Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 750 Welcome to the Astartes Legion!

Chapter 750 Welcome to the Astartes Legion!

The icy drizzle that lasted for several days drifted back and forth over the busy city.

They were scattered among the passing crowd and the dirty streets.

The New York interior that has been successfully renamed 'Gotham'.

Today's overall security situation is becoming more and more unbearable.

To be precise, the law and order situation in North America is deteriorating rapidly.

As the Primarch's Legion gradually gained control over other regions.

A large number of rich people and even free people who do not want to be under stable rule have poured into North America.

However, the countless supervillains who eluded Company Astartes also seemed to see a real lawless place.

Not to mention, there are those homegrown bad guys.

Therefore, even more superheroes may go alone to fight for justice.

Or choose to join the Tribunal of Vengeance to get the best training and equipment, and it is difficult to completely suppress the soaring crime rate and vicious incidents year after year.

dong dong dong-

At this moment, a tall figure wearing a white combat uniform and a heavy cloak dragging on the wet ground was sitting on the top of a high-rise building.

The face completely covered by the white bandage mask quietly looked down on a large number of city streets belonging to Gotham.

Countless crimes that are happening and the non-stop sound of sirens are echoing repeatedly in the other party's incomparably keen ears.

It also made him subconsciously clenched the crescent-shaped dart weapon in his palm.

In the next second, the nameless superhero jumped down from the top of the tall building.

For him, the height of hundreds of meters is just a warm-up exercise in his daily life.


The slowing effect from the thick cloak and the great power it has.

The unsung hero who chose to fight alone managed to land in the depths of an extremely dirty alley.

Chi Chi Chi!
One of his palms swung forward quickly, and the crescent-shaped dart weapon had already crossed the air.

Pushing hard into the back of a tall robber trying to rob a passing woman!

However, just when the unnamed hero wanted to step forward and lean over to check the specific situation of the innocent woman.

A colder smile flashed from the corner of the innocent woman's mouth!
The next moment, a large amount of green mist enough to poison large creatures suddenly sprayed out from the opponent's white palm towards the face of the unknown hero.

Even though the unnamed hero reacted extremely quickly, he still inadvertently inhaled part of the poisonous mist.

The opponent's entire tall body staggered backwards in an instant, and finally couldn't help but knelt down on the ground!
At the same time, the corpse of the robber who should have been nailed to the wall of the alley by the crescent dart and the innocent woman stood together with a grinning grin, and they began to embrace and kiss deeply.

Obviously they are not simple robbers and passers-by.

It's a duo of unsung villains trying to hunt superheroes to fame!

Da da da!
But at this moment, a power armor wearing a thick ceramic steel shell.

A tall figure covered with strands of pitch-black shadows quietly appeared behind the pair of unknown villains.


The two power claws glowing with azure blue decomposition force field have penetrated deeply into the two extremely fragile human bodies!
And when the broken corpses that were easily torn apart by the power claws fell to the ground heavily, and a large amount of hot blood was washed away by the cold rain.

The tall figure in power armor slowly moved the magnetic boots.

He walked towards the unnamed hero who was still lying on the dirty ground and panting violently.

"The target is locked, Moonlight Knight, Mark Spector, you have a strong obsession with seeking justice and eradicating evil in your heart, you belong to our Raven Guard, and you are welcome to join the Astartes Legion!"

The voice just fell.

The Shadow Company Commander from the Raven Guard drove the power armor to bend slightly, and stretched out a ceramic steel palm to the Moonlight Knight who was struggling to raise his head.

The other party, who was suffering from repeated torment by the terrifying toxin, hesitated for a moment.

But still stretched out trembling palms and held each other tightly!
At the same time, a variety of similar recruitment situations were being staged in large numbers throughout the chaotic North American region.

The Raven Guard Dalian with the Primarch's Expanded Recruit Order.

They are more inclined to choose superheroes who hate evil itself, or mortals who never compromise in the face of evil.

And the other Great Astartes companies also have their own means and methods to recruit more recruits.

For example, the Asian region, the hinterland of Japan.

On a training ground with an extremely high level of security.

Hundreds of human berserkers, with muscles all over their bodies and blood surging, are launching continuous and frenzied attacks on a huge unarmed figure.

Even if the opponent's huge body wearing the ancient Terminator armor never moved a bit.

But that pale dead face, as well as the deep laughter that rang out from time to time, still revealed the joy deep in Captain Tiberus' heart.

He had just received permission from the Primarch to create the new blood of the Shark Shark Astartes out of human berserkers.

As long as the number of gene seeds of the white shark is sufficient.

Then it can be said that there is an endless stream of Man Eater Shark Astartes, whose combat effectiveness is far stronger than in the past.

And in the homeland defense force garrison in Europe.

Wailers leaning their power armor on heavy vehicles one by one.

He is having a very friendly and enthusiastic exchange with the surrounding mortal warriors.

On the training ground not far away, mortal fighters with extremely excited expressions are going all out for martial arts competitions.

Because the fabled Company Astartes decided to recruit more recruits from within the Home Defense Forces.

Everyone has the opportunity to become a tall and mighty Astartes.

Even if the final surgical procedure is unsuccessful, you can join the company of Stormtroopers in auxiliary power armor!

As for those Stormtroopers who already have the conditions to become Astartes.

Today, they are having a more intense discussion with the big fool Lucas on the ice and snow environment, flora and fauna on the planet Fenris.

If there are no unexpected circumstances.

These five companies of Stormtroopers will arrive inside Fangke, officially embarking on the long road to becoming a Space Wolves.

Due to the incomparably unique wolf spiral of the Space Wolves.

The manufacturing process of recruits must be on Fenris, otherwise the chance of becoming an Astartes cannot be said to be zero, it can only be said to be very small.

In addition, the Black Templar, which only possessed twenty or thirty gene seeds, left for the state-controlled areas in Asia.

They intend to find some local believers who are extremely devout to the emperor, and barely increase some recruits.

And the white scars that have no gene seed reserve at all can only turn depression into motivation.

Everyday pestered Reditus to build them a faster and stronger hover bike.

As for Blood Raven Dalian, their think tank is on its way to Karma Taj.

Strange's mage army may be able to give the Blood Ravens a big surprise.

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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