Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 720 Meeting of the Wind and Cloud: Guilliman at the Turning Point of History (6)

[Shortly after, Primarch Guilliman impromptuly held a brief return ceremony under the watchful eyes of all of you. 】

[He slowly drove the Armor of Destiny, holding the Emperor's Sword burning with psychic flames, and stepped onto the command throne in Macragge that had been vacant for 1 years, accepting all the Ultramarines and Ultramar Auxiliary pilgrimage. 】

[After this symbolic ceremony ended, Primarch Guilliman, who couldn't wait to know more information and the truth, began to interview all the people who came to awaken the Primarch and support Macragge. 】

[He first summoned Calgar, the current Chapter Master of the Ultramarines Chapter, and others, and then received the Living Saint Saint Celestine, Inquisitor Greyfax, and Marshal Amariki of the Black Templar respectively , came to support the Gray Knight Master Mentor and others of the Ultramarines. 】

[Even Evelyn and Thousand Faces, the envoys from the Death God Army of the Spirit Race, were secretly summoned by Primarch Guilliman. 】

[During this period, the Primarch Guilliman, who almost never took a step out of the palace room, also had a longer and continuous conversation with the Great Sage Caul. 】

[About a few days later, you, the brother of Primarch Guilliman, got the chance to meet him formally. 】

[It’s just that an Ultramarine who is responsible for delivering the message took you directly to a private meditation chamber belonging to the Primarch, not the palace room used to meet guests before. 】

[However, when you drive the vibrating gold power armor and step into the meditation chamber. 】

[But you can see at a glance that the Primarch wearing the Armor of Fate is sitting on the edge of a huge wooden table with a tall, burly body, and the pair of blue giant hands covered with heavy ceramic steel tightly cover the entire bronze table. face. 】

【You haven't had time to say anything yet. 】

[The Primarch Guilliman, who has already noticed that you are coming, suddenly raised his bronze face with a slightly distorted expression. He stared at you with a pair of painful eyes that seemed to contain countless complex emotions and said. 】

【"My little brother, 1 years, I actually fell asleep for 1 years!"】

【"Look at what human beings have become now? Maybe we are the same, blind faith, ignorance, suffering, decadence..."】

【"Even all these things are popular in the name of a 'god'! What's even more ironic is that this 'god' himself hates this title!"]

[As a brother of the Primarch, you silently listen to the other party's complaints and complaints. 】

[You intend to appease Primarch Guilliman's somewhat collapsed emotions and thinking after learning all the truth about the interior of the human empire for thousands of years. 】

【However, at this time, Primarch Guilliman, who slightly turned his painful gaze, stared at an ancient painting that seemed to depict the Emperor and continued. 】

【"We have failed, father, you have failed your sons, and we have failed you. Our arrogance and vanity have created today's human empire, and we have failed humanity itself!"]

【"Didn't Horus just declare that you abandoned humans and tried to ascend to the gods, and used this as an excuse to launch the great rebellion? Wouldn't the appearance of the human empire today cause him to gloat?!"】

【"But why am I still alive!"】

[At this moment, Primarch Guilliman violently drives the Armor of Destiny to get up from the huge wooden table. He is staring at the elegantly decorated and gorgeous wall, which symbolizes the fuzzy halo painting of the Emperor himself, almost roaring General growls. 】

【"What else do you want from me? I gave everything to you, to them, and look what they have done to our dreams!"】

【"Nowadays, there is no trace of rationality and hope on the bloated and corrupted remains of the empire. Only endless fear, hatred and ignorance maintain this dying stiff corpse!"】

【"If I knew this earlier, I would rather be burned to pieces by the flames of the traitors in the fire that Horus personally ignited, than live to see all this!"】

【At this moment, you stare at the Primarch Guilliman, whose aura has suddenly slumped, and steps forward. 】

【You stood beside the other party, looked up at the bronze face of Primarch Guilliman, and said in a calm tone. 】

【"Brother, do you know, back then I was just a mortal from another world, that's right, a mortal with no power to restrain a chicken."]

【"From the perspective of a mortal, I have fought for the human empire on many tragic battlefields. I have witnessed countless mortal compatriots paying the price of their lives for their homeland, their beliefs, and their future. .”]

【"At that time, I seemed to be accompanied only by death. I was weak and unable to change the direction of a war, or even influence the final fate of any mortal..."】

【"Brother, do you know what brings me strength and keeps me fighting? Do you think it's the emperor? No, it's not him, or it's not just his attention to me."】

【"It is a weapon handed to me by my comrades who are about to die in battle. It is a pot of clear water given to me by those human civilians who were saved by me. It is a pair that I always hide in the depths of my memory and never dare to forget The slightest purple pupil..."]

【"Guilliman, you can go to the window of the meditation chamber and have a look. There are countless human people and warriors cheering for your return from awakening. Each of them has just lost their family and friends due to the invasion of chaos. , children and relatives, but what can they do? They can only cry behind their backs, and then continue to rebuild their homes, because as long as they are still alive, they must continue to live even if they are full of suffering!"]

【"How innocent they are, how innocent the human race itself is! Because the root cause of all this has never been us humans, but those traitors who have betrayed their own race! So we, the Primarchs who can shoulder difficult responsibilities, must fight on, Even when death is imminent, we must continue to fight!"]

【"If you think they are ignorant and blind, then use your identity as the original body to guide them and point them to a more correct path. If you think they are ignorant and decadent, then use your identity as the original body to slowly Teach them, learn to listen to their words and wishes!"]

【"Guilliman, my brother, my brother... The human empire of 1 years may have been accumulated and decayed, but the human race still has hope!"]

[At this moment, your words from the heart seem to have quietly instilled a spark of fire into Primarch Guilliman, completely igniting the ideal place that already existed deep in his heart. 】

[The next moment, the powerful aura emanating from the entire tall and burly body returned, and even the Primarch Guilliman, who was far more powerful than before, turned and looked down at you, he said in a deep and powerful voice. 】

【"Little brother, you are right. I was fortunate enough to grow up in a better era, a golden age full of hope and triumph. Power blames itself."]

【"If I face these human people who grew up in the dark age of ignorance and chaos, but their courage and strong will have not weakened in the slightest, how indulgent and willful will it be if they show a little fragility and helplessness? "]

【The Primarch Guilliman standing in front of you slowly put a huge blue palm on your vibrating gold shoulder armor. 】

[Now he seems to have firmly sealed all the sadness and desolation in the depths of his soul and heart, leaving only the horrible rage for justice and the traitors of chaos. 】

【"I always believe in the endless potential of our human race. I think there is still hope for a more glorious future to be realized. Even the decayed human empire still has the possibility of being reborn from the ashes..."】

【"In any case, thank you, little brother, thanks to your existence, I understand that even today, ten thousand years later, I am not alone, and there are still people fighting side by side with me."】

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