Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 780 On the other side of the mountain, there is a group of Smurfs on the other side of the s

Chapter 780 On the other side of the mountain, there is a group of Smurfs on the other side of the sea ([-])!
【"Hehe, dear Primarch, it is not always known who will live and who will die. Since we are the prophets of the most holy Tzeentch, how can we not know your difficulties?" The blue-purple bird head said with a sneer. 】

【"Hee hee, show up all of them, my Tzeentch monsters—" Another blue-purple bird head shaking back and forth roared with a grinning grin! 】

【Boom boom boom—】

【Suddenly, with waves of terrifying psionic fluctuations like ripples, they suddenly bloomed in your field of vision. 】

[Except for Carlos the Life Weaver standing on the orbital platform. 】

[There are also eight Tzeentch monsters with wings on their backs that instantly appeared in the surrounding midair! 】

[At this moment, the contempt and ridicule of a total of eighteen bird heads are concentrated on your huge body! 】

[You quickly sensed endless malice and layers of chaotic spiritual energy covering your whole body. 】

[Your bronze face hidden inside the skull helmet gradually tensed up. 】

【Your breathing rhythm and your two beating hearts are becoming more and more relaxed and calm. 】

【From the moment when the nine Tzeentch monsters appeared in front of your eyes together. 】

[You know you are dead. 】

[Even if it is the recognized ceiling of combat power among all Primarchs, the angel Sanguinius may not be able to kill nine big demons in a row! 】

[But you also understand that you actually have no way out, the only way out is to die! 】

["Master Primarch, admit defeat, we have said that as long as you are willing to hand over one thing, all Tzeentch will immediately return to the depths of the subspace..." Carlos the Life Weaver gently shook the phone in his palm. The ornate scepter, a series of terrifying chaotic spiritual energy gradually accumulated above its two bird heads. 】

【"What the hell does Tzeentch want from me?"】

【You took a deep breath, and casually asked Carlos the Life Weaver. 】

[You subconsciously clenched the two melee weapons in your palm, but the low buzzing sound from inside the vibrating gold power armor showed that you did not relax. 】

【"Hehe, that thing is far away in the sky, but it is close in front of us. It can neither be eaten nor drunk. It is extremely important to the Primarch, yet it is ignored by the Primarch..." Carlos the Life Weaver seems to think that the victory is in his hands , a huge bird head shaking back and forth even began to tell you intriguing riddles. 】

【"Close in front of your eyes? But turn a blind eye?"】

[The other party's voice just fell. 】

[Your eyebrows hidden inside the skull helmet are slightly frowned, and your accelerated thinking also allows you to quickly capture more important word prompts. 】

【At this moment, vaguely guessing something, you suddenly touched the center of your forehead lightly with the back of a vibrating gold palm. 】

[The next moment, the collision sound from the soul gem makes you unable to help but exhale from your mouth. 】

【"Soul Gem! Are you here for the Soul Stone?"】

【You growled at Carlos the Life Weaver with an extremely heavy tone. 】

["Tsk tsk tsk, a powerful artifact that contains a large number of basic rules of the unknown universe, was inlaid on the helmet by the ignorant Primarch as a gadget for emitting energy, even the great Holy Tzeentch couldn't bear this kind of tyranny How to do it..."]

[The two huge bird heads of Carlos the Life Weaver, you said one sentence after another. 】

【"So, as long as the Primarch is willing to offer that soul gem, whether it is this galaxy or other universes, the supreme seat of the eternal chief prince Tzeentch will be reserved for you forever. Imagine that only my lord is on top, and countless Tzeentch surrenders under your feet, even I must bow down to you, what an honor this is!"]


[However, at this time, the Dawnbringer war hammer that you originally carried on the vibrating gold shoulder armor was placed heavily on the ground of the platform by a palm, making a loud sound and completely interrupting Carlos, the life-weaver, as if singing seductive words. 】

【"Ha ha……"】

【You suddenly let out a deep sneer from under the skull helmet. 】

【"To be honest, I really don't know where you big demons like Tzeentch got the confidence to think that I am a dignified human primarch, the emperor's extra-heir, the master of the No.20 Second Legion, in order to become Tzeentch's subordinate His lackeys and sacrificed everything..."]

【"Even if I am willing to degenerate myself, why don't I give Khorne who is treated better, Slaanesh who enjoys the excitement, and Nurgle who is happy and happy?"]

【You slowly put a vibrating gold palm on the sharp edge of the blood sickle. 】

[With the slight cracking sound of the vibrating gold shell, a large amount of pale golden emperor's blood was smeared on the entire sharp edge by you! 】

[The next second, maybe the concentration of chaotic psionic energy in the surrounding air is too strong. 】

[Wires of golden psionic flames also suddenly burst out from the Emperor's Blood, and the intense burning fire even directly dispelled all the chaotic psionic energy within a radius of [-] meters! 】

【"Ah, you really are a stubborn lackey of the Corpse Emperor! Do you think other gods will take care of you easily?!"]

【"In this way, it is a waste of our words and good intentions. Do you think you can die in battle? I can tell you right now, as long as your current body is destroyed by us, your soul and consciousness will be destroyed. Blessed by the Corpse Emperor, you will also fall into our seal completely!"]

【"When the time comes, don't say it's just a soul gem, even your hometown will become a plaything in the palm of my lord!"】

[At this moment, it may be the shame of the lie being exposed, or the suppression and stimulation from the spiritual flame. 】

[Carlos the Life Weaver who was standing not far away couldn't help but roar. 】

【And as its two bird heads swayed back and forth, a large amount of extremely powerful and terrifying spiritual witchcraft burst out from that gorgeous scepter in an instant! 】

[Almost at the same time, the eight Tzeentch demons in mid-air also immediately shook the huge wings behind their spines. 】

[When the scepters in their palms were waving, a huge chaos seal made entirely of chaotic psionic energy was also firmly locked in the sky above the entire orbital platform! 】

[This seems to be a special seal designed to prevent you who have the ability to fly from easily escaping from here! 】


[Following the burst of bright light from the propulsion device behind the Zhenjin Powered Armor. 】

[When Carlos the Life Weaver yelled at you, your entire huge body jumped into the air! 】

【You are holding a blood sickle with a sharp edge burning with raging psionic flames in both hands, like a golden cannonball fired, you swooped heavily in the direction of Carlos the Weaver of Life! 】

[In an instant, countless chaotic witchcraft summoned by Carlos the Life Weaver repeatedly bombarded your huge body. 】

[But your vibrating gold power armor seems to be surrounded by layers of invisible defensive barriers. 】

[Any Chaos witchcraft that is enough to kill Astartes has no effect on you! 】

[At this moment, besides the whistling of the violent wind and the burning sound of spiritual energy flames in your ears. 】

[The three timbres are different, but the incomparably clear low-pitched whispers also echoed repeatedly! 】

【"Chop hack! Kill kill kill—"]



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(End of this chapter)

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