Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 774 Dum and the Exorcism Dead Zone!

Chapter 774 Dum and the Exorcism Dead Zone!
Even though it has been quite a while since the launch of the Nova Cannon.

But there are still 10,000+ kilometers of bright scars in the cold void.

If you stand at the observation porthole of the ship and look from a distance.

The uninformed would think they saw a string of bright stars still in bloom.

And this is probably the true meaning of the name Nova Cannon.

But right now, some mortal crew inside the flagship are not in any mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery outside.

Each of them maintained a state of numbness on their expressions.

The eyes are either sad, or standing gloomy in the depths of the passages in the upper cabin.

Occasionally, I watched many Astartes holding bolt guns and driving power armor pass by the silent crowd around them.

Several hours later, dozens of cleaning machine servants thoroughly cleaned up the bloodstains and headless corpses on the metal floor.

The people with numb expressions had to go back to the inside of the bridge, which seemed unchanged.

They quickly checked whether the equipment was damaged, and skillfully manipulated countless complex technological devices.

Wait until the entire sizable fleet sets sail again.

In the name of the Primarch, Rorschach and Fulgrim jointly released a condolence broadcast for the hundreds of dead crew members, and also praised the loyalty and faith of many more mortal crew members.

Even if it's just a word of encouragement that doesn't hurt or itch.

To some extent, it also greatly relieved the sadness and anxiety of the mortal crew.

It is even enough to support them to continue to fight for the human empire and even the emperor to the death.


Inside a large warehouse located in the middle deck of the flagship.

Dozens of Tech-Priests are under Doom's command, along with a host of autonomous servo-droids.

Carefully building a prototype of a superlight engine that has been scaled down.

Even so, the size of the entire prototype has reached about 50 meters, and the various mechanical parts installed inside are even more astronomical.

And not far from Doom.

Holding the Empathy Annihilation Scepter in his arms, Traasin was staring at Doom with great interest, displaying telekinetic power without any psionic fluctuations, and personally installed the important parts on the superluminal engine.

"Hey Doom boy, what do you think your hyperdrive test's chances of success are?"

Traasin, who shook the head of the silver skull, suddenly asked the tall figure in the dark green cloak.

The voice just fell.

Dum, who successfully used telekinesis to complete part of the installation work, said without looking back:

"If it's in the local world, I can guarantee it [-]%, but here, I can't say it well. After all, according to Lord Rorschach, the technological concept of this universe has been controlled by the so-called demigods of chaos. Moreover, I am also one of the enemies of the legion, if the other party wants to use some interference or small tricks secretly, even if I try to crack my head, I may not be able to find the reason for the test failure."

Traasin, who heard Dum's words, let out a deep laugh.

Holding the Empathy Annihilation Scepter, it slowly approached the other party's side, deliberately lowered its voice and said:

"Boy Doom, you may need special means to completely isolate psychic energy."

"Our Necrons have an ancient black stone technology called Exorcism Death Zone. Although I am not proficient in this technique, some of my collections come from the King of Silence, the Lord of the Necrons. Its subordinates The technical finished products left by the necromancer army."

"If you want, I can ask my tomb technicians to build a small exorcism death zone on the spot. The only function of this thing is to forcibly eliminate all psionic energy within the range."

"Of course, this invisible energy field is harmless to mechanical creations, but to psionic creatures like humans, it is a terrifying method that will slowly annihilate their souls and consciousness. It is also one of the ways Necrons fight against chaos."

"However, you, a human from another universe, may be an exception. You are a powerful psyker, but you are not a real psychic creature."

At this moment, the words from Traasin made Dum temporarily stop paying attention to the construction steps of the hyperdrive.

He moved the silver power armor slightly, and the head covered with cold iron stared at the other side and said:

"There is no free lunch in the universe, Traasin, since you are willing to contribute such a precious technology, you must have something to ask for, right?"

Dum's voice did not fall.

Traasin, who let out a deep laugh again, said without any concealment:
"Hehe, no one would believe me if I said that I, Traasin, am willing to help others. Although I also really want to see how you humans will collide with other alien races after you have mastered something that can change the situation in the galaxy. sparks, but most of the time, I still have to stand on my side.”

"I can build a death zone for your test plan, but you must continue to persuade your Primarch for me, and try to get him to allow me to go to your universe to find out."

"If necessary, I can even hand over all the hypercube mazes in advance, and go there with only my metal double..."

At this moment, Doom, who pondered for a while, temporarily interrupted Traasin's words.

He said to the other party earnestly:

"Tarasin, in your eyes, the local universe may be an uncultivated treasure world, but what I can tell you is that the physical rules there, or the real underlying logic, actually advocates concentrating all great power on Itself, that is to say, the local universe may be more dangerous than you think."

"In fact, as far as I know, there are no less than ten human beings who can match or even surpass the Chaos Demon in terms of combat power alone, or can resist a space fleet alone. This is something we can get in touch with temporarily. There are even more wild candidates who don’t want to talk to us, or who live in seclusion in certain dimensions.”

"You always think that Lord Primarch doesn't let you go to the local universe because he wants to sell it for a good price and take the opportunity to sell it for a good price. I can't deny that Lord Primarch doesn't have this idea, but maybe he is really for your own good. ? After all, based on what I have heard about you, it seems that you have completely offended the people in your ethnic group, right?"

At this moment, Doom's words caused Traasin in front of him to temporarily fall into a state of silence.

But in the next second, a faint green light flickered in Traasin's deep eye sockets.

It continued:
"Boy Doom, scaremongering will not cut off my ideas and determination, and I have no right to speak without checking it myself... You and I can be more frank, are you willing to help me with this?"

"To be honest, I have nothing to lose on a personal level, so if you can provide some additional basic technology about Necrons, then I can try to persuade the Primarch. Of course, I cannot guarantee you success. "

"That's right, Dum boy... We have made a deal, happy cooperation!"

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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