Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 740 Blood God Believers from Extraterrestrial Latitudes!

Chapter 740 Blood God Believers from Extraterrestrial Latitudes!
at the same time.

It is in the depths of the ground that is far deeper than the mobile nest that sank into the ground.

Under the shaking reflection of countless magic lights and even burning torches.


The sound of continuous water flow faintly sounded in the completely enclosed mine.

In the next second, a completely naked slender foot slowly stepped out of the bronze magic cauldron that stored the blood of countless virgins.

And as a large amount of invisible magic power surged back and forth.

A blood-red energy robe made of more ancient and wild primitive magic appeared in midair out of thin air.

Then, it quickly enveloped the tall body of the owner of the pair of bare feet.

"My poor servants, tell me, which chapter of the story we have planned?"

A female voice whose lazy voice seemed to be full of endless temptation slowly resounded in the surrounding cold air.

"Ho ho, our most honorable and wonderful mistress."

"The current development of all the stories is proceeding according to your expectations. Those terrifying Astartes giants have followed their previous practice and launched a bloody massacre against the people of the Hive Capital!"

"Countless dead souls who have suffered the injustice of death, the majestic power produced by the interweaving and fusion of a large amount of human blood containing the original power of magic and the remains of supernatural creatures, is also rapidly filling your mobile hive city based on that setting Great Steel Altar!"

The other party's voice just fell.

Hundreds of goblin creatures with green skin almost completely naked from top to bottom laughed and roared in unison.

With an extremely humble expression, he slowly bowed down to the ancient witch in front of him.

"Isn't this the ultimate goal of you losers who were completely forced to death by humans to summon me back from a distant extraterritorial dimension?"

"However, in my opinion, the current number of sacrifices is far from enough, and the killing progress of those Astartes is too slow!"

At this moment, the ancient witch named Morgan Le Fay never looked at the goblin creature lying on the ground.

There was a scarlet light in her eyes, and she was like a ruler who had re-emerged in the world, and she moved her bare feet defiantly.

Every time the opponent takes a step forward.

The goblin creatures with increasingly crazed expressions would quickly place their entire thin bodies under one of the other's bare feet.

It seems that only this method and attitude can prevent any dust and dirt from staining their most honorable mistress.

Not long after, the goblin pads, whose bloody green bodies kept moving back and forth in the rough mine, brought Morgan Le Fay to a rocky gate full of ancient runes.


After the ancient witch with an indifferent expression waved her white palm lightly, the heavy rock door in front of her slowly opened with a roar.

A larger underground cave was clearly presented in the opponent's field of vision.

At the same time, countless supernatural creatures who were silently waiting in the dim light turned their eyes subconsciously.

Keep those eyes full of longing and redemption firmly locked on the graceful body of the ancient witch!

Among them are hordes of evil centaurs wielding new laser weapons.

There are fat and strong ogre trolls with several pieces of bloody carapace in front of their chubby stomachs and chainsaw weapons in their big hands.

There are also many hungry werewolves covered in pitch-black hair, and atavistic vampires flapping broken wings and wearing melta bombs around their waists.

Even among many tall and burly ancient dryads, a group of petite and weak forest elves with frag grenades tied to their luminous bodies repeatedly flashed and appeared.

In addition, a large number of transparent bodies exude colorful light, wandering back and forth in the mid-air horror ghosts.

There is only a yellowed skeleton left in the whole body, undead creatures carrying power swords on their shoulders, and even black magic wizards with pale faces who don't look like living people in black robes. Among the supernatural beings loomed.

"Ha ha."

At this moment, the ancient witch who narrowed her eyes and glanced back and forth at the supernatural creature seemed to chuckle.

She continued to walk with her head held high and her chest held high.

And the countless supernatural creatures around seem to have seen a real savior.

They lowered their heads to make way for a wide passage, and at the same time they kept kneeling quickly to the opponent who was stepping on the goblin's meat pad.

"Blessed by grace, the great Lord Morgan, please save us!"

"Merciful Lord of Ancient Witches, help us regain our lost homeland!"

"Please show kindness and bless us poor homeless creatures!"

In an instant, the continuous low voices floated back and forth in the depths of the underground cave, and even gradually gathered into a wave of echoes that could not be ignored!

However, at this time, Morgan Le Fay, the ancient witch, finally came to the top of a huge stone platform where all supernatural creatures could clearly see her.

All the surrounding sounds seemed to disappear in an instant, as if they never existed at all.

"My poor children, you have suffered."

"You were originally great creatures in myths and legends, and fearful monsters that the human race should worship, but now you have fallen to this point..."

"You should learn how to resist and fight, and enjoy your ancestors' oppression and contempt for the human race in the past countless years!"

"You should stand proudly on the earth, looking up at the starry sky at night and the sun in the daytime with incomparable admiration, instead of hiding in the ground cowardly like rotten mice soaked in the gutter like now. deep!"

"Of course, I also know that you are completely scared of being killed by those human giants named Astartes."

"It is true that their human race has mastered technology and magic for countless years, and even gradually possessed the will and courage to fight against monsters, and has grown into the true master of this world."

"But today, I am here to officially declare to you!"

"All supernatural creatures and anyone who has been forgotten by the world must once again unite and unite together! Let's send out our cry to those evil and brutal human races!"

"We will take back our own homeland with our lives and blood!"

At this moment, Morgan Le Fay's words seemed to completely ignite the long-hidden anger and desire of all supernatural creatures.

Temporarily throwing aside their timidity and fear, they all raised the stolen weapons and equipment in their palms.

There were bursts of passionate roars that were far more intense than before in the direction of the ancient witch!

"Children, I have witnessed your determination to fight the human race to the end, and heard your courage to fight to the death, but only these are not enough!"

"We need a force that can win, a terrifying force that even the strongest of the human race can't resist!"

"However, fortunately, this power was found by me, an ancient witch who survived from ancient times and was exiled to a distant dimension!"

"Now, a great god who is extremely generous to power is officially standing behind you and me!"

"As long as you sincerely recite His prayers like I do, and shout His title that will soon resound throughout the entire universe, you can fully obtain the great power to fight the human race to the death!"

At this moment, the ancient witch, who seemed to have just enjoyed the gaze of countless adoring gazes, suddenly changed the subject of her mouth.

She slightly opened her magnificent eyes full of blood, and there was a bloodthirsty charming smile at the corner of her mouth.

Without any hesitation, he shouted to the more excited supernatural creatures below:
"Now, my poor children, the people of monsters who have been tortured by humans, let us recite the prayers of this great god together!"

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god, skull sacrifice to the skull—"

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god!"

In an instant, a hungry werewolf with a slurred tongue subconsciously called out the first half of the prayer.

With its eyes gradually turning red, it turned the wolf's head full of jet-black hair.

Sharp teeth pierced through the fat belly of an ogre troll and began to bite fiercely!
"Skull Offering Skull Holder!"

The ogre troll who was being repeatedly bitten by the werewolf did not show any pain.

The other party first roared out the second half of the prayer with a maniacal expression.

Afterwards, a giant hand had caught a forest elf that was flashing back and forth in front of him.

Squeezing the opponent who was screaming sharply into bloody meat sauce splashing everywhere!
"Blood sacrifice to the blood god, skull sacrifice to the skull—"

At this moment, all the supernatural creatures present shouted slogans belonging to the blood god Khorne.

They completely involuntarily fought towards each other and started fighting!
"Hehe, let's roar, let's fight, poor sacrifices, sacrifice more souls and lives for the great blood god..."

"Let's also guide the great demons under the Blood God's seat to an extremely eye-catching path of descent!"

At this moment, wisps of blood-colored light were continuously gathered by Morgan Le Fay from the corpses of supernatural creatures and scarlet blood all over the place.

In the next second, the white palm danced back and forth with the opponent.

A wave of terrifying blood-colored light that has been brewing for a long time also quickly penetrated the barrier of a large amount of earth and rocks.

It was completely poured into the mobile hive located directly above the underground cave!

And with the violent turmoil and terrifying roars that were continuously emitted by the entire mobile nest that sank deep into the ground.

A blood-red beam of light that almost covered the sky shot up from the ground in an instant, and even reflected the entire dark night sky into a blood-red color!
 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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