Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 727 Wrong time, right place!

Chapter 727 Wrong time, right place!
On top of a large training ground in the depths of Langya Fort.

The wild wolf Rorschach in black Seiko power armor is engaged in some kind of experimental fierce battle with the three-meter-high Primarch Rorschach.


The terrifying collision sounds that resounded through the surroundings one after another continued to echo in the midair.

And at the edge of the training ground.

The sons of Fenris, who subconsciously opened their eyes wide, are watching the offensive action between the two sides with bated breath.

bang bang bang-

Two gorgeous chainswords named Frost Blades have ice-like blue blades.

The sharp sawtooths made up of the fangs of the Fenris sea monster kept intertwining and colliding with each other, making a low and piercing friction sound.

Although the chainsaw motor built into the chainsaw sword was not activated.

But the sharp sawtooth that can cut through the ceramic steel armor with pulling force is also very dangerous.

However, at this time, the three-meter-high Primarch Rorschach was only wearing a set of specially-made large scout armor.

With a deadpan face, he is engaged in an increasingly fierce battle with the wild wolf Rorschach, who is subconsciously grinning, with a reaction speed and physical strength far exceeding that of ordinary Astartes.

Of course, the two sides did not choose the aggressive play of exchanging injuries for injuries.

Instead, they are competing in weapon skills based on their respective combat experience and reaction speed.

Over time.

The whispering sons of Fenris seemed to observe that Rorschach's physical strength did not seem to decline in any way.

Even the way he moved his feet back and forth to attack, and the way he swung his melee weapon became more flexible and ingenious.

If other Primarchs were present, they must have seen it.

Rorschach the Primarch was using some kind of fighting technique that clearly leaned towards Fulgrim.

"Stop, stop-"

At this moment, the wild wolf Rorschach whose eyelids were twitching wildly could only watch helplessly as a frost blade quickly cut towards his neck at an extremely tricky attack angle.

Even if he is wearing Seiko power armor at the moment.

However, in the face of Primarch Rorschach's fierce offensive, he suddenly called to stop the battle.

"I admit defeat! Of course I can't compare to you in a simple competition of weapon skills. Otherwise, let's fight with real swords and guns, right? This doesn't show the strength I should have at all!"

The wild wolf Rorschach couldn't help opening his eyes wide, turning his gaze to stare at the Frost Blade that stopped firmly in front of his neck.

He raised his head slightly and complained to Primarch Rorschach, who was much taller than himself.

"Brother, I'm just a little too excited because of the great increase in combat power. To a certain extent, you should win this match. I just fouled."

"After the new strengthening operation completely integrated the major organs and tissues in the body, I clearly felt that both the reaction speed and physical strength were close to the limit of the original body, and I was making breakthroughs rapidly. I could even to a certain extent The above imitated and learned the fighting skills of other Primarchs."

Primarch Rorschach with a vague smile on his lips slowly lowered the Frost Blade in his palm.

He said to the wild wolf Rorschach in front of him in a serious tone:
"Of course, I also know that even the real Primarch is not invincible. Right now, I am just enjoying the joy of increased strength. After all, when we officially face those terrifying battlefields at the level of the apocalypse, what a mere Primarch can play Very limited."

"However, I vaguely have an idea. There must be all kinds of super powers that can be obtained in our local world, or strange technological creations and even magic artifacts, even if we can't pollute the pure blood of human beings. , but if a more suitable method is found, it will be enough to greatly enhance our individual combat capabilities."

At this moment, Primarch Rorschach's voice just fell.

Raising a sharp fingertip and scratching his chin, Rorschach's eyes suddenly lit up.

He stared thoughtfully at Primarch Rorschach's bronzed face and said:

"Brother, don't tell me, this is indeed a way. After all, unless Lord Cypher and I really turn to Chaos, our own strength growth has already reached a certain limit state. The emperor's asylum to slash and kill Chaos or aliens to prostitute some blessed power, but Cypher's side is a bit difficult to deal with, and those two things that pay attention to him for a long time are not a good thing..."

However, at this time, Primarch Rorschach suddenly raised a palm and gently patted the shoulder armor of Wild Wolf Rorschach.

He said to the wild wolf Rorschach with earnestness and earnestness:

"Remember that old proverb? When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes into you, and you don't really think that receiving blessings from the Chaos Gods, even under the Emperor's protection, has no consequences Right? Once you take the initiative to pursue the idea of ​​power itself due to various reasons or the traps set by Chaos, you will definitely be completely corrupted by Chaos!"

"Brother, in my future plans, I will try my best to choose some action tasks with a suitable timeline, and see if I can get a complete original casting technology from the prayer support. When you successfully cross the original casting boundary, you should be able to make your respective The combat power has been strengthened a lot, so there is no need to be too obsessed with it."

"I will also tell Iron Man David to start collecting and finding some methods and artifacts that can gain local power... To be honest, I don't want to execute you brothers with my own hands one day, do you understand?"

At this moment, Primarch Rorschach's words completely from the heart caused Wolf Rorschach to fall into a state of silence.

After a long time, with an indifferent expression, he seemed to have returned to that grinning look, grinning at Primarch Rorschach and said:

"Primarch, if one day we are really depraved and corrupted, please don't show mercy to us... One word, kill!"

The deep voice of the wild wolf Rorschach echoed in the ears of the Primarch Rorschach.

The Primarch Rorschach didn't speak either, but nodded his head with an indifferent expression.

in the next period of time.

The two of them seemed to deliberately avoid this very heavy topic between them, and instead discussed other things.

dong dong dong-

At this moment, the tall body with the bandaged sword was still covered with a white hood, driving the dark green power armor, Sephroshcha greeted the Sons of Fenris around the training ground, and moved quickly Entered the interior of the training ground.

"Brothers, now there is good news and bad news, which one are you going to hear first?"

Sefrorschia stood beside the other two and asked in a calm tone.

"good news?"

Shaking slightly, the gray-haired wolf Rorschach turned his head and asked.

"The good news is that it has something to do with our Primarch. Your Vibranium Power Armor is being redesigned and casted by the foundry masters inside Wolf Fang Castle with all their might. A set of spare armor and weapons from Wang himself is presented to you."

"So, what's the bad news?"

Primarch Rorschach subconsciously raised his eyebrows and continued to ask.

"When we just landed on Fenris, we subconsciously thought that the timeline was wrong. Now it is not after the opening of the Great Rift. Now the correct timeline is the end of the No.40 millennium, which is at least separated from our timeline. decades or more."

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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