Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 755 Doom's determination!

Chapter 755 Doom's determination!
It is absolutely impossible to say that Sefrosha completely believes in the ancient murals recorded in ancient Wakanda.

However, even the Tianshen group in his vague impression has been recorded, which means that the whole story still has a certain degree of authenticity.

In other words, there is still a powerful force hidden on the native earth that can resist the Celestial Group and the original gods.

This may not be good news for the Legion that is about to unify the native Terra.

However, Sefroschach didn't want to worry too much.

Whether it is the ghosts and monsters hiding on the local earth, or the terrorist threat from the depths of the universe.

Generally, those mysterious beings who are far more powerful than legions are used to fight against them.

Even one day, even the Legion will have to stand up and shoulder the huge responsibility of protecting all the safety of the native Terra.

Then the several infinite gems already in their hands will not make everyone have no strength to resist.

At that time, it will be a big deal for the Legion to temporarily drop everything in the Warhammer universe.

Primarch Rorschach directly transferred the entire fleet back to the mainland, and all members tried their best to collect the remaining infinite gems, snapping their fingers to play with everything in the universe.


Inside the Twin Islands base.

With the continuous expansion of the legion's territory and even its influence, the interior of the base as a transit point became more and more busy.

If it is not based on the teleportation technology developed by the space gem, then just the mobilization and transportation of various materials is a huge problem.

At this moment, the interior of the base hall with a slightly quieter sound.

The destructive intelligent control mecha soldiers wearing green cloaks are performing action demonstrations back and forth in front of the Primarch Rorschach.

And Dum, who was dressed almost the same as those intelligent robots, also stood beside Primarch Rorschach.

"Master Primarch, these robots are destructive intelligent control mechas that I created by combining Tony's mechanical armor manufacturing technology, and some characteristics and structures of Castellan and Fortress-type intelligent control mechas."

"Of course, I didn't expect their combat power to completely surpass the Intellectual Control Legion. Instead, with the help of special creations like consciousness memory, I can temporarily become countless mechanical avatars, greatly increasing the progress or inspiration for technology research and development. .”

Doom, who lifted his helmet visor, said slowly to Primarch Rorschach.

The Primarch Rorschach who heard Dum's words nodded slightly, and he asked casually:

"By the way, Dum, how about the super-light engine that you and Mister Fantastic Reed are developing, and what is the specific progress?"

Primarch Rorschach just finished speaking.

Dum took a deep breath, and said in a deliberate tone:
"Master Primarch, according to the large amount of information we have extracted from the alien warships, there are currently three methods of long-distance navigation in the universe. One is to use the jumping points all over the universe, that is, space wormholes to shuttle and jump. This method is relatively simple and convenient, and any alien race will gradually master it as long as it develops to a certain stage, but the disadvantage is that it needs to sail the ship near a fixed jump point, otherwise it will have no effect."

"The second is FTL transition. In fact, we found that the engine installation of the alien warship is not a superlight engine in the true sense. It is estimated that this is also related to the fact that the Chitauri Alien is a garbage ship civilization. They come from other The engine device stolen from the alien race can only maintain the speed of light within the star system for a short period of time, and for the rest of the time, crossing the galaxy still needs to rely on cosmic wormholes to shuttle and jump.”

"That is to say, there are indeed more powerful alien civilizations in the local universe who have mastered the real super-light speed engine, but it is estimated that this method must be a non-sale item. We can only go to war if we want to get it, or just grab it. "

"The third way is the Rainbow Bridge of Asgard. We once went to Asgard to conduct similar experiments under the leadership of Thor. The Rainbow Bridge of Asgard can indeed be used on the scale of the entire universe. A cosmic wormhole can be opened within a certain range to complete large-scale personnel transmission, but the problem is that Asgard is no longer able to create a second rainbow bridge, and only the magic power of Asgard can drive it. For the space gems that have been controlled, they are only more useful as star destroying weapons."

"If you want to use the Rainbow Bridge to solve the navigation problem of the human empire, unless you transfer the entire Asgard to the other Terra Earth you mentioned, then it is estimated that some problems can be solved temporarily, but as an orphan Once the Rainbow Bridge is destroyed by the enemy, we have nothing."

"Moreover, since the laws of physics between two different universes may not be exactly the same, whether the rainbow bridge can really work is also a huge problem that needs to be verified."

"However, Mr. Reed and I have temporarily developed a prototype of a superlight engine after combining a secret project of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Although we haven't even conducted the first effective test here in our homeland, we believe that even if we can't touch the essence of faster-than-light travel, then there shouldn't be any problem with short-term light-speed travel inside the star system."

"Of course, even if this super-light-speed navigation technology is fully mature in the future, we still have a problem that we can't avoid, that is, the space gems that provide energy must be firmly in our hands, otherwise, all installations similar to Engine spaceships would lose their basic ability to travel beyond the faster-than-light boundary."

At this moment, Doom's words caused Primarch Rorschach to temporarily fall into a state of contemplation.

After only a moment.

Primarch Rorschach turned to look at Dum and asked:

"Dum, are you interested in taking a look inside the Legion Fleet with me? On the one hand, I want you to try whether the FTL prototype can work there, and on the other hand, I want you to see the real Fierce battlefield."

"But at the same time, I must also tell you in advance that the existence of subspace is extremely dangerous for someone like you who is good at witchcraft. The power of chaos may tempt your mind and soul all the time. Although I Various means can be used to help you take some precautions, but I dare not say that your safety is guaranteed [-]%."

At this moment, Dum, who heard Primarch Rorschach's words, smiled slightly.

He then said to the other party with a solemn expression:

"Master Primarch, if you don't experience the wind and rain, you will never see the rainbow. To be honest, I have always been full of curiosity and fantasy about that world. It is also a dream to be able to see it with my own eyes."

"In addition, I will back up my knowledge and the technology I have mastered together with my self-awareness using the consciousness storage several times. If I unfortunately die there, then perhaps the cloning technology we have mastered will also recreate me. As for Whether the clone has a soul, or whether it is me, only the emperor will know, and I hope he can bless me in this adventure."

 thanks for your support!
Guess which Chapter Doom will become the Astartes of.

(End of this chapter)

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