Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 765 Silver Skull: Heart Like Steel, Skull Offering Gold Seat (7)!

Chapter 765 Silver Skull: Heart Like Steel, Skull Offering Gold Seat ([-])!

With the dull thunder coming from the thick clouds.

A large amount of icy rain fell suddenly among the rainforests of the home world of Savia.

Countless raindrops falling from the wide leaves also continuously splashed on the burly bodies of the Chaos Astartes who were moving their magnetic boots and advancing silently.

Streams of extremely clear water flowed repeatedly along the cracks and gullies of the ceramic steel shell to the inside of the muddy ground.

Then it was quickly crushed to the bottom of the metal track by the slowly advancing heavy vehicles together with the surrounding vegetation and trees.

At this moment, the first wave of thousands of Chaos Astartes and even more heavy vehicles revealed terrifyingly tall figures from the depths of the rain and fog.

Rows of Iron Warriors holding heavy jump shields kept stepping forward in an extremely tight, even synchronous offensive formation.

The World Eaters from the Skull Reavers and the Chaos Astartes from the Soulmaw also clenched the various demonic weapons in their palms, and followed in an extremely chaotic formation at the end of the huge steel phalanx. square.

boom boom-

In an instant, following invisible orders were issued.

Dozens of larger living artillery mechanical creations, the Obliterators began to move with heavy steps.

They raised the living gun barrels growing on the huge bodies one after another.

It kept guiding more heavy vehicles to launch a massive artillery cover towards the metal fortress area ahead!

And after countless shells landed heavily with terrifying roars, instantly turning many metal fortresses into wreckage flying everywhere.

The thinker array and machine servants activated by the artillery fire also began to control the fire defense platform to launch a very powerful counterattack!
At this moment, there is no unnecessary sound.

There is only the roar of explosions one after another between artillery fire and artillery fire.

And the battle of revenge between the original body and the original body thus kicked off the initial prelude.

dong dong dong-

One by one, the Iron Warriors who vigorously raised their jumping shields moved forward in coordinated movements like conjoined twins.

Every time they advance a certain distance, they will raise the bolt guns in their palms and fire an intensive firepower towards the dense rainforest ahead, rapidly expanding the observation field ahead.

And part of the heavy firepower team hidden inside the huge steel phalanx in advance will also take this opportunity to launch more whirlwind missiles, trying to quickly destroy those remaining metal fortresses that are still stubbornly resisting.

Soon after, as time went on.

Every metal fortress within a radius of fifteen kilometers was quickly flattened by the close cooperation between the huge steel phalanx and heavy vehicles.

This also allowed the Chaos side to quickly clear a wide passage in the rainforest that could directly lead to the front of the monastery fortress.


At this moment, the Chaos Astartes of the Skull Reavers and Soulmaws, whose bloodlust had long been impatient, rushed out from both sides of the steel phalanx.

With almost no discipline at all, they drove the power armor that had undergone mutated flesh and blood, and launched a charge attack below the huge city wall of the monastery fortress!
Whoosh whoosh—

But at this moment, Tomb Blades with a length of several meters quickly rose from the monastery under the flexible control of each space necromancer.

These Tomb Blades, which quickly formed a flying formation, launched an extremely fierce arc bombardment towards the Chaos Astartes below like bombers!

In an instant, countless terrifying electric arcs jumping back and forth between the tall bodies of the Chaos Astartes made many people completely lose their motivation to move forward.

They were either burnt to death by a large number of rapidly superimposed arcs on the spot, or melted into a large number of scattered green atoms by the ensuing Gauss blaster beam!
At the same time, the undead warriors, which are too numerous to count, are also led by many undead immortals.

One after another burst out from the depths of the rainforest within a radius of five kilometers. There were so many of them that they even completely surrounded most of the Chaos Astartes inside!

But soon, the Chaos Astartes fully demonstrated their combat qualities as veterans of many battles.

Even the undisciplined World Eaters warband.

After losing about dozens of people in battle, he successfully started a more intense close combat with the surrounding necromancers.

And the Iron Warriors who quickly changed into a defensive formation basically didn't lose many manpower, and the countless missiles and artillery fire that quickly lifted into the air also continued to reduce the surprise attack effect of the Tomb Blade.

dong dong dong-

At this moment, dozens of huge scorpion-shaped Destroyers jumped down from the huge wall of the monastery.

They kept waving metal limbs and super-phase swords, like metal trains launching terrifying impacts, launching a massacre charge towards the chaos.

At this moment, even the World Eaters who are most proficient in melee combat can hardly resist the hordes of scorpion-shaped destroyers, and they have become the victims of repeatedly chopping down the super-phase sword!

The Annihilator, with countless living barrels spinning rapidly, received orders from the Chaos side.

They quickly moved their huge bodies, and continued to lead more heavy vehicles to launch continuous artillery bombardment towards the scorpion-shaped destroyers inside the battlefield.

Even if it accidentally injured many Chaos allies, it would not hesitate.

And the huge steel phalanx has gradually launched unswerving advance actions.

Countless steel warriors who didn't flinch struggled to raise their jumping shields, and launched a non-stop strangulation attack towards the undead warriors who also quickly formed a phalanx.

Boom boom boom!
A large number of explosive bombs continued to bombard the metal body of the undead warrior.

Excessive physical damage turned many undead warriors into metal wrecks on the spot, falling heavily on the muddy ground.

And the green light beams passing through the dense rain also made the Chaos Astartes holding the jumping shields gradually become green atoms that are constantly escaping!
In the next second, hundreds of stasis bombs were suddenly thrown from the inside of the steel phalanx to the center of the formation of the necromancers.

Wait until the stagnant force field that bloomed layer by layer temporarily freezes the offensive actions of most of the undead warriors.

The steel warriors who quickly changed their attack strategy swung the melee weapons in their palms vigorously, quickly reducing the huge number of undead warriors!
ka ka ka-

At this moment, an even larger doomsday ark shaped like a scorpion tail slowly lifted off from the interior of the monastery fortress.

And quickly moved towards the top of the entire battlefield!

As long as this Doomsday Ark from Necrons successfully activates the Doomsday Cannon it carries.

Then even the Iron Warriors who still maintained a complete formation below had to completely hate on the spot!

But just when the doomsday ark began to condense the extremely powerful doomsday cannon.


A series of plasma beams that suddenly rose from deeper in the rainforest also forcibly bombarded the protective deck of the Doomsday Ark.

A large number of explosive flames exploded, causing the entire ship to completely lose its floating power, and fell heavily towards the bottom of the battlefield!
 thanks for your support!
Thanks to book friend 20230211354307 for the 1666-point reward!
(End of this chapter)

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