Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 718 Meeting of the Wind and Cloud: Guilliman at the Turning Point of History (4)

Chapter 718 Meeting of the Wind and Cloud: Guilliman at the Turning Point of History ([-])

[At this moment, there are bursts of terrifying roars coming from far and near from outside the holy shrine, temporarily interrupting you and other people around you from admiring Primarch Guilliman. 】

【With the extremely keen sense of beasts, you also slightly raised your head to stare at the thick dome of the holy shrine, as well as the gate of the holy shrine that is being repeatedly attacked by a large number of chaotic Astartes. 】

【You waved your Zhenjin palm forward without any hesitation. 】

[Aggman, the commander of the Ultramarines Company, quickly led some Terminator veterans, and sent the Armor of Destiny and the great sage Kaul to the surrounding stasis field. 】

【Even the envoy Evelyn and others were brought near the Primarch Guilliman by the Living Saint Saint Celestine under your signal. 】

[And as the great sage Kaul began to use several mechanical arms to control the huge floating container back and forth, the ceremony to save the Primarch Guilliman kicked off quickly. 】


[At this moment, the thick dome of the entire holy shrine suddenly collapsed inward, and a thick and extremely black fear claw wrapped in a large number of building fragments crashed into your field of vision! 】

[The next second, after the hatch of the landing pod exploded, chaotic veterans of the eternal war wearing black Terminator armor rushed out of the interior one by one, holding demonic weapons, and they continued to roar and spread out to the surrounding people. An extremely crazy terrorist attack. 】

[At the same time, the position of the gate of the shrine, which is being desperately defended by the second company commander Sicarius and the black temples, was also temporarily broken in by a large number of Chaos Astartes. 】

[Almost in the blink of an eye, the entire large-scale holy shrine fell into an extremely chaotic state of fighting. 】

【At the moment of lightning and flint, you firmly hold the blood sickle in your palm. 】

[You quickly drive the vibranium power armor, forming a triangular formation not far from Primarch Guilliman's stasis force field with Wild Wolf Cub and Lord Cypher. 】

[You kept waving your melee weapons forward, and started a more intense and ruthless fight with those Chaos veterans who wanted to take advantage of the chaos to break through the line of defense. 】

[You quickly used the indestructible physical properties of the Vibrating Power Armor to slash heavily from several demonic weapons around you, and your whole body slammed into the front of a Chaos Veteran's Terminator armor. 】

[In the next second, before you can pull back the blood sickle that dances outward, it will severely injure the opponent. 】

[The furnace-breaker war hammer from the palm of the wild wolf cub, and the white tiger sword danced by Lord Cypher, bombarded and slashed at the slightly staggering Chaos veteran from different directions, completely killing the opponent in the ground in front of you. 】

[You also took advantage of the trend and suddenly swept forward the blood sickle surrounded by green light on the sharp edge, and successfully cut off several other Chaos veterans who were more eager to attack than their own safety! 】

[However, at this time, even the three of you can use tacit understanding and cooperation to continuously kill the Chaos veterans who are rushing forward. 】

[But these Chaos veterans who have honed their killing skills through countless years are not so easy for others. 】

[An ordinary Astartes alone can't resist the Chaos veterans for a few rounds, and will unfortunately become a broken corpse on the ground. 】

[You notice that only a few people form a defensive formation to barely start a melee fight with Chaos veterans. 】

[You immediately raised your voice and issued a warning and reminder to the friendly soldiers around you. 】

[You can also see that on the battlefield farther away, Calga, who is waving a huge power fist back and forth like an extremely angry blue giant, is under constant siege by more than a dozen Chaos veterans, and the Terminator armor on the opponent is constantly collapsing Clay shards, but the tall and scarred body showed no sign of falling down, and was still fighting tenaciously. 】

【You immediately waved your vibration gold palm towards the wild wolf cubs and Lord Cypher who were fighting around. 】

[After the two of them quickly killed the Chaos Veteran in front of them, they rushed towards the surrounding Chaos Astartes and the Veteran. While fighting fiercely, they also temporarily fought for more survival opportunities for other people on the battlefield . 】

[And Saint Celestine, the living saint waving the scorching blade back and forth, also flapped her huge pure white wings and joined the chaotic battlefield inside the temple. Exhausted Inquisitor Greyfax. 】

[At the same time, the huge suspended container controlled by the great sage Kaur has completely wrapped the Primarch Guilliman in it. 】

[The envoy Evelyn, who has a slightly solemn expression, is also holding the crone's sword with the cold light, ready to cut off the energy cable that maintains the stasis force field at any time, and temporarily end the remaining life of Primarch Guilliman Work. 】

[At this moment, the company commander Agman, who is leading some Terminator veterans standing nearby, seems to have noticed something strange. 】

[However, before he could question and stop the action of the envoy Evelyn, the envoy Evelyn, who had just received the affirmation of the countless eyes of the great sage Kaur, instantly raised the old woman's sword, and abruptly cut off the support. Energy cables for stasis fields! 】


【At this moment, you who are dancing the blood scythe seem to hear Primarch Guilliman exhale his last breath from his burly body, and you have completely lost any detectable breath of life! 】

[But in the next second, the Armor of Destiny, which emitted a burst of deep humming, also continued to exert the healing ability of the powerful creation and a small boost from the emperor, allowing the temporarily dead Primarch Guilliman to re-emerge The first heavy breath of new breath! 】


[Accompanied by the mechanical roar of the huge floating container constantly expanding outwards and the indicator light turning from red to green. 】

[All the people present, whether they were the crazy Chaos veterans or the scarred allies, all stopped their offensive actions at the same time, and almost everyone turned their heads to look at the Primarch Guilliman's position with dull expressions! 】

【Even you subconsciously stopped waving the blood sickle in your palm, and stood there with a solemn expression and looked back. 】

[At this moment, the tall, burly and strong body that was completely covered with the armor of destiny, the Primarch Guilliman suddenly opened his eyes that had been closed Eye! 】

[You seem to clearly see a golden light disappearing from the depths of the other party's eyes. 】

【At this moment, Primarch Guilliman, who was scanning all the unfamiliar scenes and people in front of him back and forth, focused his sharp eyes on you again. 】

[And when he couldn't help but frown slightly, a ray of doubt seemed to appear on that bronze-colored resolute face. 】


[On the battlefield inside the holy shrine, a Chaos veteran wearing Terminator armor suddenly raised his head and let out a roar that resounded all around. 】

【Then the opponent quickly activated the Terminator armor, and launched an astonishingly terrifying charge in the direction of Primarch Guilliman without hesitation! 】

 thanks for your support!
Previously, the Armor of Destiny was recorded as the Armor of Control, and all wrong words have been corrected.

I just discovered Mother's Day, everyone remember to call or say hello to your mother.

(End of this chapter)

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