Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 698 The crisis of wild wolves!

The Eye of Terror is a super subspace rift that exists far longer than the Great Rift.

No matter in terms of specific scale or popularity, it is second to none in the entire galaxy.

As for the appearance time of the Eye of Terror, it can even be traced back tens of thousands of years ago.

The destruction of the ancient Eldar empire and the birth of Slaanesh, the evil god of chaos, weep.

The most important thing is that the mysterious and treacherous subspace also breaks through the curtain with the help of this place, constantly intersecting and co-existing with the reality structure in the physical sense.

It was like a terrifying scar that suddenly appeared in the icy galaxy.

Seemingly endless, pure and primordial chaotic energy is constantly leaking out.

It is also this extremely special geographical environment that makes the entire Eye of Terror and its surroundings the most active taboo area on the Chaos side.

And before the Cadian Gate, the guardian barrier of the human empire, fell completely, and the great rift across the empire was finally formed.

The Eye of Terror has always been a sanctuary for those evil traitors and even Chaos cultists who escaped the judgment of the Empire.

Even for Traitor Legions and Warbands, the Eye of Terror has been their exile and safe haven for 1 years.

Now, according to Sefroschach's statement.

They must enter the Eye of Terror in order to rescue the wolf Rorschach who has been besieged for a long time from the hands of the Primarch Magnus.

In the following period of time, the Primarch Rorschach was fighting a large-scale war against the invasion of the green-skinned orcs in order to end the legion fleet as soon as possible.

In addition to letting other full-staffed companies of the White Shark Dalian also enter the ground battlefield.

Huge combat ships gradually landed above the low-earth orbit of the agricultural world.

And quickly launched a series of orbital bombings like heaven's punishment towards the direction where the number of green-skinned orcs is the most dense.

Not long after, the news that the orc warrior in the green-skinned orc army was successfully beheaded by Tiberus resounded throughout the ground battlefield.

The Astartes of the entire White Shark Dalian quickly surrounded the chaotic green-skinned orcs.

They used the orbital bombardment from above their heads, and a large number of heavy vehicles under the command of Reditus to wipe out the group of green-skinned orcs who invaded here as quickly as possible.

And wait until the whole war is gradually coming to an end.

Sephora and Primarch Rorschach, who were inside the battle barge, also began to discuss the next rescue operation.

First of all, the Legion fleet in the hands of the Primarch must not bring the Eye of Terror.

On the one hand, for all imperial ships, the Eye of Terror is easy to get in and hard to get out.

Leaving aside the special nature of the Warp itself, the corruption of countless mortal crews and even Astartes by the ubiquitous forces of Chaos alone is difficult to prevent.

Even if the entire fleet activates the Geller force field in advance, it cannot guarantee [-]% safety.

On the other hand, it is also because Sephora has considered in detail the continued attention of the Chaos Gods to Primarch Rorschach.

A Primarch entering the Eye of Terror must set off some other chain reaction.

In case of any unexpected mistakes in the whole planning process, then the fleet wealth accumulated by Primarch Rorschach over the years may disappear in an instant.

Therefore, Sephora Rorschach and Primarch Rorschach made a joint decision.

The legion fleet will continue to cruise according to a series of plans formulated before, and maintain the rescue operation for the Far Eastern border star area.

And, in order to facilitate their rescue of the Wolf Primarch, everyone can quickly escape from the Eye of Terror through the subspace portal.

The number of Astartes that can be brought in this rescue operation cannot be too large.

In the end, the three of Sephora and the Fallen Angel counted the Terminator Guard of Primarch Rorschach.

In addition, some think tank brothers from Blood Raven Dalian and some combat brothers from Dark Crow Guard Dalian formed a rescue team of about [-] people.

And when the rescue team began to prepare weapons and ammunition.

Primarch Rorschach also called Gabriel, Orion, Tiberus, Kahuranki and even Reditus together.

He gave instructions to the people in front of him in a low voice, before the group of them returned successfully.

The entire legion fleet must maintain operation according to the established plan.

And Rorschach didn't want to see the conflicts and factions that existed before reappear within the legion.

And after everyone in front of them almost unanimously made the necessary guarantee to Primarch Rorschach.

Taking a deep breath, Rorschach immediately drove the Vibranium Powered Armor, turned around and walked towards Sephroschach's position.

Not long after, a webway portal with a diameter of several meters quietly appeared above the metal floor of the battle barge.

Under the silent gaze of heavily armed Astartes.

The Primarch Rorschach, holding the Blood Scythe and the Furnace Breaker Hammer, and Sephroschach, who was carrying the White Tiger Broadsword on his shoulder armor, rushed into the webway portal first!

The Eye of Terror, inside an unknown planet.


The pale wolf Rorschach slowly opened his bloodshot scarlet eyes.

With his back leaning against the side of the cold rock, he bared his teeth and used black ceramic steel palms covered with strands of fine cracks.

He kneaded back and forth half of his face that had not recovered, and took a faint breath of air between the sharp canine teeth.

About tens of hours or more ago.

The wild wolf Rorschach had just had an extremely fierce formal confrontation with the demon prince Magnus.

Against the almost endless psionic witchcraft around him, he forcibly jumped at the opponent with an axe.

Of course, Wolf Rorschach paid a heavy price for this.

In addition to his being seriously injured and unconscious, more than a dozen werewolf brothers were also involved in the retreat of the entire company.

This undoubtedly made the already sparsely populated Thirteenth Dalian even worse.


At this moment, a tall werewolf wearing broken power armor climbed out from behind a huge rock with both hands and feet, and came to the vicinity of the wild wolf Rorschach.

It sniffed back and forth, and then let out a low-pitched growl at the wild wolf Rorschach.

"It's okay, I can't die yet... That red O'Green hasn't caught up yet, right? Let the brothers clean up as soon as possible and prepare to move. Doesn't it like to play cat and mouse with us? Then let's play with it to the end Bar!"


"Don't worry, brother, even if I die in battle, I won't use that magic sword to summon the Khorne demon army. That's a way of no return... But I didn't expect to just take someone to spy on the plan occasionally." If you go to the outskirts of the crystal labyrinth, turn around and you will meet Magnus!"

"Damn it, I couldn't get rid of the opponent by using the chaotic subspace characteristics of time and space before. It must be a damn plan secretly plotting against us! Sooner or later, I will bring more helpers to besiege his territory! Smash his palace!"

At this moment, the wolf Rorschach took a deep breath and cursed in a low tone.


However, at this time, the voice of the wild wolf Rorschach has not yet fallen.

On the nearby red barren ground full of jagged boulders, waves of chaotic psionic energy surged suddenly.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of scarlet fighters holding power scepters or heavy weapons suddenly revealed their extremely eye-catching tall figures!

At the same time, a large number of demihuman Tzeentch disciples wielded demon blades in their palms.

The horned beasts with their first horns and pointed mouths also appeared densely among the barren ground within a radius of one kilometer!
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