Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 733 Professor Banner's 'Giant Crow Guard' plan!

Chapter 733 Professor Banner's 'Giant Crow Guard' plan!
Deep in the base of Twin Islands.

Inside a large biochemical laboratory that is so huge that it almost occupies the entire floor of the base.

The dark red volcanic ring on Primarch Rorschach's body has undergone automated disinfection and cleaning time and time again.

It was completely wrapped in an oversized dust-free protective suit by automatic servo robots.

Then, under the leadership of the automatic servo robot, he passed through the surrounding large culture vessels that were cultivating superhuman organs and some gene seeds, as well as a dozen corpse specimens of astral knights, and entered the room belonging to Mr. Connors. interior of the laboratory.

And Mr. Connors, who casually put down the experimental data, also quickly got to the point after having a long-awaited greeting with Primarch Rorschach.

"Master Primarch, just as you saw before you came in, now we can cultivate and produce a small amount of superhuman organs and gene seeds in a laboratory environment."

"And under the repeated guidance and attempts of some Astartes priests, we have also successfully mastered all the transformation operations used to make Astartes."

"Currently, I am recruiting loyal mortals who have passed the brainwashing and inspection from the major regions we control to conduct apprenticeship training courses."

"It's not that we don't want to carry out larger-scale transformation surgery training, but that we don't yet have the ability to mass-produce gene seeds."

"However, in a previous roundtable meeting, Mr. Reed, who was the team's technical consultant, proposed a possibly inhumane idea, that is, we can use a cloning technology obtained from aliens with no moral restrictions at all. Produce ignorant human clones for large-scale gene seed breeding."

"Of course, this proposal was not approved by everyone at the round table meeting. Even Mr. Dum thought this approach was too cruel and ruthless."

Teacher Connors just finished speaking.

Primarch Rorschach shook his head slightly, and said in a low voice:
"Maybe this method sounds cruel, but it is said that the Mechanic Order directly uses mortal slaves to carry out the mass production plan of gene seeds and superhuman organs."

"Now the battle situation on our side is getting more and more complicated and difficult, and you have to pay some price."

"Teacher, I now approve you as the original body to try to carry out the mass production plan of gene seeds. The sacrifice of every human clone will cause one or several Astartes to step on the battlefield, so even those clones There really are so-called souls, and they can also return to the throne."

Rorschach, with an indifferent expression, forcefully let out a breath from his mouth.

He turned his gaze slightly, and looked through the transparent laboratory door at a star knight quietly soaked in formalin liquid, then turned his head and said to Mr. Connors in front of him.

And Mr. Connors was silent for a moment.

As if he had aged a few points out of thin air, he also let out a heavy sigh, raised his head and said to Primarch Rorschach:

"I hope the illusory Emperor will forgive us for what we have done."

"Master Primarch, during the time you have been away, we have successfully cultivated a batch of gene seeds belonging to the Weepers Company, and completed the transformation surgery of these recruits, and according to the information they keep sending us Look at the feedback."

"A recruit implanted with a gene-seed cultivated and a recruit implanted with a gene-seed matured in the Astartes have about a third of the difference in initial combat effectiveness."

"Of course, this gap will gradually be smoothed out with training and combat, plus the combat experience infused with the crown of knowledge, so it's not really a big problem."

"That is to say, as long as we have the gene-seeds of other warbands, we can carry out the manufacture and production of Astartes. Next, I plan to use the gene-seeds of the Raven Guard to create a batch of recruits, and let the remaining Raven Guards Champion Wei went to lead the team for training."

"By the way, as far as I know, Professor Banner used some gene seeds of the Raven Guard to conduct a series of genetic adjustment experiments. He hoped to make up for the genetic defects of the gene seeds, but David stopped the research progress of the other party. , although I don’t know exactly what happened, but there should be some unconventional progress or changes in Professor Banner’s place.”

At this moment, the low-pitched words from Mr. Connors quickly attracted Primarch Rorschach's attention.

After he had more conversations with Teacher Connors about the Astartes.

Primarch Rorschach drove the power armor wrapped in the dust-free protective suit without looking back, and walked towards the laboratory belonging to Professor Banner under the leadership of the automatic servo robot.

Not long after, the Primarch Rorschach, who stepped into another laboratory, had a more in-depth communication with Professor Banner, who maintained the appearance of the Hulk.

And in the face of the inquiry of the Primarch Rorschach.

Professor Banner, who took off the black-rimmed glasses from his green face, hesitated a little, and began to confess the original situation to Primarch Rorschach.

It turned out that Professor Banner was modifying the genetic defects of the Raven Guard's gene seeds.

He inadvertently used Hulk's blood and gamma rays to contaminate several gene-seeds to a certain extent.

Professor Banner thought the gene-seed would be destroyed.

But he didn't expect that the contaminated gene seeds seemed to have undergone more drastic mutations.

After Professor Banner's subsequent careful inspection.

Some of the original genetic defects in the Raven Guard's gene seeds were successfully made up for.

But there are also some mutations in another part of the gene that I don't know whether it is good or bad.

"Master Primarch, this is the current situation. I don't know more data and experiments, because after Mr. David learned of this, he forcibly interrupted all my research progress."

"So, now I also want to apply to you to start this transformation plan that I named 'Giant Raven Guard'. I want to test the final results of these gene seeds by creating an Astartes."

At this moment, I heard the slightly cautious words of Professor Banner in front of me.

Primarch Rorschach frowned slightly. After a moment of silence, he said in a low voice:

"Banner, if you can continue to stabilize the benign mutations in the Ravenguard gene seed, I actually have no objection to you conducting a very bold transformation experiment."

"But if what you create for me is a gamma monster based on Astartes, then don't blame me, all your research data will be completely sealed up, and you will be deprived of any Authority and resources, you can only follow me as a soldier to carry out long battle expeditions.”

"This is the restriction and price I proposed to you. What do you think?"

"Are you giving up this research completely for the future, or are you going to take a desperate gamble?"

Professor Banner, who heard Primarch Rorschach's words, lowered his head slightly.

After pondering for a moment, he suddenly raised his green face and said firmly:

"Master Primarch, I am willing to gamble with my future!"

"Because once my 'Giant Raven Guard' plan is successful, it means that the Astartes' combat effectiveness and battlefield survivability have reached a new level! Because they are small gamma giants!"

"Of course, if my guess and plan fail completely, then I am willing to pay the corresponding price for that mortal compatriot who unfortunately became a victim of transformation!"

"Very well, Professor, I look forward to your success."

"In order to ensure the success of this transformation operation, I allow you to find a mortal soldier from the Stormtrooper Company who volunteers to join this transformation operation!"

At this moment, the Primarch Rorschach, who was slowly driving the Volcano Ring power armor to get up from the seat, looked down at Professor Banner, who was only about half a head lower than him, and made the final decision.

Then, he turned around and walked out of the laboratory, leaving only the green giant with a more firm and solemn expression on his green face.

"Whether the 'Giant Crow Guard' is a blessing or a curse, it needs to be judged after everything is completed...Although I am a scientist without faith, I hope the emperor can bless the future transformation plan."

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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