Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 672 Everyone's Battle! (plus more)

Chapter 672 Everyone's Battle! (plus more)

However, at this moment, Rorschach, who seemed to have sensed the opponent's small movements from a distance with his beast senses, turned the skull helmet slightly.

The mind gem located in the middle of the forehead of the skull helmet suddenly lit up.

Quickly fired a thumb-thick psychic ray at the most threatening chaotic believer!

And the anima ray, which was hardly resisted by flesh and blood, instantly penetrated the chaotic believer's skinny arm and the melta mine in his arms!


In an instant, an extremely powerful explosion flame rapidly expanded in the wide passage.

Even the surrounding metal floors and heavy metal walls couldn't effectively stop them, they rolled and deformed or melted into boiling hot juice!

In the next second, layers of powerful shock waves visible to the naked eye swept everything around with extremely hot and deadly flames!
And due to the power compression caused by the special terrain.

The first unlucky people are naturally the Chaos believers who are closer to the center of the explosion and have no protective measures.

In just a few seconds, as many as a thousand Chaos believers crowded deeper in the passage did not even utter a scream.

They were completely evaporated by the terrifying scorching heat that swept over them into wisps of ashes or charred corpses with only skeletons left!
at the same time.

It didn't wait for the layers of shock waves to arrive in front of everyone with extremely scorching high-temperature flames.

Behind the power pack, a pair of huge vibrating golden wings suddenly spread out. Rorschach, who was flapping back and forth, manipulated the ten metal rings that leaped into the air one after another at the fastest speed.

A metal spiral storm rapidly turning like a huge funnel quickly formed in front of him!

Immediately afterwards, the magnetic boots under his feet were firmly attached to the almost molten metal floor on the surface.

Forcibly stabilized the tall and burly body!
boom boom-

Accompanied by the terrifying sound like a monster roaring in the scorching air.

Wisps of shock waves visible to the naked eye and terrifying high-temperature flames swept across.

Perhaps it was because Rorschach himself was too far away from the center of the explosion, or his series of defensive actions played a buffering role.

Most of the shock waves were completely absorbed by the vibrating gold power armor worn by Rorschach as a kinetic energy reserve!

And the terrifying high-temperature flames that were basically gathered in the same position by the metal spiral storm and the vibrating golden wings flapping rapidly.

It just repeatedly impacted in front of Luo Xia's tall body, quickly burning the vibrating gold shell of the power armor red!

But there are definitely not many high-temperature flames and shock waves that can successfully pass through the Primarch's desperate block and cause damage to those Astartes standing behind him!

"Master Primarch—"

"Sir, be careful!"

And wait until the accidental explosion caused the flames and aftermath to completely dissipate.

The shouts from many Astartes immediately reached Rorschach's ears.

And he slightly twisted the skull helmet that exudes a dark red aftertaste due to the scorching heat.

Afterwards, taking a deep breath, Rorschach lowered his head to inspect the Vibramium Powered Armor whose scorching temperature was fading rapidly.

"It's okay, brothers in battle, I can't die yet!"

"Everyone regroup immediately! Continue to attack with me!"

In the next second, Rorschach clenched the Blood Scythe and the Furnace Breaker Warhammer again.

He said in a deep voice to the Astartes without looking back.

Afterwards, the people who had completed their preparations quickly started advancing toward the depths of the passage ahead.

At this moment, similar fierce battles also took place in other locations of the Ark of Misfortunes.

For example, on a large prayer square.

A group of sharks who are obviously better at frontal battles are led by the commander of the third company.

They struggled to drive the battle-damaged power armor.

Desperately dancing the chainsaw weapon with the motor roaring in the palm, and a large number of blood and flesh fragments on the sawtooth.

Slashing and charging back and forth in the crowd of Chaos believers.

Trying to find a safe passage out of here.

However, even the man-eating sharks whose fighting style is comparable to the Khorne Demon Army.

Occasionally an Astartes is attacked by daemonic or power weapons from the Cultists of Chaos.

Chop on the tall body, or very insidiously penetrate into the joints of the thick limbs.

But these sharks who kept silent just turned quickly and crushed the attacker's hard head, or smashed the opponent's fragile body with a punch.

Then, breathing heavily, they chose to continue fighting with terrifying injuries on their tough bodies that were not fatal enough.

Until more fatal injuries made the powerful physique of Astartes unable to bear it, and he fell heavily to the ground!

The interior of another dimly lit room that may have been the engine power compartment.

A Raven Guard who suddenly cast Shadow Step jumped out of the shadows under a huge mechanical creation.

Those pair of sharp claw blades, with azure blue disintegration force field shining on the power claws, deeply penetrated a layer of thick ceramic steel armor and the electronic muscle bundle inside.

It also abruptly pierced the back of a Chaos Astarte from behind.

Completely smashed the opponent's two hearts and large lungs into pieces of flesh and blood!
At the same time, the mutilated corpses of the Chaos Astartes fell completely.

The Raven Guard who stomped on the metal floor with a magnetic boot suddenly dodged sideways.

It can be said that he narrowly avoided a demonic weapon that rubbed against the edge of the metal helmet!
Chi Chi Chi!
However, just as another Chaotic Astartes who was close at hand wanted to draw back the demonic weapon, he stepped forward to launch a more violent counterattack.

A tall figure suddenly jumped out from the shadow not far away, and also stabbed the two Antarctic vibrating gold power swords in the palm of the opponent's power armor's back.

The sharp blade pierced through the hard spine at the same time.

The power long sword swiping outwards also completely split the opponent's upper body and lower body in two!

Wait until the inside of this purple helmet is unknown whether it is a chaotic Astarte whining in pain or roaring cheerfully.

The remaining upper body fell heavily to the ground.

Four magnetic boots stood on the metal floor almost silently.

The two Raven Guards who also subconsciously looked at each other between the helmet eyepieces finally revealed their tall figures.

Afterwards, they each raised a heavy magnetic boot in a tacit understanding.

He stomped heavily on the head of the Chaotic Astartes without mercy!

boom boom-

Accompanied by bursts of continuous explosions.

One after another, whirlwind missiles continuously flipped and appeared from under the thick armor of the miniature knight titan.

Then, without any hesitation, it crossed the dimly lit passage in the middle of the sky.

Continuously launched a non-stop terrorist fire bombardment towards the large number of Chaos believers in front and the Chaos Astartes holding bolt guns!
And when a large number of explosive bombs or a lot of thick light beams from heavy laser weapons suddenly focused on the huge miniature knight titan.

Along with the low-pitched buzzing of several high-power shield generators bursting out loudly.

A layer of extremely thick azure blue energy shield completely enveloped the miniature Knight Titan controlled by Reditus!

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(End of this chapter)

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