Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 711 Meeting of the Wind and Cloud: Guilliman at the Turning Point of History (7)

Chapter 711 The Gathering of Wind and Cloud: Guilliman at the Turning Point of History ([-])

【You slowly let out a breath from inside the skull helmet. 】

[The two tough hearts inside your chest gradually returned to their normal beating speed. 】

[You suddenly drove the Zhenjin Power Armor to stand up from the ground, and the huge Zhenjin wings that had just changed from the propulsion device to the wing state exploded out behind your broad spine! 】

【You gaze one last time through the helmet eyepiece at the smiling white face of the Living Saint Saint Celestine and those deep purple eyes. 】

【You nodded slightly to the other party. 】

[You subconsciously re-clutch the metal handle of the Blood Scythe with the vibrating gold palm wrapped with rosary beads, and the furnace-breaker battlefield in the other palm is also danced back and forth. 】

【You quickly controlled the re-condensed propulsion device behind the vibrating power armor and rose into the air. 】

[Without turning your head back, you launched a low-altitude dive towards the two giant demon engine skull masters who were undergoing the death charge of the battle nun! 】

[The next moment, one after another of the melta bombs extracted from the storage page was continuously air-dropped by you around the two skull masters that were killing and raging. 】

[Wait until those battle nuns used sacrifice tactics to successfully throw several melta mines, quickly blowing up the huge crawler chassis of the two Skull Lords. 】

【You who were flying back and forth in mid-air detonated all the melta bombs without any hesitation! 】


[The two giant demon engine skull masters trapped in place and unable to move were completely submerged by endless high-temperature flames and violent shock waves. 】

[And the surviving battle nuns also quickly drove the power armor into action. 】

[They rolled into the depths of the huge crater around them with experience, and successfully avoided the shock aftermath and high temperature scorching from the terrorist explosion. 】

[At this moment, you are controlling the propulsion device behind the Vibranium Powered Armor and stagnated in mid-air for a moment. 】

【Through the black smoke rising into the sky, you can vaguely see the living saint Saint Celestine flapping his pure white wings, soaring back and forth and swooping over every battlefield. 】

[Everywhere the opponent went, a large number of exhausted mortal warriors and scarred Astartes seemed to be bathed in the golden light from the emperor, and even their fighting will and low morale were restored. 】

[You are beginning to learn the action mode of the living saint Saint Celestine. 】

【While you are controlling the light golden vibrating gold power armor to fly back and forth between the sky and dive, at the same time, you will provide strong support from the sky to the imperial troops on every chaotic battlefield. 】

[Wherever you go, in addition to the identity and bloodline of the Primarch that can inspire everyone's fighting morale, the burning Emperor's Blood flag on the top of the power pack will also greatly increase the fighting ability of everyone around you against Chaos Demons and even cultists promote. 】

[Even if you will leave soon, thanks to the ubiquitous subspace energy around you, the golden flames emitted from the Burning Emperor's Blood Banner will burn out of thin air for a longer time. 】

[However, at this time, just as you and the living saint Saint Celestine's flight support and massive increase in the entire chaotic battlefield completely improved the combat morale and combat capabilities of countless mortal warriors and Astartes. 】

[Even when the balance of chaos that has never been conducive to the empire's side is forcibly moved. 】

【Boom boom boom—】

[Accompanied by the teleportation light that suddenly flickered above the cloudy sky. 】

[Chaos Warmaster Abaddon actually led his Desperate Messenger Guards to launch a beheading operation towards the interior of the Empire's defense position! 】

[And the larger number of Chaos Astartes of the Black Legion also rampaged across the entire battlefield, leading countless Chaos troops to launch a more intense final attack on the location of Kraff Bastion. 】

【Your eyes have also noticed that the living saint Saint Celestine flapped her pure white wings and swooped heavily in the direction of Chaos Warmaster Abaddon. 】

[The scorching blade entwined with golden light in the opponent's palm collided violently with the magic sword Draknion of Chaos Warmaster Abaddon. Temporarily saved Lord Creedburg, the commander-in-chief of the human empire who had just lost an arm. 】

【You suddenly activated the propulsion device behind the Zhenjin power armor, intending to launch necessary support to the inside of the empire's position where the battle situation is the most dangerous. 】

【At the same time, a tall figure who seemed to be surrounded by strands of scarlet blood, and was carrying a frost axe on his thick shoulder armor, also led many flaming cursed legions to the position behind you. 】

[The other party, whose expression is becoming more ferocious and excited, shouted loudly that he wants to join you in the beheading action against Chaos Warmaster Abaddon. 】


[However, at this time, along with an invisible force field of spiritual energy oppression, it suddenly enveloped the entire chaotic battlefield and even the Cadian planet. 】

[The tall and burning bodies of the Astartes of the cursed legion who had the upper hand in the battle instantly became blurred, and even their offensive movements became very slow. 】

[At the same time, countless chaotic demons who were madly attacking quickly fell into a special state of incomparable weakness, and many weaker chaotic demons were even forcibly expelled back to the subspace by the invisible oppressive force field in the blink of an eye! 】

[But what is even more deadly is that the living saint Saint Celestine, who is fighting back and forth with Abaddon, the warlord of chaos, has also become one of the victims of these invisible oppressive force fields. 】

[The golden power armor on the opponent's body and the hot blade wrapped in golden light in the palm obviously dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye! 】

[The Chaos Warmaster Abaddon, who was wielding the magic swords Draconian and Horus' Claw, quickly seized this opportunity. 】

[He quickly drove the Terminator armor forward, forcibly pierced the thick armor and the inside of the chest of the living saint Saint Celestine with the claws of Horus, and also caused a large amount of bright red blood to splash on the pure white pair. On the wings! 】


[At this moment, you who are flying rapidly in mid-air seem to have stopped beating in both hearts. 】

[Even if you subconsciously know that the living saint Saint Celestine will not really die at all. 】

[You still couldn't help but let out an angry roar that resounded throughout the battlefield from inside the skull helmet. 】

【Your whole body is like a golden meteorite falling from the sky, wrapped in strands of golden flames that are about to be extinguished around your body, and launched a terrifying and fatal impact on the Chaos Warmaster Abaddon who slowly raised his face and revealed a smirk! 】


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(End of this chapter)

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