Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 694 Legion new blood and future plans!

Now, take advantage of this special opportunity to rectify the interior of the fleet.

The Primarch Legion that Rorschach had conceived for a long time was finally established.

Tiberus, the leader of the original Man Eater Sharks.

Canonized by Rorschach on the spot as the lord of the Primarch Legion Man Eater Shark Dalian, leading six full-stacked companies to continue to follow the Primarch to fight.

The original Blood Raven Chapter, Gabriel who just became the Chapter Leader for a few days.

He was also canonized by the Primarch immediately as the Lord of the Blood Crow Dalian of the Primarch Legion, and led two full-staffed companies to join the Primarch.

The former Raven Guard battle group, after a careful discussion between the two shadow company commanders.

Named Lord of the Mysteries among them, the Shadow Captain of Surari became the Lord of the Primarch's Ravenguard Great Company.

Another shadow company commander became the opponent's adjutant with peace of mind.

As for the Wailers and the Black Templar in the Terminator Guard, as well as the White Scars stationed in the local world.

There are only a large number of people inside, and two full companies of weepers can be assembled to immediately support the infrastructure of the Legion Dalian.

The rest of the Astartes were either counting on Rorschach for the gene-seed of their chapter, or needed some luck to encounter the chapter itself.

Afterwards, Rorschach, who was temporarily planning to take a short break, began to discuss a series of arrangements for the allocation of resources within the Legion with Reditus beside him.

As far as the current situation is concerned, there is no need to worry about things such as weapons and equipment or heavy vehicles.

The foundries of the home world, and the current Forge World Triple Farr, were sufficient to fully arm the Primarch Legions that would be joined by more Chapters.

Therefore, continuing to increase the number of Astartes in each Dalian has become part of the mission planning for the next stage.

As for Rorschach, in addition to continuing to scoop up people from the past timeline.

Some of his thoughts are also put on the methods and abilities of each Dalian to recruit and produce new blood.

Judging from the current number of people alone, it is undoubtedly Tiberus's man-eating shark Dalian that has more Astartes.

At present, their internal company organization has been expanded to the sixth company.

If it weren't for the gene seed cultivation output of the white shark itself, it wouldn't be able to keep up.

And Tiberus didn't want to use the pure gene-seed of the Midnight Lord to make up the number, so the Seventh Company could actually be formed.

This is followed by the Blood Ravens with their mobile monastery fortress battle barges, and the Raven Guard with a batch of pure gene-seed.

Moreover, many pharmacist brothers can be pieced together from scattered within their company.

The recruitment and manufacture of recruits can be carried out anytime and anywhere.

It's just that the Raven Guard is more inclined to choose mortal fighters who hate or despise evil from the bottom of their hearts.

The Blood Ravens are more inclined to recruit mortals with psionic potential in order to increase the number of Librarian units.

Therefore, it is difficult for them who are more pursuing quality to surpass the white shark in terms of numbers in a short period of time.

As for the current basic framework of only one Dalian.

The even rarer Lamenters, the Black Templar, or the White Scars.

A better option for their group of veterans of the Astartes is to become a source of supplementary Rorschach's Terminator Guard.

After all, without the production of more gene-seeds, and the assistance of a large number of the Chapter's pharmacist brethren.

Even if the local world has mastered the ability to perform genetic modification surgery, it will be even more difficult to increase the number of them.


The secret formation of the Primarch Legion does not seem to have changed much to outsiders on the Forge World Triple Fal.

It is only occasionally observed by careful technical priests.

It seemed that every Chapter Astartes around had slightly shifted the positions of the emblems belonging to their respective Chapters overnight.

Moreover, the thick shoulder armor was re-sprayed with a golden background color.

A metal gear and an imperial double-headed eagle complement each other, together with a blood-red sickle and a warhammer wrapped in shadows, a new but completely unfamiliar mysterious emblem crossed above.

In this regard, some members of the Adeptus Mechanicus who were more flexible and clever in thinking vaguely guessed something from it.

But they didn't have any special thoughts in their hearts.

On the one hand, the bad relationship between the Forge World and the Chapter Astartes has just eased, and no one wants to touch the bad luck now.

On the other hand, it is also because the Primarch is the uncrowned king above the triple Farr, the real controller.

No matter what the other party wants to do, as long as it is not a heresy that blatantly betrays the human empire and the emperor, then let him go.


At this very moment, autonomous servo robots are dismantling the set of vibration gold power armor named Starfire Glory around the casting platform.

According to the drawings and restoration plans formulated by Reditus, more detailed maintenance work is being carried out.

Tens of meters away, Rorschach, who was wearing a loose robe, was having a conversation with Reditus who was staying on the table.

"Speaking of which, I don't know what's going on with David. If it weren't for the fact that the local world cannot be separated from people, I really want to bring David here to deal with these boring materials and trivial matters inside the fleet..."

"However, at present, I am more concerned about the degree to which the local world's personnel can control the genetic modification surgery."

"If all goes well on the home side, I intend to let the three complete Dalian companies currently owned by the Primarch Legion try to recruit suitable recruits in the home world."

"For example, whether those messy superheroes can meet the recruitment requirements of the Raven Guard, and whether some mages who have been exposed to magic since childhood can be recruited by the Blood Ravens, and trained according to the method of training Asgardian berserkers Can the mortal berserkers in the world become the new blood source of the man-eating shark..."

"Of course, if you want to fully guarantee the combat quality of the recruits, you need to select a large number of mortal elites from the National Defense Forces formed in various places."

"Then directly select mortal elites into the stormtrooper unit, wait until their physical fitness and will have been honed, injected with super soldier potions, and also mastered the use of power armor and various weapons, plus a large number of crowns of knowledge After memory infusion."

"Will the success rate of genetic modification surgery be higher?"

"Furthermore, even if someone unfortunately fails during the long transformation operation, with the blessing of panacea, I don't think it will cause large-scale casualties. In this way, those mortal elites who failed the transformation can completely Return to the Stormtroopers, an elite Stormtrooper who may be somewhere between a mortal Auxiliary and an Astartes."

"Raditus, what do you think of my idea for this program?"

At this moment, Rorschach, whose eyes subconsciously moved away from the piles of parchments, spoke slowly.

However, when the end of his words gradually dissipated into the air.

Rorschach, who closed his eyes, did not hear the mechanical sound from Reditus.

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