Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 752: Killing a man with a heart!

Chapter 752: Killing a man with a heart!
As early as ten seconds ago.

The wild wolf Rorschach, who has the sense of a beast, was keenly aware of the lurker hiding above the building.

Not to mention that the automatic induction detection system carried inside the Seiko Power Armor also detected the opponent's movements in advance.


The wild wolf Rorschach subconsciously let out a cold snort, and didn't even use the Furnace Breaker's hammer on the heavy shoulder armor.

He just drove the power armor back slightly to dodge.

The two vibranium sharp claws swung by the opponent suddenly missed completely, and the entire tall body in the black vibranium battle uniform was completely exposed to the attacking range of the wild wolf Rorschach!
In the next second, a huge palm covered with a ceramic steel shell was ejected violently!

Even if the latent attacker who has not landed is not an ordinary mortal at all, he is still a powerful existence with special power.

But compared to the experienced wild wolf Rorschach.

All the reaction speed of the other party is still slow, as if it is playing slowly!
After all, local heroes who cannot avoid melee attacks may be injured and admitted to the hospital, and the most serious is to be buried in the ground.

But if the reaction of the Astartes is a little slower, then basically what awaits them is death or buried in Dreadnought!
In an instant, Tao Gang's big hand from Wild Wolf Rorschach grabbed the opponent's neck.

While he violently raised his thick arms upwards, he also slammed the tall figure in the black vibrating gold battle uniform onto the broken ground!

At the same time, one of Wolf Rorschach's magnetic boots was also quickly raised.

The cold and heavy metal soles stepped on the opponent's chest, making the opponent unable to move anymore!

"Hey, Cypher, if I'm not wrong, the only one in Wakanda who can wear this kind of vibrating gold woven armor is their Wakanda king?"

At this moment, the wild wolf Rorschach who turned his head grinned at Sef Rorschach who was not far away.

He completely ignored the king of Wakanda who was trampled under his feet, and was frantically scratching the ceramic steel shell at the calf position with two vibrating golden claws.

After Sevroshka glanced indifferently at the humanoid prey who was still struggling.

He suddenly said to the other party lightly:
"Tsk tsk, the guardian of Wakanda, His Highness the Black Panther T'Challa, if I were you, I wouldn't continue to struggle. My wolf cub has a bad temper..."

Sevrosha's voice just fell.

It seems to be to verify the correctness of the words just now.

After the wild wolf Rorschach looked down at the black panther T'Challa who was still aggrieved.

The Furnace Breaker's hammer, which he held tightly in his palm, suddenly fell and hit the opponent's shoulder forcefully!


Even the black vibrating gold battle suit and T'Challa's own strong physical fitness can resist a powerful blunt weapon blow.

However, the strands of Thunder Snakes from the Furnace Breaker's Hammer still easily penetrated the inside of the completely hand-woven vibrating gold battle suit, wreaking havoc in the depths of a large amount of flesh and bones!
It also made the black panther T'Challa, who was originally only angry, continue to let out an uncontrollable roar of pain!

"Cypher, help me keep the accounts. He just destroyed my ceramic steel armor shell. At that time, I need to take out more vibrating gold minerals to compensate for my psychological loss!"

The grinning Wolf Rorschach picked up the Furnace Breaker's hammer in a nonchalant manner, and he turned his head and said to Sef Rorschach whose overall aura suddenly became gloomy.

However, at this time, the black panther T'Challa, who seemed to be gradually suppressing the painful feeling, roared hoarsely through the vibrating gold helmet:
"You butchers who invaded Wakanda for Zhenjin! The panther god Buster will curse all your barbaric actions! All the people of Wakanda will never surrender! Long live Wakanda!"

"Ha ha--"

However, before T'Challa's words completely dissipated in the bloody and gunpowder-smoke air.

Sefrorschach, who couldn't help but sneered, quickly drove the power armor forward.

With wisps of purple in his eyes, he looked down from above at His Royal Highness T'Challa who was stepped on by a magnetic boot, and said in an extremely gloomy tone:

"Long live Wakanda? You people can really give yourself a long face!"

"Is the Zhenjin mine your Wakanda's? Isn't that a vibrating meteorite that fell from the universe? Was it discovered by you Wakanda in advance, so it can only be used by you?"

"Has Iron Man David had a good conversation with you before? Have you proposed a friendly trade agreement for vibrating gold for vibrating gold? How did you respond?"

"Can force a peaceful mechanical life force to the point of using force, isn't it the choice you Wakanda made yourself?"

"We are butchers? You are wrong, we are the liberators who eradicate oppressive forces in Africa!"

"Poverty and disease, hunger and death on the entire continent, how much contribution have you Wakanda people made in the past? Shall I personally bring the suffering people from other regions to you and confront you face to face? Techa Pull Your Highness!"

At this moment, a series of low-pitched words from Sephora Schara made the Black Panther T'Challa completely silent.

Wakanda's past closed-door policy and the heartfelt mentality of heaven and man really gave them a kind of extreme arrogance in their bones.

Today, this extreme arrogance is forcibly broken by the more powerful and unreasonable Terra Star Realm Legion, and it is smashed to pieces!

"The Wakanda people may have done many things wrong in the past and took the wrong path, but they should not have ended up like this... As the king of Wakanda, I should die in front of countless Wakanda people. You You can do it!"

T'Challa, the black panther who had been silent for a long time, suddenly raised his still-moving palm.

He took off the vibrating gold helmet above his head.

Revealing the dark face full of sweat and pain, he said to the two tall figures in front of him.

"Then you can really die with peace of mind, because at most your people will only become black slave miners working hard to dig Zhenjin, not more corpses. After all, we are a bunch of good people!"

The carefree wild wolf Rorschach said without any hesitation.

However, just when Sephroschach, who was in a more gloomy state, picked up the White Tiger Broadsword from the waist of the power armor, planning to give the black panther T'Challa a quick death.

"Release our king! And these Wakanda people around you, otherwise you will never get any vibranium technology! I know you are not just here for vibranium minerals!"

At this moment, a vigorous middle-aged woman in gorgeous Wakanda costumes held an obviously younger Wakanda girl with a vibrating gold dagger.

The two of them were surrounded by a large number of think tank legions.

Slowly passing through the Wakanda people who were kneeling around, and quickly walked forward!

"I am the Queen Mother Lamonda of Wakanda. Before your mechanical army breaks through our city shield, I have ordered my daughter Su Rui to completely destroy all the science and technology about Zhenjin, but only the The complete technological system stored in her brain memory, if you don’t want the final results of the war to become a dream, then you must do what I say!”

Wakanda Queen Lamonda, who held a vibrating gold dagger against the neck of the black-skinned girl Su Rui, shouted in the direction of Sephora and Wolf Rorsch with an extremely firm tone.

And after Sephora, who was already in an abnormal mental state, and the grinning wolf, Rorschach, looked at each other.

The two suddenly burst out laughing.

Immediately afterwards, Sephoroschau, whose purple eyes were far more evil than before, said slowly in a seductive and arrogant tone:

"La Mengda, right? You can do it now. As long as you kill your daughter with your own hands, I will show mercy and spare your son's life. How about that? It's fair, right?"

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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