Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 723 Meeting of the Wind and Cloud: Guilliman at the Turning Point of History (9)

Chapter 723 Meeting of the Wind and Cloud: Guilliman at the Turning Point of History ([-])
[At this moment, this sudden major change did not make countless people who had entered a state of frenzy feel the slightest fear and confusion. 】

[On the contrary, under the propaganda methods of a large number of Macragge administrators, it became a strong evidence that you and Primarch Guilliman bravely defeated the traitor's attack plot. 】

【However, the sudden appearance of Fulgrim, the Primarch of Ascension, also reminded you and Guilliman, the Primarch. 】

[That is, the traitor Primarchs who have taken refuge in the Chaos Gods have obtained the bloodline induction through the awakening of Guilliman himself, and they will gradually become excited and welcome them with the evil power of the Chaos Gods. The return of Primarch Guilliman. 】

[You and Primarch Guilliman had to speed up the plan to organize a pilgrimage fleet to Holy Terra. 】

[After discussion, you also believe that every time the pilgrimage is postponed for a period of time, there will be more unpredictable changes. 】

[At the same time, the Ultramarines battlegroup, which had regained its full-staffed state, was also led by Lord Cypher and the wolf cubs to launch a campaign against the mortal administrators and nobles in the entire Macragge. Secret screening for signs of corruption and prison cleaning. 】

[This is not an order from Primarch Guilliman himself. 】

[It's a judgment you made subconsciously for the overall situation of the Five Hundred Worlds. 】

[After all, after you two Primarchs have taken away most of the Astartes and dozens of battleships, the five hundred worlds of Ultramar, which has temporarily become a vacuum, need a more stable capital planet to sit on. 】

[Primarch Guilliman has no doubts or obstacles to your order, on the contrary, he feels a little gratification from the bottom of his heart that you are learning his thinking mode and way of thinking. 】

[Shortly after, under the constant command and mobilization of Primarch Guilliman, a large-scale Terra pilgrimage fleet was finally ready. 】

[The subgroups of the Ultramarines from the Nova Warriors, the Ascetics, etc., as well as the survivors of the Battle of Cadian, the Space Wolves, the Black Temple, and the Dark Angels, etc., are composed of many Astartes battle groups The pilgrimage force also quickly logged into the interior of each ship. 】

[Next, Saint Celestine, the living saint, also led several teams of battle nuns who came to pay homage to Primarch Guilliman, and joined the command of the pilgrimage fleet with the Great Mentor Vodes of the Third Brotherhood of the Gray Knights and others class. 】

[After Lord Cypher and the wolf cubs quickly and covertly dealt with a small number of Chaos believers who were deeply hidden on Macragge. 】

[The Ultramarines battle group, which has always maintained a full number, has also separated about two-thirds of the Astartes, plus an honor guard composed of veterans. The ever-victorious army chose to follow the Primarch Guilliman . 】

[According to what Chapter Master Calgar told you, even if all their descendants died in order to protect the father of genes in the next battle, they don't want to endure the painful days of Lord Primarch falling into a near-death sleep again. 】

[And just when you and Primarch Guilliman were confidently planning to announce the official departure of the entire fleet and start this pilgrimage expedition to the Holy Terra to meet the Emperor. 】

[A mysterious plague called 'Tear Plague' suddenly continued to spread over a large number of worlds in the five hundred worlds of Ultramar. 】

[The Primarch Guilliman, who has just obtained a lot of intelligence information, wanted to immediately lead the entire expedition fleet to deal with the plague incident in the five hundred worlds. 】

【However, before the other party's order was issued, you blocked it in person with your hand. 】

["Brother, I know that you have always had a heartfelt rejection and dislike of religion. Believe me, I am also very disgusted with religion many times, but in some cases, the seemingly ignorant state religion can be regarded as a kind of It is a special method that can be used very well.”]

【"Haven't you discovered it yet? The so-called 'tear plague' is just a small game used by our traitor brother Mortarion to welcome you. If you lead all the fleets to support, This will only greatly slow down the time and progress for you and me to go to Holy Terra to meet the Emperor."]

【"How about this, I will jointly issue an order as you and me as the original body, calling on all the priests and fanatics who can receive the order to launch a large-scale rescue operation for the imperial world that is suffering from the plague ?”]

【"Although in my imagination, they only have the pious belief in the emperor and the large-scale holy water rainfall plan that I think can temporarily suppress the 'plague of tears', but this can barely make all the plague patients support more It's time."]

【Your words caused the Primarch Guilliman in front of him to temporarily fall into a state of contemplation. 】

[In the end, he had no choice but to slowly close his eyes with a mixed expression of pain and indifference, which can be regarded as agreeing with your series of handling methods for this matter. 】

[Just like what you have noticed before. 】

[The longer your pilgrimage expedition is postponed, the more accidents you may encounter. 】

[Whether it is the rebel Primarch or the Gods of Chaos, in order to completely delay your progress, you will definitely plan more vicious schemes! 】

[In the next period of time, you quickly ordered the astropaths on the ship to send out a psionic communication calling on the forces of the state religion to launch a support operation for Ultramar in the five hundred worlds, and quickly obtained a number of Replies and Responses from the Shrine World. 】

[After the first-hand intelligence information from the place where the plague occurred quickly entered the sight of Primarch Guilliman. 】

【The two hearts that he had been hanging all along fell back to the original place on his chest. 】

[Your trickery has indeed played a huge role. With the rapid arrival of many state church priests and a large number of fanatical believers, the ubiquitous power of faith has also greatly suppressed the spread and raging of the mysterious plague. 】

【You two Primarchs decided to take this opportunity and immediately led the pilgrimage fleet headed by the Glorious Queen-class battleship Macragge's Glory to launch an expedition to Holy Terra. 】

[Countless huge metal ships quickly opened up the most important Geller force field, and slowly sailed into the depths of the mysterious and treacherous subspace channel. 】

[But you soon discovered something even more abnormal. 】

[Originally everything was normal in the subspace channel, suddenly bursts of subspace storms hit like huge waves, which made the entire pilgrimage fleet only cautiously carry out short-distance subspace jumps, and the fleet returned to the real world. The coordinate positions are also often far from the predetermined coordinates. 】

【Of course, even though you and the entire pilgrimage fleet that Primarch Guilliman is in have encountered countless difficulties and dangers, you are still tenaciously continuing to move towards Terra. 】

[It wasn't until your entire fleet successfully reached the edge of the maelstrom after a long voyage that this incomparably tenacious forward attitude was completely terminated. 】

【At this moment, you and the pilgrimage fleet led by Primarch Guilliman are facing the fleet of Thousand Sons of Chaos led by another primarch, the Red Demon Magnus himself! 】

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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