Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 788 Sealed land, source of vortex!

chi chi chi-

The think tank curator wearing the Holy Shield Terminator armor has not yet fully landed.

The cold-eyed Rorschach activated the Vibrating Power Armor without hesitation, and the magnetic boots under his feet quickly cast Shadow Step.

In an instant, he, who was surrounded by black shadows all over his body, caught the opponent's tall body from mid-air.

Afterwards, Luo Xia stared at the resolute face of the curator of the think tank with his cold gaze, and said in a deep voice:

"You Gray Knights have been a sharp blade forged by the Emperor himself since the beginning of your birth, but He did not let you live up to the expectations of mortals, and completely let go of your guardianship duties as Astartes!"

"I can pretend I don't know anything about your past, and I don't want to pursue it, but you are still like the gang of poor imperial guards, committing the most stupid crime of arrogance!"

"I can't command you Gray Knights with a majestic Primarch? Or do you want to be executed by me on the spot?"

At this moment, the words spoken by Rorschach as the Primarch.

That's a very serious accusation for the Gray Knights.

Even if the high lords of the Terra Council or the high-level officials of the court came, they did not dare to make any direct rebuttals.

Rorschach's voice just fell.

The Terminator guards who came with the Thunderhawk transport plane have quickly drawn out the melee weapons on the waist of the power armor.

The bolt gun held tightly in the palm also firmly locked every gray knight kneeling on one knee!
However, at this moment, Fulgrim, with a calm expression, slightly shook his head with loose white hair.

He immediately raised his hand to stop the next move of the Terminator guards, and at the same time said to the surrounding people:
"I believe that my brother will not kill innocent people indiscriminately. He was just a little angry because he temporarily 'lost' half of the fleet, and it just so happened that the head of the think tank of the Gray Knight hit the gun. Their guilt It’s not enough to be killed on the spot.”

In the next second, Fulgrim, who turned his eyes back and forth, stared at Rorschach's huge back.

He patiently persuaded:
"Little brother, calm down, I think this think tank brother from the Gray Knight also has his difficulties and reasons, so he will resist our orders."

"You should give him a chance to explain. If the other party really doesn't have a more reasonable explanation, how about I send them on the road with my own hands?"

At this moment, the words from Fulgrim made Rorschach subconsciously take a deep breath.

Squinting his eyes, he forcibly suppressed the anger surging up from the depths of his heart.

Then, Rorschach casually placed the Director of the Gray Knight Think Tank in his palm heavily on the ground.

"Caduron, the curator of the think tank, for the sake of your gray knight brothers, even if you are currently making up, you have to make up a reasonable explanation for me!"

Looking down at the other party with cold eyes, Rorschach said slowly in a deep voice.

And the think tank curator Kaduron, who had just escaped temporarily from the clutches of the Primarch, knelt heavily without any hesitation.

With his head lowered, he seemed to reorganize his language, and then he said to Rorschach in front of him as concisely as possible:
"Lord Primarch, everything I have done is a last resort."

"Under the ground of Rosov, the capital of Shadow Interstellar, there are a lot of ancient technological devices that have been corrupted and polluted. After being discovered by an acolyte from the trial court, it was named 'the source of the vortex'."

"The specific origin of these evil technological devices is unknown, and the ancient years can even be traced back to the Dark Age of Technology, and as time goes by, they will continue to emit stronger and stronger subspace power, setting off even more terrifying spiritual energy The most important point is that any actions and attempts to completely destroy these evil technological devices have been declared a failure."

"This is also the real reason why our gray knight combat team has been stationed here for a long time. We must perform a sealing ceremony every day to ensure that the 'source of the vortex' is safe."

"But once we choose to evacuate this place, the arrival of the Hive Fleet will inevitably destroy the underground seal, and even trigger a large-scale chaos invasion in the local star area is unavoidable."

The words of the curator of the think tank, Kadulun, just fell.

Rorschach's deep voice echoed in the other party's ears.

"So, for a mere seal of chaos, are you planning to drag millions of mortals from the entire Shadowworld to be buried with you? You gray knights really know how to settle accounts!"

"Haven't you ever thought of letting the Chaos Demon that broke through the seal deal with the swarm of Tyranids descending on the ground? This is a simple tactic that even a mortal warrior would know!"

At this moment, Luo Xia forcibly resisted the urge to blow the opponent's entire head away.

He drove the vibration gold power armor and turned to look in the direction of Fulgrim, and asked in a deep voice:
"Brother, according to Iron Man David's precise calculation, how long do we have to prepare for the arrival of the Hive Fleet?"

"About three to four sidereal days, even with the influence and error of the subspace storm, it will not exceed seven sidereal days at most."

Fulgrim, with a solemn expression, just recalled it and said to Rorschach.

"Almost enough time."

Rorschach took a deep breath and shook his head.

He immediately shouted to the surrounding mortal believers and state church priests:

"As the Primarch, I will issue an order to evacuate the entire world immediately, and my fleet will also dispatch more transport vehicles to provide you with more help. Now, I need you to spread my words thoroughly Get out! No matter what method you use, the sooner the better!"

At this moment, with Rorschach's deep words gradually reverberating in the surrounding air.

Every mortal believer with a pious expression and the state church priests who were completely excited turned around and ran towards the depths of the city streets.

They will give full play to their talents and abilities, and do their best to pass on the evacuation orders from the Primarch.

At the same time, Rorschach, whose cold eyes turned to think tank curator Kaduron, seemed to gradually calm down the anger deep in his heart.

After a moment of silence, he suddenly asked the other party:

"Grey Knights, are you willing to fight humans to the death for the Emperor?"

"Master Primarch, this is the only duty we are born with! We are willing to make atonement and kill for our previous despicable behavior!"

At this moment, whether it is the think tank curator Kaduron or the gray knight squad kneeling nearby.

They raised their heads one after another, staring at the huge body of the Primarch with extremely firm eyes and roaring in a deep voice:
"Use faith as armor, devotion as shield, and purity as sword!"

"For the great Emperor, for the Primarch—"

"We will go through fire and water, and we will die!"

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