Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 691 The little 'bad habit' of the Blood Ravens!

Chapter 691 The little 'bad habit' of the Blood Ravens!
Following the Hammer of the Furnace Breaker, a large number of dazzling Razers bloomed.

The opponent's entire head was shattered.

A wave of chaotic psionic energy that had been brewing for a long time also quickly dissipated in the surrounding air.

At this moment, Kailas, the leader of the corrupted Blood Ravens, died in the battle barge in such a very aggrieved manner.

And Rorschach, who was standing still, let out a breath slowly from his mouth.

The opponent's ultimate ambition to rely on the extinction order to become a demon was shattered.

In fact, even the leader of the chapter, Kailas, performed the ritual of ascending the demon and successfully became a demon prince.

He will not be the most powerful demon prince under the command of Khorne, and he will even become a thorn in the side of some terrifying existences.

After all, for a think tank proficient in psychics to believe in the blood god, this undoubtedly completely embarrasses a certain planner.

Even if Huahuatong didn't have any idea about it, the birdmen under the opponent's command would come to have some fun.

dong dong dong-

At this moment, taking a deep breath, Rorschach drove the power armor, and walked to the think tank curator Orion and Gabriel.

After confirming that they can continue to fight.

Rorschach immediately led the two to meet up with other combat teams.

And thoroughly cleaned up the remaining resistance forces on the battle barge.

Not long after, a short but brutal civil war ensued.

The Blood Raven Astartes, with only more than 200 members left, gathered on the battle barge, bowing down to Rorschach as a symbol of loyalty.

Afterwards, Rorschach, who had completely obtained the command of the Blood Ravens, gradually became busy.

Although Chapter Master Kailas, corrupted by Chaos, is dead.

But a series of consequences caused by the other party before are spreading rapidly.

The first to bear the brunt is the accountability from the Tribunal.

With the rapid dissipation of the warp space storm.

Now the entire Aurelian galaxy has been heavily surrounded by the huge fleet of the Tribunal.

And according to the inquisitor's broadcast communication.

As long as there is any change in the fleet of the Blood Ravens, the fleet of the Inquisition will implement the annihilation plan without hesitation.

In this regard, Rorschach first communicated with the other party as the original body.

After successfully gaining a certain level of trust.

He led the curator of the think tank Orion, the commander of the third company Gabriel and others to personally meet with the judges of the trial court.

In a way, the Inquisitor with the most violent style is the one who is most loyal to the Emperor's faith.

So, when Rorschach, who was wearing a light golden power armor, showed a tall figure in front of the opponent.

The judge who had doubts about the identity of the Primarch immediately became the most staunch supporter of Rorschach's side.

This undoubtedly eased the tense relationship between the Blood Ravens and the Inquisition in an instant, and even gave them the opportunity to continue negotiations.

However, even Rorschach ordered the judge to give up the follow-up review of the Blood Ravens as the Primarch.

On the contrary, the pious opponent strengthened his position.

Because of the laws of the Empire and the way the Inquisition had dealt with the Astartes Chapter in the past.

The Blood Ravens, with signs of corruption within them, must be sentenced to a 200-year Crusade of Atonement.

Of course, in order to maintain the dignity and orders of Lord Primarch.

The loyal judge also made some concessions.

That is, the start time of this redemption expedition can be left to the Primarch himself to judge.

Even if it is delayed for hundreds of years, the trial court can pretend to be ignorant.

So far, all the trials about the Blood Ravens have temporarily come to an end.


Aboard the battle barge 'The Omniscient Mystery'.

It is still inside the ancient palace that has been repaired by a large number of mortal servants.

All the Blood Raven Astartes are silently watching the Lord Primarch ahead.

At this moment, Luo Xia with a calm expression glanced back and forth at the crowd.

He announced on the spot that Gabriel, the commander of the third company, had been promoted to the new chapter leader of the Blood Ravens.

Afterwards, Rorschach, who briefly held a chapter leader canonization ceremony, also spoke slowly to the blood crow brothers present.

In order to avoid the so-called atonement expedition, but also to increase the combat power under his command.

He will lead the entire Blood Raven fleet to the future battlefield for more difficult wars.

If someone is unwilling to go, you can explain the situation to him in advance.

Before the Blood Raven fleet leaves, it will leave the necessary gene seeds and some ships to the opponent.

In this regard, the blood crows present had almost no objections.

Even though Rorschach partially explained the difficult situation of the future battlefield to everyone, but none of the blood crow brothers had the intention of leaving.

After all, to be able to follow a Primarch in person and continue the fight.

For any Chapter Astartes, it is a supreme badge of honor.

So, for the next period of time.

The entire Blood Raven fleet gradually prepared a plan to go to the future battlefield, and at the same time tried its best to create a short-term stable living environment for the surrounding star areas.

And Rorschach, under the leadership of the new chapter leader Gabriel, started an in-depth understanding of the Blood Ravens.

They first visited the plethora of equipment showrooms inside the battle barge.

Pieces of weapons and equipment that once belonged to various battle groups and imperial forces were slowly revealed in front of Rorschach.

Even those demonic weapons belonging to the evil god of chaos and the knowledge of spiritual energy that can be called taboo.

They were also placed in a secret room with multiple seals by the blood crows.

At this point, Rorschach, who couldn't help opening his eyes wide, finally knew why the Chapter Master of the Blood Ravens was corrupted by Chaos.

Because they will gather all the loot or psionic knowledge collected through various means on the battle barge 'Omniscient Mystery'.

If the Blood Ravens still have a homeworld, then this is nothing more than a pastime after fighting.

After all, similar sealed chambers are often far away from where the Astartes are located.

But the blood crows who are ship-based battle groups.

It can be said that staying with a large number of demonic weapons and alien weapons of unknown origin and psionic knowledge every day, it is a miracle that they are not corrupted by all the members.

In this regard, Rorschach, who had a slight headache, proposed an idea to the chapter leader Gabriel.

As the Primarch, he will not make any coercive command measures on the behavior style and special hobbies of the Blood Ravens. After all, even he himself will try to collect all kinds of precious things.

But start now.

Any daemonic weapons and psionic knowledge involving Chaos needs to be transferred to a transport ship.

And the Blood Ravens need to arrange a large-scale spiritual seal for the entire ship, and at the same time build a large number of emperor statues and prayer scriptures inside.

According to Rorschach's method, although it is impossible to completely cut off the source of corruption.

But it will also greatly reduce the recurrence of these blood crows who are more adept at using Librarian units.

Not long after, the Blood Ravens, who obediently obeyed Rorschach's suggestion, immediately transferred and sealed a large number of demonic weapons and psychic knowledge to the interior of a transport ship.

And Luo Xia, who was completely at ease, also silently thought about how to bring the entire Blood Raven fleet back safely.

After all, he had never ventured before, and he didn't know whether the subspace portal he summoned could support such a large-scale transfer operation.

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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