Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 757 The uninvited overlord of the dead!

Chapter 757 The uninvited overlord of the dead!
In fact, Rorschach's remarks were not entirely to find a place for Dum who had just arrived.

It's just that Dum, who has just officially come into contact with psychic power, soon showed an extremely powerful psychic talent.

Before coming here, the other party was engaged in simulated battles with the Astartes in the mainland.

He is already fully capable of performing all kinds of fancy psychic skills by relying on the psychic power of a nearly mature think tank unit.

However, according to a series of tests, Dum's psionic talent is more inclined to the biochemistry and telekinesis, rather than the more common fire control and prophecy.

In order to ensure safety, Rorschach even extracted a large amount of Emperor's Blood from his body again, so that Dum could keep it with him all the time.

Even the inside of the power armor that was replaced with the vibrating gold armor shell is densely carved with countless emperor prayers, and almost every metal part has been recited for a long time by the priests of the state religion, and it is specially used to Prevent the continuous invasion of chaos.

Not long after, everyone who had a brief discussion set off for the flagship's bridge position.

And Iron Man David immediately docked with Captain Tiberus who came to meet the Primarch.

The two sides started the tedious work of sorting out the internal materials of hundreds of ships, large and small, in the entire fleet.

at the same time.

Rorschach, who arrived at the bridge, also learned from Blood Raven Captain Gabriel that a large number of Astartes had been transferred to the mainland.

Many situations encountered by the original body fleet.

The first is the specific battle situation on the dark side of the empire. Almost all forces belonging to the empire are slowly falling into a difficult situation surrounded by aliens and chaos.

In addition, there are unpredictable and continuous subspace storms or space wormholes between many star regions and galaxies.

As a result, it is difficult to arrive in time even if the original body fleet sends support forces at the first time.

There are even times when the Raven Guard companies have been working hard to operate a cross-sector intelligence network.

The speed and success with which useful intelligence can be passed back is also getting smaller and smaller.

This undoubtedly greatly increased the difficulty of patrolling and supporting the Primarch fleet.

Especially recently.

The fleet of Primarchs in flight was either colliding with the increasingly active smaller fleet of green orcs.

Or just after jumping out of the warp space, they encountered the Tyranid hive branch fleet that was drifting rapidly in the real universe.

Simply the number of fleets of these alien enemies is small.

And the size of the ships on the Primarch fleet is too large, so they haven't suffered any irreparable losses.

In this regard, as the Primarch, Rorschach first thanked the blood crow company commander Gabriel and the blood crow boys for their hard work.

Then he also quickly thought about the next action plan.


The original cruise destination of the Primarch Fleet will not change, which is the five hundred worlds of Ultramar in the Limit Star Field.

But now it looks like the time span of the parade could be on the rise with plenty of fighting dragging on.

However, the Legion, which has just experienced a large number of Astartes battle losses and personnel losses, has not yet filled the missing strength.

The production time of the latest batch of Astartes recruits is still quite long, and Rorschach has also found a way to make up for this by using the completely different time flow rates between the two universes.

Soon after, everyone who returned to the Primarch Fleet began to re-launch support operations for the psionic help signal according to the previous battle plan.

And Dum, who had just joined the Legion, quickly relied on his powerful battlefield command ability and increasingly terrifying spiritual power.

Quickly gained the respect of countless Astartes across all companies.

And Dum, whose fighting will and mentality have been repeatedly polished, also truly understood why Rorschach chose to stay with the fleet for a long time.

Compared with the intensity of the war here.

Even the several chaos wars that the mainland has experienced, only a few more people died in battle.

But on every human planet that calls for psionic help today, there is a similar level of death and sacrifice happening almost every moment.

However, just as Rorschach planned to perform more prayer support missions.

On the one hand, it is to buy some time for the dark side of the empire, and on the other hand, it is time to see if it is possible to fully recover some Astartes battle groups and increase the manpower of some legions as much as possible.


At this moment, an extremely piercing ship invasion alarm suddenly rang in Rorschach's ears.

He frowned slightly.

The entire tall body wearing vibrating gold power armor jumped off the metal throne without hesitation, and rushed out of the private palace with the sound of terrifying wind.

Boom boom boom!
The next second, Rorschach stepped outside and saw dozens of guard members wearing Terminator armor quickly appearing at the end of the corridor.

He had just rendezvoused with the Terminator Guard.

The deep voice belonging to Tiberus came from the ear again.

"Lord Primarch, lower decks!"

With an indifferent expression, Rorschach took out the blood sickle surrounded by green light from the storage page.

He quickly led a large number of Terminator guards towards the lower deck of the flagship.

However, after Rorschach successfully arrived at the predetermined place.

However, he immediately saw the familiar figure holding the empathy annihilation scepter in his arms, and his entire silver metal body standing motionless in place!

At the same time, the inside of the eye socket exudes a green light, which sets off the overall temperament of the metal skull head with a bit of a mouse eye, which is being firmly locked within the shooting range by hundreds of Astartes using various heavy firepower.

"Long time no see, my most respected Primarch, can you keep your Astartes away from me for a while? I have already said that I am the alien consultant you personally invited, but unfortunately they seem I don't believe it!"

At this moment, the mechanical voice from Figure King Traasin resounded unhurriedly in the cold and humid air around him.

"Tarassin? What are you doing on my ship?"

"Also, wouldn't you make a contact in advance? I don't think the mere shipboard communication system can stop your tricks, right?"

At this moment, Luo Xia, who subconsciously took a deep breath, stepped forward holding the blood sickle with a bad expression.

Dozens of Terminator guards quickly formed an offensive formation not far behind him, and as a large number of azure individual soldiers' energy shields continued to expand, they were also fully prepared for the opponent King Trasin's attack. Combat readiness for defensive counterattack.


After hearing Rorschach's words, the figurine king Tarasin slowly let out a deep mechanical laugh.

It spread its hands, stared at Rorschach who was gradually approaching, and said:
"How can there be a bad guy who is an alien consultant but doesn't act with his employer? I really don't have any malicious intentions here, it's all to fulfill the agreement between you and me. You must know that you can barely catch your trace at this time , Even for me, it is a difficult thing.”

At this moment, as the distance between the two sides gradually approached.

Rorschach, who was taller than the living metal stand-in of Figure King Trasim, lowered his head and looked down at him.

Then, with a blank face, he raised a vibrating gold palm, causing the highly alert Astartes around him to slowly put down the heavy firepower weapon in the palm.

"Tarasin, let me trust you, you'd better do what you said, otherwise, my fleet doesn't welcome you, the uninvited overlord of the dead!"

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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