!



The low-Earth orbit defense platforms that are collapsing one after another have become the most eye-catching sparks in the entire night sky.

A large amount of metal debris fell on the surface of Shadow Interstellar like meteorite raindrops.

Since no fleet was left to resist.

The three low-Earth orbit defense platforms lasted only an hour before being completely destroyed by the increasingly terrifying Tyrannian fleet, which also made the entire Shadow Interstellar completely lose its air defense capability!

In the next second, the number of spore sacs that could not be counted crashed down towards the ground, carrying Tyranid combat units.

And the mortal warriors who had been waiting for a long time also turned their muzzles or heavy fire weapons one after another, completely playing the sound of destruction belonging to the Shadow Interplanetary.

Numerous whirlwind missiles and large-scale artillery fire from heavy vehicles continue to rise into the sky.

The perimeter of the solid position circle after circle exploded repeatedly.

A large number of knife worms and gun worms that had just escaped from the spore sac wall instantly became fragments of flesh and blood splashed everywhere, but were quickly recycled by the tearing worms floating on the potholed ground!
It didn't take long for the fierce attacks from many mortal warriors to gradually weaken.

Because more samurai bugs keep appearing among a large number of knife bugs and gun bugs.

Resistance and decapitation due to the lack of an organized Astartes company.

Mortal warriors had to eke out a first line of battle and positions using heavy vehicles.

However, at this time, a larger and faster chief warrior bug seemed to seize the opportunity.

An unscrupulous and terrifying charge was launched against the corner of the mortal warrior's position!
In an instant, countless mortal warriors who fought bravely turned into broken limbs flying all over the sky, completely powerless to parry!
dong dong dong-

In the blink of an eye, Fulgrim, who was wearing purple-gold power armor on his huge body, rushed towards the chief warrior bug nimbly like a purple whirlwind.

The sonic sword he held tightly in his palm danced quickly.

A series of supersonic piercing slashes that let out terrifying roars continuously slashed on the chitin carapace of the chief warrior bug!
Chi Chi Chi!
In the next second, Fulgrim, whose huge body passed by the chief warrior bug who roared angrily, suddenly withdrew his sonic sword inward.

An ugly head belonging to the chief samurai bug has completely escaped from the shackles of the body, and fell heavily between the potholes on the ground!

"For the Emperor—"

At this moment, Fulgrim, who had returned to the era of the Great Crusade in a trance, subconsciously let out a roar that resounded across the battlefield.

Without hesitation, he activated the purple-gold powered armor, and swiftly charged towards more incoming samurai bugs!

 thanks for your support!
My uncle at home died of advanced bowel cancer. Although it was too late when it was found out, I thought I could stick to it this year, but I didn’t expect it to die after only half a year. The main reason is that there is no surgery, and he doesn’t want to go at home. It was a waste of money, so I can only treat conservatively. To be honest, I am waiting for death. This is also a helpless thing.

Fatty also hopes that everyone should pay more attention to their health. It doesn't cost a lot of money to have a physical examination once a year, but it can find many problems in advance.

Life is impermanent, and life and death are fateful. In fact, everyone has to walk on this road, sooner or later.

(End of this chapter)

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