Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 683 Knowledge is Power: The Blood Crow Boys of Lord Primarch (5)

Chapter 683 Knowledge Is Power Lord Primarch's Blood Crow Boys ([-])

dong dong dong-

Just when the three people around were talking more about the next action plan.

Rorschach, who had beast senses, hearing and smell far surpassing that of ordinary Astartes, turned his head violently.

And his small movements quickly alerted the think tank curator and Cyrus who had been paying attention to the Primarch.

Not far away, the technical sergeant Matellus, who was repairing the vibrating power armor with a servo mechanical arm, also accelerated the movements of his hands with a solemn expression.

The next second, Rorschach, who was holding the Blood Scythe and the Furnace Breaker Hammer tightly in his palm, stood up wearing only a wolf fur cloak.

After he continued to listen to the wind and snow outside the building, he suddenly turned his head and said to Cyrus who was standing beside him:

"I didn't smell the stench from the Chaos Demon, nor did I perceive the fluctuations of Chaos psionic energy. Judging from the number of comers and the span of their progress, it should be a group of Astartes."

"Cyrus, go and check it out secretly. If you find that they are members of the battle group, bring them over after making sure they are not in danger. If you vaguely sense something is wrong with the other party, then use the gunfire to send us a signal. We're ready to send them on their way!"

Rorschach's voice just fell.

Cyrus, who nodded slowly, took quick and flexible steps, and rushed out of the ruins of the building with a sniper rifle in his hand.

Wait until the tall figure of the other party has completely disappeared in the depths of the wind and snow.

Rorschach, with a calm expression, and Orion, the think tank curator who held the power scepter in both hands, were obviously ready to launch a surprise attack.

dong dong dong-

Not long after, a series of crisp sounds of magnetic boots stepping on the thick snow.

"Safe, my own!"

And the deep voice from Cyrus gradually echoed in the ears of Rorschach and others.

Rorschach, who squinted his eyes, subconsciously exchanged glances with think tank curator Orion.

Afterwards, he slowly walked out of the ruins of the building with two melee weapons in hand.

At this moment, in the midst of the icy wind and snow flying all over the sky.

Under the leadership of Cyrus, the eleven Blood Ravens wearing blood-colored power armor slowly stopped their progress and were completely revealed in Rorschach's field of vision.

"The commander of the third company of the Blood Ravens, Gabriel Angelos, see the Primarch!"

The next moment, among the people present.

An Astartes standing at the forefront of the team, holding a huge warhammer, just stared at Rorschach.

Taking a deep breath, the opponent heavily drove the power armor and knelt down on one knee, offering his loyal greetings to the Primarch in front of him!
At the same time, the other Astartes knelt down on one knee without any hesitation, and roared in unison with low voices:

"See Lord Primarch!"

At this moment, Rorschach with a calm expression took a deep breath.

Nodding slightly, he raised his hand to call everyone to get up from the ground, then turned around and returned to the ruins of the building behind them under everyone's gaze.

Tens of seconds later, the commander of the third company named Gabriel was under the guidance of Cyrus.

He entered the interior of the building for the first time and came to Rorschach's side.

At this moment, Captain Gabriel, who was slightly excited between his brows, nodded with Orion, the curator of the think tank, and he began to face careful inquiries from the Primarch.

And Captain Gabriel told Rorschach about their previous series of battle experiences without any concealment.

After being dispersed with all the teams, they did come quickly because they accidentally received a signal for help from this place.

But before coming here, Captain Gabriel had just led the Blood Raven's combat team to conduct a small contact fight with the Lord of the Black Legion's Hounds, the Marauder Chaos Lord named Alagast.

If nothing else, it was this odious traitor who presided over the Chaos invasion of this icy planet.

However, Captain Gabriel, who exchanged trash talk with each other for a while, also vaguely noticed something wrong through some signs.

Combined with the many dangerous encounters of the Blood Ravens before, Captain Gabriel had to make a logical analysis and judgment.

That is, there may be a degenerate separatist force inside the Blood Ravens, and it has also come into contact with the Chaos side.

Otherwise, the blood crow vanguard that had been prepared for a long time would not have suffered such heavy losses on this planet.

At this moment, Luo Xia, who frowned slightly, let out a breath of air slowly.

He agreed with Captain Gabriel's calm judgment.

At the same time, they told the other party without concealment that they also noticed the existence of the traitor.

However, Rorschach changed the subject and continued to speak to Captain Gabriel.

Now is not the best time to address the internal problems of the Blood Ravens.

The immediate goal of everyone is to completely kill the hound master from the Black Legion, which is the top priority.

In this regard, Captain Gabriel, who bowed his head and pondered for a while, finally agreed with the Primarch's idea.

So in the next period of time.

While the Zhenjin power armor is still under maintenance.

Rorschach began to gradually extract some of the heavy fire weapons from the storage page.

And under the silent gaze of the people around who are almost adoring.

A large-caliber assault gun, whirlwind missile launcher, storm bolter and many other weapons and equipment were distributed to all the Blood Raven Astartes one by one.

Moreover, if the Blood Ravens hadn't made it clear that they had no special experience in handling heavy vehicles.

Rorschach even planned to get out the volcano cannon installed on the chassis of the vehicle.

In the end, it was Orion, the curator of the think tank, who cautiously suggested to Rorschach, in order to prevent the traitors from chaos.

It is better to wait until the battle is at a critical juncture for a strategic weapon of the level of the volcano cannon.

Not long after, the technical sergeant Matellus, whose expression was full of exhaustion and excitement, slowly came to Rorschach.

He said that he had done his best to successfully restore most of the Zhenjin power armor.

Although it is still not able to fully restore all the functions of the Zhenjin Powered Armor, it should be enough for the next tough battle.

So, after putting on the power armor again, Rorschach made some tentative joint movements back and forth.

Holding the two melee weapons tightly, he once again appeared in front of everyone with the complete posture of the Primarch.

"Blood crows, are you ready?"

"I am not the father of your genes, but as the Primarch, I can assure you that before I fall completely, I will stand at the forefront of you and lead you to kill those who betrayed the Emperor, and even All enemies that threaten the human empire!"

"Now, let us pick up the weapons in our palms, and personally pour the wrath of the emperor on the heads of the enemies!"

"For the Emperor—"

"Knowledge is power, for Lord Primarch!"

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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