Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 664 Primarch's Convincing People with Virtue!


Accompanied by the low roar from the vector engines of the Reddy transport planes.

Squads of heavily armed sharks and raven guards successfully reached the surface of the triple Farr.

Because the casting general Wesley did not disclose the truth about his involvement in the suspicion of chaos and corruption.

So even the Great Sage Holy Council just thought that General Forge had reached some kind of mutually beneficial cooperation agreement with Lord Primarch.

For the Triple Farr, the dark side of the current empire is surging due to the opening of the big rift, countless planets disappeared and fell, and they lost any news.

Even King Regent Guilliman's Indomitable Expedition was more like outdated news to them in the far eastern border than an ongoing major event.

Even after successfully repelling several Tyranid swarm fleet invasions by relying on the terrifying productivity of the Forge World, the self-confidence of the Triple Farr grew even higher.

So the arrival of a large number of Astartes did not arouse any opposition.

Almost everyone believed that the arrival of the Primarch brought the defense power of the entire Forge World to a new peak.

And according to a series of orders from Rorschach.

Getting along with the oil guys was not pleasant, or the sharks, who were basically born to kill, were all transferred around the ancient palace where the casting general Wesley was located.

Their only order was to meet great danger in Reditus.

Or when casting general Wesley made a dangerous move due to chaos and corruption, he became a disintegrating force that the opponent could not resist.

As for the whereabouts of the Raven Guard.

Most of the Raven Guard stepped on the surface and left the sight of the oil guys.

The people who had already obtained the order of the original body quickly used the shadow step.

They have gradually sneaked into the entire foundry world, especially many industrial hives and foundry factories, which have become must-see places for the Raven Guard.

Because Rorschach believes that the mysterious and unknown chaotic monster is definitely not an isolated case.

The Raven Guard will search alone, or mobilize the local trio of Farr, to cleanse the entire Forge World completely, based on external phenomena such as mechanical malfunctions and the Chaos Forces' natural fear of the Emperor's Blood.

No matter whether those chaotic monsters are the conspiracy of evil gods or the tricks of cultists.

The location and importance of the Furnace in the Far East will allow Rorschach to treat this planet as his own territory for long-term management.

However, it has just successfully received the loyalty and command authority of the victor Titan Legion.

Inside the hall of the Holy Council.

Primarch, who is planning to recognize the important members of the Great Sage's Holy Council one by one.

The first time he met a special 'talent' who came to give him eye drops.

A mechanical magi from the Martian Adeptus Mechanics.

The official identity of the other party is also the commander-in-chief of several skitarii legions permanently deployed in Mars for several times of disobedience to the Forge World Triple Farr.

Right now, according to the suggestion made by the other party's mechanical voice that has no emotional fluctuations, but seems to be full of arrogance to Rorschach.

If Rorschach, the lost Primarch, wants to be recognized by the Empire, he must respect any decisions made by the Martian Mechanics.

At the same time, in the name of the Primarch, he needs to order Triple Farr to hand over the precious STC template that should have been handed over to Mars and the technology blueprint unique to the foundry world.

However, wait until the other party's voice has just fallen.

Rorschach subconsciously rubbed his chin with his vibrating palm and blinked his eyes a few times.

Still can't help asking the other party to repeat all the words just said.

Boom boom boom!
It's a pity that the great sage of Mars, who may have even mechanically modified the central nervous system of his brain, didn't wait for a complete reaction.

Tiberus, the colossal leader of the White Shark Chapter.

Just under the hint of Rorschach's bronzed face with an increasingly indifferent expression.

Immediately drove the ancient Terminator armor to launch a terrifying charge towards the opponent!

In the next second, the mechanical great sage of the digital triple Fal also quickly raised his mechanical palm.

They used invisible binary virus codes to continuously bombard the firewall in the body of the great sage of Mars, and firmly imprisoned the other party in place!


In an instant, a lightning power claw exuding an azure blue disintegration force field abruptly pierced through the energy shield automatically activated by the great sage of Mars.

And Tiberus' extremely violent attack method also completely chopped the opponent's entire mechanical body into a large number of scattered metal parts!
"Everyone, the great mechanical sage from Mars unfortunately disappeared due to the subspace storm. The triple Farr of the foundry world also paid a huge loss of personnel in order to find the trace of the other party, and finally had to stop the long rescue operation. May The God of Myriad Opportunities blesses the opponent's soul..."

"Now, after I have finished speaking, who is in favor? Who is against?"

At this moment, Rorschach, who was slowly driving the Zhenjin Powered Armor to his feet, glanced back and forth at all the great sages present with those emotionless eyes.

Even the pair of vibrating golden wings behind the power armor seemed to flap around, making Rorschach's terrifying aura more profound.

Immediately afterwards, Chapter Leader Tiberus, who seemed as relaxed as having just crushed a mechanical bug, also re-driven the ancient Terminator armor, and returned to stand quietly beside the Primarch.

"God of Myriad Opportunities above, Lord Primarch's decision is our decision, and we have no regrets."

At this moment, the mechanical sages who had already made a move stood up first, and bowed slightly in the direction of Rorschach.

And the other mechanical sages who fell into silence stared at the Terminator guard not far away and the Astartes battle captain next to Lord Primarch.

As the data processing system turned desperately, they also got up quickly and became one of the staunch supporters of Lord Primarch.

So far, at the cost of the life of a great sage of Mars.

It took only a very short period of time for Rorschach to become the casting general in the true sense of the entire triple Farr, instead of relying on the general command authority given by others to issue orders.

At the same time, he also took this opportunity to gather the mechanical great sages in the holy council of the great sages.

Not long after, several cataract legions that originally belonged to the great sage of Mars were divided up one by one by the entire holy council of the great sage in the name and orders of the primarch.

And the Mechanicus Oberon-class battleship that once belonged to the Great Sage of Mars also became the possession of the Primarch Fleet.

In fact, if that unlucky great sage of Mars hadn't jumped out in the first place.

Rorschach, who had made a promise to founding general Wesley, would not have used such a radical and resolute method.

However, the dark side of today's empire is as high as the sky and the emperor is far away.

Even if the Martian Mechanic Society got the news, it would be a long time later.

And at that time, maybe meet the Regent Guilliman in person, and the Primarch Rorschach who successfully rescued the Lion King.

It is entirely possible to dismiss accountability from Mars.

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