Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 731 Wakanda's inaction is immortal!

Chapter 731 Wakanda's inaction is immortal!

Only in the impression of Primarch Rorschach.

He never seemed to see Iron David showing any signs of anger or rage over any problem or single thing.

At least he never had it in the years he spent with each other.

On the contrary, in many cases, it was David the Iron Man who tried to persuade Primarch Rorschach in various ways.

This is probably also related to the other party's logical thinking as a mechanical life, or tens of thousands of years of wandering experience.

In the next period of time, Cortana, the carrier-based aircraft soul, spoke softly.

It also made Primarch Rorschach and others gradually understand why Iron Man David, who has never had much negative emotions, would launch a siege on a mere human city.

At present, this huge city is being bombarded and besieged by terrifying firepower, but it has always stood tall.

It is the only location in the native world that produces original vibrating gold, located in the mysterious country above the African continent, Wakanda.

The cause of everything centered on a team member that Primarch Rorschach had all but forgotten.

That is Ulysses Crow, who was extremely loyal after being brainwashed by Iron Man David.

The other party wanted to obtain more vibrating gold for the Twin Islands base, and also for a more stable vibrating gold production route.

He tried every means to find a Wakanda royal blood who had been in exile outside Wakanda all year round from another continent.

Crowe wants to secretly support this civilian prince named Eric Colemongo, let him return to the interior of Wakanda, and try to obtain the status of a high-ranking royal family, so that he can collect more primitive vibrations. gold.

In fact, if they can plan well.

Even if you tell Iron Man David about this in advance, there may still be some chances of success.

But Crowe, who is eager to do meritorious service, and Prince Colmongo, who was driven out of Wakanda since childhood and hated the members of the royal family of Wakanda, launched a palace coup desperately.

At the very beginning, Crowe and the others had the upper hand because of the old king of Wakanda's feelings of guilt towards Prince Colmongo.

With the hard work and cooperation of a group of nameless super villains recruited with money, and when there were not many internal forces fiercely resisting, they forcibly controlled a stable situation for a period of time.

It's just that when Iron Man David accidentally learned that the transportation route of the original vibration gold was forcibly interrupted.

It just learned from Claw's ineffective men that the other party has become a prisoner of Wakanda.

This would have been a good solution.

Whether it is a more effective way of communication at the official level.

It is also a way to secretly send the Raven Guard champion who is proficient in shadow lurking to rescue.

The main problem however is.

Just when Crowe and others attempted a palace coup, the old king of Wakanda unfortunately became one of the victims.

And the new king "Black Panther" T'Challa announced on the spot that he would use the lives of Crowe and Prince Colmongo to pay homage to his king's father.

In a way, there is nothing wrong with what the Wakandas did.

An eye for an eye, and blood for blood are also the cruel methods of the Terra Star Legion to treat any enemy.

However, once Claude died, the channel for the Twin Islands base to obtain the original vibration gold was completely interrupted, and Wakanda itself did not allow the original vibration gold to flow out.

Although there are also a large number of Antarctic vibrating gold veins around Twin Islands, the lack of original vibrating gold is always a huge loss.

So, Iron Man David, who had thought about it for a while, began to let Asia and Europe, plus mutant countries, put pressure on Wakanda from the official level, and wanted to reach a trade channel for exchanging Antarctic vibrating gold for original vibrating gold.

At the same time, it also mobilized two Ravenguard Champions who had been trying to fan a revolutionary storm within South America, to rescue Claw himself.

As for the final result, for unknown reasons, the rescue of Crowe unfortunately failed.

The two Raven Guard champions also exhausted all their strengths to escape from the Wakanda vibranium armored forces, successfully killing a bloody road and escaping from the local area.

The unlucky Crowe was executed by the Wakanda that day.

Prince Colmongo was finally sentenced to life imprisonment because of the wrangling between the five tribes and clans in Wakanda and was held in a Wakanda prison.

In fact, if this matter ended here, it would not have developed to the point where it is today.

After all, there is still some room for negotiation between the two parties, and the merchant tribes and mining tribes in Wakanda are also somewhat interested in Iron Man David's proposal on trade channels.

But Wakanda's new king, 'Black Panther' T'Challa, has yet to deal with his internal affairs.

He went to the United Nations Security Council and delivered a righteous and passionate speech.

The content of his speech completely pointed out that Sang Huahuai satirized the Terra Star Realm Legion and the five permanent members of the Council as the mastermind behind the scenes.

Wait until Iron David gets some time alone, though.

It began to focus on the African continent and sent a large number of intelligence personnel there.

The continuously gathered intelligence data made Iron Man David's impression of Wakanda completely plummeted.

Disease, famine, hunger... All kinds of horrible disasters that should not have appeared on the African continent have never left the people here.

And Wakanda has a self-sufficient Zhenjin technology system.

It was not as righteous and awe-inspiring as they showed to the outside world.

These Wakanda people obviously have vibrating technology and technical means far beyond the past era to save their fellow human beings with the same skin color.

However, the Wakanda people, especially the leading Golden Tribe, did not show any action and assistance on the grounds of preventing the precious vibrating gold from being coveted by outsiders.

They just watched a large number of human compatriots being killed, starved to death, and completely buried in the deepest part of the African continent in the past countless years.

Soon after, Iron Man David, who planned to take the opportunity to control most of the African continent for development and construction, transferred a large number of people belonging to Imperial Heavy Industries, as well as many medical nuns who were in the internship stage, to every country on the African continent for preliminary work.

And a large number of intelligence agents from 'Assassin' quickly took control of every country and region except Wakanda by means of assassination, brainwashing, etc.

However, when a large number of people from Imperial Heavy Industries began to secretly disband government departments in these countries that had nothing at all, forming a nominally close alliance, they wanted to mobilize and allocate more resources in a unified manner.

The Wakanda people, who have been observing for a long time, forcibly launched an attack outside the border of Wakanda on the grounds of imperial heavy industries coveting their vibrating gold mines, destroying the local environment, and even promoting the heroic act of 'justice'. Brutal and disrespectful acts of sabotage time after time have resulted in a large number of casualties on the team's side.

Even a nearby Wailer combat team wiped out the opponent's attacking team on the spot.

But until now, the puzzling iron man David has never analyzed the logic of Wakanda's decisive behavior.

It can only be judged from the opponent's current series of reckless actions.

That is because the Wakanda people have monopolized the vibrating gold veins for a long time since ancient times, and after successfully developing their vibrating gold technology, they gradually developed a kind of arrogance and possessiveness from the depths of their souls.

Perhaps in the eyes of the vast majority of Wakanda people, they are people who are located in Xanadu, and the rest of the African continent and even the human beings in the world are just some humanoid creatures that look similar to them.

Therefore, facing this kind of arrogant attitude that even mechanical life cannot understand, especially after learning that the early development team also suffered great losses and casualties.

The more he thought about it, the iron man David decided to teach the Wakanda people an unforgettable bloody lesson, and also took this opportunity to completely control the entire African continent and the extremely valuable vibration gold mines.

Since these Wakanda people care so much about Zhenjin, then they will dig mines for the human empire for a lifetime in the future!

So far, Cortana, the carrier-based aircraft soul, has finished explaining the ins and outs of the whole incident to everyone around the Zhenjin round table.

And the Primarch Rorschach and others who heard this did not have the slightest dislike for Iron Man David's actions.

Although the local world of the human empire under the leadership of Primarch Rorschach does care more about human beings to a certain extent, its behavior style is not as bewildered and rigid as that of the human empire.

But if someone mistakenly thinks that the Terra Star Legion has become a toothless tiger, then they must be prepared to be wiped out by the Astartes.

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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