Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 669 Reditus' Mesmerizing Past!

Deep in the dimly lit ancient palace.

The huge casting general Wesley, whose body is comparable to a metal hill, is showing a series of data information to Reditus below.

"Basically all members of the first brigade of the Skitarii Vanguard were killed, the second and third brigades are already on their way to support, the fourth and fifth brigades are on standby, and some of the Leman Rus tanks used for collection and research have been released from the warehouse. It will be delivered to the Skitarii Vanguard Corps."

"Several loyal mechanical sages have submitted a battle agreement to the Holy Council of the great sages. The steel walker combat formation and ballista cavalry mechanical formation are on standby and will be put into the battlefield according to the development of the battlefield."

"The mortal auxiliary army 'The Devourer' from the Shark Corps has joined the battle. All members are equipped with power weapons and laser weapons that have never been seen before. It is estimated that the morale of the entire battle will increase by 20.00%, and the battlefield loss will be reduced by 40.00%."

"Ten minutes ago, a large number of Raven Guard Astartes who appeared from the hive capital or the foundry began to take the Thunderhawk transport plane to the front line of the battle. This intelligence information involves the orders and privacy of the Primarch, so it cannot be ignored. The command chain system to enter the foundry world has been deleted in advance."

"The formation of five Skyclaw-type Valkyrie gunboats has completed the necessary maintenance. The contemplator array and the crew have entered the cockpit. Fifteen engineering sentinel mechs equipped with heavy weapons will be transported to the periphery of the battlefield. The priest will hand over the command authority to the commander of the knight family."

"A Jiaokui-class knight armor that has run out of ammunition is under the siege of a large number of chaotic believers and demon engines, and the estimated loss time is 3 minutes... The loss alarm has been lifted, and the Primarch has just arrived here, and the massacre is in progress. Rescue. "

"The large-scale bird-augury network on the watchtowers everywhere has re-scanned hundreds of small hulk wrecks that are about to fall. The number of Hydra anti-aircraft tanks and Hunter anti-aircraft missile vehicles that have been released from the warehouse is insufficient, and more have been mobilized. The formation of anti-aircraft vehicles has left the warehouse, and the optional heavy weapons of the vanguard of the Skitarii have added cyclone missile launchers, which are being transported to the edge of the battlefield by automatic servo robots."

"According to the proposal of the Holy Council of the Great Sage, a batch of militaristic volcanic cannons and Hellfire missiles have entered the process of leaving the warehouse, ready to deal with more severe battlefield situations. Since strategic weapons have caused too much damage to the foundry world, it is not allowed to advance start up."

At this moment, dense intelligence information kept flowing repeatedly in Reditus's red vision and even inside the servo head-sized body.

In the next second, it said in a low voice to Foundry General Wesley without much hesitation:

"Wesley, how many automatic servo robots are there in the entire foundry world? Immediately equip them with long-range weapons and temporarily organize them into the intelligent control army, which can greatly reduce the loss of combatants."

However, before Reditus' words fell.

The data information from Foundry General Wesley echoed throughout the ancient palace.

"Raditus, your request has been rejected. Even if the total number of automatic servo robots that have been activated and have not yet been released is close to 50, it can greatly alleviate the battle losses of the foundry world, but according to the ancient 'Crimson Protocol', any mechanical The members of the order are forbidden to study the intelligence of abhorrence and its related technologies!"

Foundry General Wesley's reply made the red lights in Reditus' eye sockets flicker faster.

It shook a pair of mechanical hands back and forth and retorted:

"Damn it, how many times do I have to tell you guys that weak artificial intelligence doesn't hate intelligence! It's a one-way logical thinking similar to the thinker array, and there is no danger of omnic rebellion!"

"The request has been rejected. According to the available information and the special means shown by the followers of Chaos, if a large number of automatic servo robots are rashly added to the battlefield, it is estimated that there will be a 60.00% chance of becoming the enemy's help. When the first Chimera armored personnel carrier After the main demon engine appeared unexpectedly, I have withdrawn all the intelligent control legions from the battlefield to prevent them from adding more chaos to the battlefield."

"In addition, Reditus, if you don't want to re-enter the tragic fate of being exiled by Mars, my suggestion is not to continue to study the intelligence of hatred and violate the Crimson Agreement, even if you have the Primarch above you this time." Umbrella, once your research exceeds the limit that Mars can tolerate, I am afraid that the illusory God of Myriad Opportunities will not be able to save you."

At this moment, Reditus was slightly taken aback by Casting General Wesley's persuasive words.

With the red light in its eyes flickering rapidly, it immediately asked the other party eagerly:
"Wesley, what do you mean? I swear I have never been to Mars, how could I have been exiled by Mars?"

"Could it be that you still know something that I don't know? But how is this possible? Ever since I was resurrected by the Emperor himself, I even remember the little things of always stealing mechanical parts from my teacher when I was a child!"

"Hey, tell me the truth, are you old enough to confuse me with someone?"

In the face of Reditus' slightly impatient expression.

Foundry General Wesley shook his huge mechanical head slightly.

Pairs of mechanical small eyes seemed to be condensed on each other's body.

It said unhurriedly:

"Reditus, back then I was a descendant of a casting general who would become a teacher's student, so how could you, as the most outstanding inheritor of the other party's ideas, be just a technical priest..."

"However, this is not something you should know right now. According to the transfer order of Lord Primarch, Reditus, you need to go to the front line of the battlefield now. According to my calculations, there is an 80.00% possibility that you will assist the original Master Ti has launched a team-jumping tactic."

"Wesley, you..."

The red light in the eyes of Reditus, who was speechless for a while, flickered back and forth, and gradually returned to normal.

It drove the anti-gravity engine without looking back, and returned to the inside of the tiny knight titan that opened outwards.

Wait until the silver skull guard made of vibrating gold is about to cover the opponent's body.

Reditus then said in a low voice:
"Wesley, I hope that when I return successfully, I can get the necessary truth from you. Even if these truths may drive me crazy, they are also my experience and memory as a human being!"

In the next second, the miniature knight titan with a roaring engine erupted inside, quickly driving the lower body that turned into a track, and galloped towards the outside of the ancient palace.

And wait until the engine roar of the miniature knight titan completely disappeared.

The founding general Wesley, who was like a metal hill in the ancient palace, seemed to subconsciously let out a soft sigh full of mechanical noises:

"The initiator of the civil strife on Mars, the master of the ever-changing ideas, the founder of the Crimson Agreement...Old friend, don't let those old guys on Mars know that you are still alive, otherwise, even the Primarch will save you." I can't miss you!"

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