Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 700 3 British Fight the Red Devils!

Chapter 700 Sanying Fights the Red Devils!
Just when the wolf Rorschach was firmly trapped in place.

When the entire tall body couldn't move at all.

Accompanied by bursts of terrifying chaotic psionic energy sweeping from all directions in the thin air around.

Those werewolf brothers who are quickly withdrawing from the battlefield.

He was also quickly stopped by giant hands of mud that suddenly condensed from the depths of the barren ground!
Many of the werewolf brothers who had temporarily lost their minds because of the company commander's trap were held tightly in the depths of their huge palms by giant clay hands before they had time to move and dodge.

Even together with the fragmented power armor on their bodies, they were squeezed into puddles of scarlet flesh splashing everywhere!

At this moment, the wild wolf Rorschach, who had witnessed the unfortunate death of some werewolf brothers, once again let out an angry roar that resounded around him.

And along with his pair of blood-red wolf pupils, and the faint humming sound from the Khorne magic sword behind his waist.

Those chains of blood witchcraft that are constantly entangled on the tall body are also expanding and contracting back and forth with the gradually intensified struggling movements.

It seems that the next second will be forcibly broken by the rapidly increasing physical strength of the wild wolf Rorschach!

"Ha ha……"

However, at this time, a big red hand suddenly appeared in the midair, with strands of pure chaotic spiritual energy that was so pure that it could be seen with the naked eye wrapped around five sharp fingertips.

Then he pressed on the top of Wolf Rorschach's long blood-red hair, directly pinched his entire head, and instantly made it difficult for him to move a single bit of his struggling movements!
"Aren't you calling me? I'm here now."

"Are you angry? Do you feel distressed? Seeing your Astartes brothers being tortured and killed by me, do you feel powerless?"

"But when you gang of barbarian space wolves burned my Prospero and wantonly slaughtered my thousand sons, did you feel the same way?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, I really like your unruly eyes when you are about to die."

"I must extract your complete soul, and then seal it in these blood-red wolf pupils, so that it will always be by my side!"

"Because it seems that this is the only way to completely alleviate my dislike and hatred for you for so many years!"

"My bloody brother Primarch—"

When the deep voice echoed.

A red giant with a height of about nine meters and a pair of huge blue wings extending from the back of the broad spine.

He casually lifted the immobile wolf Rorschach into mid-air.

The other party shook his crimson face with twisted horns growing on his forehead, and the huge one-eye that remained was also staring intently at the wild wolf Rorschach who was full of anger and murderous intent deep in his eyes.

"Oh, poor wolf cub, I also know that you are not the real Primarch, you are just a fragment of his soul that was accidentally peeled off."

"But who made you unlucky, I met you."

"Facing a soul fragment that is so radiant and even tends to be complete, it is enough for me to give that Primarch brother a cursed gift from Chaos!"

"Of course, before that, I will let you watch those Astartes brothers of yours die in front of your eyes one by one!"

At this moment, the red devil Magnus, who had an extremely satisfied expression, couldn't help showing a vicious and ferocious smile from the corner of his mouth.

Its one-eyed eye seemed to have predicted it through terrifying psychic powers, and it was the illusory scene that only it was the final victor in the future scenes!

However, at this time, the other party's words had just come to an end.

When the whole person is still immersed in the spying and enjoyment of psionic prophecy.

Just above the barren ground several kilometers away.

A webway portal with a diameter of several meters suddenly appeared in the one-eyed vision of the red devil Magnus!
dong dong dong-

Immediately afterwards, one was wearing a set of pale gold power armor with huge metal wings.

Tall figures holding a sickle and a warhammer in their palms rushed into this chaotic space full of chaotic psychic energy.

In the next second, another dark green power armor was covered with a white hood, and a mysterious great sword exuding endless threats was carried on its back.

The tall figure carrying a powered sword on the thick shoulder armor also stepped into this place quickly!


"It turned out to be you—"

At this moment, the red devil Magnus, who let out an angry growl subconsciously, suddenly opened his one eye wide.

It seemed to be completely attracted by the sudden appearance of Primarch Rorschach, and even threw the wild wolf Rorschach bound in the palm of his hand!
And between another huge red hand, a thick magic book comparable to a mortal's in size suddenly appeared out of thin air!
chi chi chi-

In an instant, accompanied by waves of terrifying spiritual energy waves that swept over half of the unknown planet and completely turned the red sky above this place.

One after another suddenly bloomed in the midair, and all kinds of chaotic witchcraft like pouring rain bombarded in the direction where Primarch Rorschach and the others were!
Even those Magnus Blades who were besieging the werewolf brothers suddenly turned around and charged towards the new battlefield!


Almost at the same time, the buzzing metal ten rings suddenly broke away from the Primarch Rorschach's power armor, filled with purple light, and began to spin rapidly back and forth right above the webway portal.

And in the blink of an eye, layers of impenetrable metal spiral storms were formed, trying their best to block the influence of the seemingly endless chaos witchcraft on the webway portal!
dong dong dong-

After about dozens of Terminator guards armed with heavy weapons such as assault guns stepped into this place first.

The Primarch Rorschach launched a battle charge towards the Red Devil Magnus without any hesitation!
A ray of heart energy burst out across the air from above the skull helmet with a pale golden luster.

Quickly shot back and forth at the huge body of the Red Devil Magnus!

When the Primarch Rorschach, who continued to charge, instantly transformed the vibrating golden wings on his back into a propulsion device, and wanted to shorten the long distance with the Red Devil Magnus as soon as possible.

Sephrosha, who was charging with the White Tiger Broadsword on his shoulder armor, also raised a pottery-steel palm abruptly.

He grasped the space-time crystal inside the breastplate.

Afterwards, Sefrorschach's pained and distorted expression triggered what may be the largest bullet time ever!

In the next second, layers of invisible time force fields quickly enveloped the huge body of the red devil Magnus, and completely slowed down any movements of the opponent!

At this moment, within a radius of one kilometer.

The continuously blooming chaotic witchcraft was also temporarily stagnated in mid-air, like magnificent fireworks wrapped in transparent glass.

In the blink of an eye, Rorschach, the wild wolf who seemed to be unaffected by the shackles of witchcraft, also tightly grasped the big frost ax in his palm.

He coincidentally rushed towards the immobile Red Devil Magnus, together with Sephroschach, who was launching a fast charge, and Primarch Rorschach, who had entered a low-altitude dive state!
 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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