Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 689 Knowledge is Power: The Blood Crow Boys of Lord Primarch (1)

Chapter 689 Knowledge Is Power Lord Primarch's Blood Crow Boys ([-])

Generally speaking, the war situation that the Astartes Chapter needs to face will be extremely complicated and difficult.

Especially the Aurelia star sector after the opening of the Great Rift.

The Tyranids that are raging everywhere and the green-skinned orcs who take advantage of the fire are also quite difficult alien races for the imperial forces.

Not to mention that there is an Ark World hidden in this star area that belongs to the Ark Spirit Race.

Therefore, the existence area of ​​the space hulk "Judgment of Carrion" will often become an important place that every alien race will covet.

The Tyranid Zerg can use autonomously floating space hulks to cover the real traces of the Tyrannian fleet, and become a springboard and cover for invading other living planets.

The green-skinned orcs can also salvage a large amount of precious materials and human technology from the space hulk, and even let the big tech change the space hulk into a super battleship that only greenskins can use.

As for those mysterious Ark Spirit Race, no one knows what they are doing or what purpose they have.

However, Rorschach had also accidentally learned about it from Gabriel before.

This group of pointed-eared Ark White Bean Sprouts is the No. 1 choice to vaguely reveal the signs of chaotic corruption to Chapter Leader Kailas.

It's just that after learning about this, Gabriel, with a heavy heart, sent those white bean sprouts on the road mercilessly, without showing mercy.

boom boom-

Inside the cold void, the Thunderhawk transport plane carrying only Rorschach and the curator of the think tank slowly arrived at the space hulk that had just fallen into the hands of the Blood Ravens.

And after the curator of the think tank Orion made a secret contact with the captain of the honor guard Diomedes in his private capacity.

Just a few minutes.

Standing near an entrance of the space hulk, Rorschach, who was looking back and forth at the surrounding environment, saw a tall figure rushing from inside the hulk angrily.

However, the unfamiliar Astartes, who were struggling to drive the red-painted Terminator armor and had just arrived, were taken aback for a moment.

Immediately, the other party stepped forward without any hesitation, knelt down on one knee in the direction of Rorschach, and suddenly sent out a deafening loyal greeting!
"Blood Ravens, Captain of the Honor Guard, Apollo Diomedes, see the Primarch!"

At this moment, Rorschach, who frowned slightly, subconsciously exchanged glances with the think tank curator Orion beside him.

After making sure that the other party did not disclose the arrival of the Primarch in advance, he immediately drove the vibrating gold power armor and walked up.

"Arise, battle-brother of Bloodraven."

"I am not the father of your genes, and there is no close connection between you and me, so how did you recognize me as the Primarch at first glance?"

With a calm expression, Rorschach looked down at the captain of the honor guard who slowly raised his face.

One of his vibrating gold palms has subconsciously pressed the heart of the furnace on his waist, as if the opponent will draw his gun and shoot in the next second.

"My lord Primarch, perhaps you have forgotten, but before I became an Astartes of the Blood Ravens Chapter, before I became an angel belonging to the Emperor, I was still young when I happened to see you in person on the home planet. What a great sight to lead a group of Terminator guards down there!"

"It was also your heroic fighting posture that made me more determined to become an Astartes. Otherwise, it would be difficult for me to persist in those dangerous body transformation operations."

Diomedes with a solemn expression said to Rorschach in a low voice.

And Luo Xia, who frowned tightly, recalled a little, and then chose to give up thinking completely.

After all, he led the sharks and terminator guards to a large number of planets to pray for support.

Perhaps the Astartes before him had once been one of the mortal children he had rescued.

And this kind of thing is not unheard of even in the human empire.

Not to mention Rorschach who can travel through time and space.

As a result, Rorschach, who was the Primarch, had a more detailed conversation with the Captain of the Honor Guard who got up from the ground.

In fact, Diomedes today still doesn't quite believe the gossip that Chapter Master Kailas has been corrupted by Chaos.

He came here alone angrily before, because the curator of the think tank, Orion, was identified by the chapter leader as a traitor of the chapter.

The other party plans to have a face-to-face confrontation with the director of the think tank Orion.

If it was just a huge misunderstanding, then he could temporarily take in or let go of the think tank curator Orion, and turn to the chapter leader to plead for mercy.

If the other party really became a traitor, then it would be no problem for Diomedes, the captain of the honor guard, to deal with a battle brother who was a think tank.

It's just that, after Diomedes personally learned from the mouth of the Primarch, Kailas, the leader of the chapter, was indeed corrupted by Chaos.

The opponent, who was originally full of anger between his brows, gradually calmed down, and even began to reflect on whether he was too blindly confident because of his loyalty to the Chapter Master.

In this regard, Rorschach first praised and affirmed the other party's loyalty and belief and behavior style as the Primarch, and then used his speech skills to direct all the spearheads at Chapter Leader Kailas himself.

In the end, Diomedes, the captain of the honor guard who bowed his head and pondered for a while, expressed his willingness to help the Primarch and the curator of the think tank deal with the corrupted chapter leader.

However, wait until Rorschach and others have just entered the interior of the space hulk.

When planning to meet with dozens of Terminator veterans under Diomedes.

A covert psychic communication from the battle barge flagship "Omniscient Mystery" suddenly contacted the think tank curator Orion.

And when the other party, who was surging back and forth with psychic energy fluctuations all over his body, had received all the psychic energy information, he immediately said to Primarch Rorschach with a solemn expression.

According to the intelligence information collected by Cyrus and others.

The damned Chapter Master Kailas himself lured an Inquisitor from another sector.

And once the Inquisition Fleet brought by the other party finds that the chaos and corruption in the entire Aurelia star area cannot be suppressed, or even if the Inquisitor thinks so unilaterally, the entire fleet will completely issue an extinction order on all planets!

"If I hadn't guessed, you damn Chapter Master Keiras is probably trying to use tens of billions of mortal lives to carry out a war against the Chaos God with the help of the Inquisition Fleet's indiscriminate star zone extinction order. A super-large sacrificial ceremony!"

At this moment, Luo Xia, who had only pondered for a moment, slowly let out a deep sneer from his mouth.

"It seems that he has already noticed the arrival of my original body before, and he probably thinks that he can no longer hide it. Therefore, it is too late for us to slowly figure it out and win over the hearts of the rest of the people. We must immediately carry out a beheading operation. Just kill the source of this disaster!"

"Diomedes, do you and your Terminator veterans dare to come with me and launch a gang-jumping operation against the flagship of your Blood Ravens Chapter!"

Hear the inquiry from the Primarch.

Honor Guard Captain Diomedes and more than 30 Terminator veterans behind him drove the Terminator armor forward without any hesitation.

"Knowledge is power, and we are willing to serve the Primarch!"

The next moment, Rorschach, whose expression became more and more solemn, nodded heavily towards everyone.

He continued to turn his head and said:
"Very good! Think tank curator Orion, you immediately use psionic communication and shipboard communication devices to broadcast uninterrupted full-channel broadcasts to the entire star area, and tell everyone including the Judgment Order fleet and Chaos traitors, the Emperor One of the lost Primarchs has arrived!"

"Either they kneel down and offer their loyalty, or wait for my sickle and hammer!"

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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