Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 70 The Father of the Plague: Kugas (3) First Order!Please subscribe!

Chapter 70 Father of the Plague: Kugas ([-]) Beg for a first order!Please subscribe!

[The sixth week, your expedition team is about to arrive at the front line of the battlefield. 】

【You noticed it by accident. 】

[The surrounding environment of the expedition team has undergone strange changes. 】

[Countless rotten and blackened trees collapsed on the ground, and slightly wriggling green vines clung to them, shaking with the wind. 】

[Not long ago, the rainwater that just fell gradually gathered into a swamp that exudes a horrible stench everywhere. 】

[The change in the road also caused difficulties for the expedition team. 】

[The Leman Lust tank you are driving can barely cope with the harsh environment around you. 】

[However, other believers in the expedition team gradually suffered more casualties. 】

【One by one, they were instantly swallowed by the bottomless stench swamp. 】

[Or accidentally touched a little bit of muddy water splashed on the ground, and the whole body festered, making life worse than death. 】

[Facing such a difficult situation. 】

[Even the war apostle Mathieu had to come forward. 】

[He stood on top of the war train for several days in a row. 】

[Desperately preaching sermons for the believers. 】

【He seems to want to use the power of faith to resist the invisible threat of the plague alliance and appease the souls of believers. 】

[Perhaps the emperor really has mercy. 】

[The expedition team suffered heavy losses and passed through the swamp area. 】

[In the seventh week, your expedition team entered a wilderness filled with thick fog. 】

[You feel that the scene in front of you is very familiar. 】

[Unfortunately, you can't have more thinking time. 】

【Not long after the expedition team entered the wilderness. 】

[Countless plague zombies and more powerful plague bearers flooded out of the dense fog in all directions. 】

[Compared to the plague zombies transformed on the spot, the plague bearers are the backbone of the plague coalition. 】

【At the same time, the laughing and laughing Nurglings also jumped off the plague bearer's shoulders one after another. 】

【They are like walking time bombs one after another, jumping towards the believers in the expedition team with great excitement. 】

[Suddenly, a large number of laser guns buzzed, and the believers shouted frantically. 】

[And the sound of the bombers of the Battle Sisters resounded all around. 】

【You pulled the trigger of the dual-fire logging gun with a blank expression. 】

【You shoot back and forth at those plague bearers who are holding rotten weapons or human bones. 】

[At the same time, the engine of the Leman Lust tank continued to roar. 】

[The hard and heavy metal tracks keep crushing any enemies who dare to stand in front. 】

[However, a terrifying figure as large as a hill walked with heavy steps and appeared on the battlefield in an instant. 】

[Following the great unclean person of the Plague Alliance, Kugas showed his trace. 】

[The already rare heavy tanks in the Kadi Armored Regiment have experienced serious combat attrition. 】

[More than one Leman Rus tank that had no time to dodge was swallowed by Kugas's open belly. 】

[Accompanied by the churning of the rotten intestines and stomachs inside the abdominal cavity of the Great Unclean One. 】

[The outer armor of the Leman Ruth tank gradually melted and deformed. 】

[A large amount of foul-smelling green juice poured into the tank, causing the mortal soldiers inside to lose their lives in the blink of an eye. 】

["Everyone listen to my order and prepare to focus fire!" The order from Colonel Audrameyer was delivered to your ears. 】

[In an instant, the tank commander drove the Leman Lux tank and began to look for a suitable angle. 】

[The gunner who had just finished loading the shells concentrated on turning the turret. 】

[You disregarded the hot barrels of the dual logging guns, and kept cleaning up the plague bearers and plague zombies surrounding the tank. 】

[As time goes by, on the battlefield, the armor of each Leman Ruth tank shows more damage. 】

[The rotten weapons in the hands of those who bear the plague are not useless. 】

[At this moment, your hands are scalded by the scorching gun body, emitting the aroma of barbecued meat. 】

【You desperately grit your teeth and persist. 】

[Just when the ammunition of the logging gun was about to run out. 】

[The roar of artillery fire from the Leman Ruth tank finally resounded throughout the battlefield. 】

【The gigantic body of the first-horned Great Unclean One suddenly shook a few times. 】

[Terrifying and ferocious wounds suddenly emerged on the greasy and fat body. 】

[However, just when you think you're done. 】

【The terrifying wound on Kugas's body healed quickly. 】

【You can't help but take a deep breath. 】

[You finished the remaining ammunition in the logging gun. 】

【You frown tightly, lost in thought. 】

[You stared at Kugath who was once again raging on the battlefield, and a crazy idea gradually came to mind. 】

["Report to the commander! Let's charge towards it! Launch a death charge on that big guy!" You shouted at the commander. 】

[The silent captain did not hesitate at all. 】

[He slammed the steering gear, turned the heavy body of the Leman Rustan tank, and almost stepped on the accelerator under his feet. 】

[Your tanks began to crush countless plague bearers and launched a frantic charge towards Kugath. 】

[At the same time, the gunner seems to understand your thoughts. 】

【He reloaded a high-explosive bomb again, and constantly adjusted and rotated the turret of the tank. The slightly raised and narrow barrel was like a sharp lance, facing the big unclean person on the charge path. 】

【You stretched out your scalded palm, and pulled out a melta bomb from the empty ammunition box. 】

[That's a good thing you accidentally put on when you replenished the ammunition supplies. 】

【You put the melta bomb in your arms with a blank expression. 】

[At this moment, your frantically charging Leman Ruth tank seems to have caught the attention of Kugas. 】

【It casually dropped a half-melted wreckage of a tank, shook its fat head, and then ran towards you with a heavy body. 】

【"It's you! I smell your stink! It was you, the puppet of the salty corpse, who destroyed my God's Plague! You give me back the God's Plague!" Kugas let out a roar that resounded throughout the battlefield. 】

[You take a deep breath. 】

[A little doubt appeared in your eyes, and then suddenly realized. 】

【"Ah, that's how it is..." You murmured with a smile. 】

【You seem to understand something. 】

[At this moment, the roaring Kugath attacked the Leman Ruth tank in a rage. 】

【At the moment when its open belly is about to swallow the whole car. 】

【The gunner who seized the opportunity pressed the ignition device. 】

[At the same time, the silent captain also stepped on the accelerator to the extreme. 】

[Accompanied by the roar of high-explosive shells and the screaming of the engine of the Leman Ruth tank. 】

[Most of the tank and the long and narrow barrel were inserted into Kugath's rotten and smelly huge body. 】

[Then, you are facing the dizziness caused by the violent impact. 】

[Swiftly opened the closed hatch above the tank. 】

【You poked your head out, stared at Kugas's bloody mouth and a pair of small eyes shining with infinite hatred, and couldn't help but smile. 】

【"The emperor sends you his regards...disgusting fat boy."】

[You jumped up from the inside of the tank, and you have pulled out a melta bomb from your scalded palm. 】

(End of this chapter)

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