Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 679 Knowledge is Power: The Blood Crow Boys of Lord Primarch (1)

boom boom-

When Luo Xia, who was in a coma, opened and closed his eyes tightly.

After fully waking up, he immediately felt the icy cold wind rushing towards his face.

His keen eyesight also clearly saw the cold and frozen land below which was getting closer and closer!


At this moment, Luo Xia's ears were almost completely filled with the whistling wind.

The two powerful hearts inside the chest beat violently subconsciously.

Responding quickly, he suddenly pushed away the cooled metal wreckage covering his thick arms and the surface of the power armor.

Luo Xia wanted to immediately stretch out the pair of vibrating golden wings behind the power armor, quickly stabilize the tall body that was falling rapidly, and completely get rid of the current embarrassing posture!
However, Rorschach, who subconsciously opened his eyes wide, obviously felt that the falling speed of the tall body had only been reduced by about half.

On the contrary, the balance of the entire tall body is more difficult to maintain.

He suddenly turned his head and looked back but found it instantly.

Probably during the Emperor's Greetings to Vashtor the Maker earlier.

This set of vibrating gold power armor withstood a completely excessive amount of explosion impact in an extremely short period of time.

Although the vibration gold shell still looks indestructible and intact, there are obviously some unknown problems that are difficult to repair by themselves in the large number of servo devices or electronic muscle bundles inside the armor!

Even the vibrating golden wings that can temporarily slow down the landing speed and enter the gliding posture are only about halfway unfolded, and there is no more movement!

At this moment, Rorschach, who couldn't help cursing inwardly, had to wrap his two thick arms around the gray head that even the skull helmet temporarily lost its function.

He used all his strength to drive the obviously jerky and heavier power armor at each joint.

Curl the knees of both legs and feet in front of the chest and abdomen as much as possible.

Afterwards, Rorschach accidentally saw the metal ten rings on his arms before he could summon the control.

His whole body was like a decelerated metal meteorite, and fell heavily towards the frozen land at the bottom!

Accompanied by a large amount of snow-white snow and dark soil splashed out.

Rorschach, who kept gushing pale golden blood from his mouth and nose, successfully smashed a huge pit several meters deep on the hard snow!

Chi Chi Chi!
In the next second, the functioning medical life support system inside the Zhenjin Powered Armor began to play its remaining role.

He also slowly injected a small portion of the liquefied panacea into Rorschach's body!

Not long after, Rorschach, who slowly turned over his tall body, exhaled deeply from his lungs a mouthful of scorching air full of the smell of blood.

He stared at the gloomy sky with dim light in his slightly lifeless eyes, and murmured subconsciously.

"After I go back, I must ask Reditus and other mechanical sages to tailor me a shield device or other alien technology that can passively resist the damage of falling from high altitudes, or else Even if I didn't die in the hands of Chaos, sooner or later I would die in the teleportation mode where the Emperor randomly opened the door..."

At this moment, Luo Xia, who closed his eyes slightly and carefully felt the healing effect of the panacea, took a few deep breaths of cold air repeatedly.

After the bitingly cold fresh air gradually lifted his spirit completely.

Rorschach, whose face was almost covered in pale golden bloodstains, also slowly supported the increasingly heavy vibration gold power armor from the bottom of the pit.

"Well, all my thoughts were focused on the enemy of chaos before, and I didn't have time to check the prayer support. Where am I now?"

Rorschach, who successfully drove the power armor out of the bottom of the pit, gradually straightened his tall back.

Manually retracting his golden wings, he squinted his eyes and looked at the incomparably desolate surroundings, where he saw a snow-white undulating terrain.

"Could it be possible to return to the world of Fenris? Or some other dead world with a harsh environment?"

The next moment, Rorschach, who found nothing special and didn't even notice any signs of life, took out the Furnace Breaker Hammer from the storage page.

He gripped his melee weapon again and took a deep breath of icy air.

Then choose a more pleasing direction.

Luo Xia quickly shook his tall body, and took slow but firm heavy steps directly towards the front covered with thick snow.

Now that he has come, he can't leave for the time being.

So try to figure out more things.

Even if there are not many enemies, at least find a more suitable shelter from the wind and spend the next period of time safely.

As Rorschach continued to advance, the surrounding terrain gradually became flatter.

It's just that huge icicles like low mountain peaks or super large irregular ice blocks gradually appeared in his line of sight.

Sometimes, Rorschach had to turn around or jump up hard to continue moving forward.

Rather, it may be the continued decrease in temperature.

Even the dark skies of this unknown world began to fall with a mighty blizzard.

Blown by the icy cold wind, palm-sized icy snowflakes continuously passed through the vibrating gold shell of the power armor, making countless tiny sounds.

And the decreasing visibility around him undoubtedly greatly weakened Rorschach's forward speed.

If it wasn't for Rorschach who could forcefully maintain a straight-line walking state by relying on the keen intuition brought by the beast's senses, he might be completely lost on this white land.

Chi Chi Chi!
At this moment, because the gray-haired head was covered with unmelted snowflakes and drops of water that turned into ice particles.

Rorschach, who was planning to find a set of cloaks from the storage page to shelter from the icy wind and snow, suddenly stopped the moving magnetic boots.

"Wait, is there something wrong with my sense of smell?"

"Why do I feel that the cold wind blowing in front of me is still mixed with a special smell belonging to Chaos Demon?"

"The vampires of Khorne? The plague bearers of Nurgle? Or both?"

The next moment, Luo Xia couldn't help but twitched his nose a few times.

The mental state of the whole person quickly became vigilant.

With an indifferent expression, he quickly found a pure white wolf fur cloak from the storage page.

The backhand shrouded the vibration gold power armor and the snow-covered head.

Afterwards, Rorschach, who re-clutched the Furnace Breaker's hammer in his palm, carefully judged the direction and distance of the Chaos Demon through his keen sense of smell.

He drives this set of vibration gold power armor that has almost lost its power assisting effect.

The whole person quickly changed into a ray of pitch-black shadows, unleashed continuous shadow steps, and galloped in one direction!
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