Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 655 Siege of Terra · Rogdorn Chapter (2)

Chapter 655 Siege of Terra · Rogdorn ([-])

【Boom boom boom—】

[In an instant, the large-caliber shells that penetrated the ashes and snowflakes continuously exploded on your power armor, releasing terrifying explosion flames. 】

[A large number of adamantine fragments and shattered servos splashed out from your tall body in all directions. 】

【Even so, you, who crashed towards Perturabo like a metal meteorite, still landed heavily on the ground not far from the opponent. 】

【One of your thick and broken arms with an armored shell changed suddenly, forming an ugly tentacle covered with sharp thorns, and swept towards the iron ring robot that formed the defensive formation in front of you! 】


[Two iron ring robots holding melee weapons and heavy shields were directly thrown out by your ugly tentacles, and rolled heavily towards the distant ground. 】

[But the remaining hoop droids immediately fill in the missing defensive formations, and use a flood of heavy bombers to put a seemingly insurmountable distance between you and Perturabo forever. 】

[At this moment, the nano-mechanical frenzy controlled by Iron Man David suddenly passed over your head, and a large group of dark cloud-like figures fiercely devoured the iron ring robot in front of you! 】

[In just a dozen seconds, one iron ring robot struggling to break free was completely submerged and disappeared, and the rest of the iron ring robots were also covered with pitted corrosion marks! 】

【Chi Chi Chi! 】

[The next moment, you, who just changed the direction of your charge, were accurately covered by the firepower from Perturabo on your tall body. 】

[A series of incomparably scorching hot melt bombardments completely melted most of the power armor on your body! 】

[At this moment, you, who kept retreating, subconsciously let out an angry roar that resounded all around. 】

[As a large number of power armor fragments continue to melt, your entire body has rapidly expanded. 】

[Then, a very thick blue bone shell completely wrapped your whole body, temporarily insulating you from the damage caused by the hot melt! 】

【Dong dong dong! 】

【After putting on the flesh-and-blood power armor again, you fixed your gaze firmly on Perturabo who was more than ten meters away. 】

[You once again launched an astonishingly terrifying charge towards the opponent. 】

【Boom! 】

[You swept forward with all your strength, and once again transformed into a large sickle and a bone warhammer, and smashed the two iron ring robots that came back from a distance to the ground! 】

[Buzz buzz! 】

[The next moment, the three iron ring robots have been completely digested, and they are changing the direction of attack. They want to take the opportunity to pounce on Perturabo's nano-mechanical frenzy, but they are completely stopped by the stasis grenades thrown into the air by the opponent the way! 】

[Bang bang bang! 】

[Accompanied by layers of stagnant force fields that exploded, the nanomechanical frenzy that is currently the most threatening to Perturabo and the two iron ring robots that have not yet got up from the ground are heavily wrapped, and they cannot move in a short time no! 】

[And at the same time that the stasis grenade appeared. 】

【You have already moved your heavy feet and made the necessary dodge to the side. 】

【Your tall body almost narrowly passed the edge of the stasis force field. 】

【You took a deep breath, staring at Perturabo in front of you and continued to charge! 】

【At this moment, the only hoop robot that could move immediately handed a 'Furnace Breaker' hammer that looked like a large wrench into Perturabo's palm. 】


【Perturabo, with a distorted expression, let out a roar that resounded all around. 】

[He actually drove the power armor like a metal hill, and took heavy steps towards you! 】

【The hammer of the 'Breaker', which he wielded with all his strength, continuously bursting out strands of slender thunder snakes, fell heavily on the top of your head! 】

[At this moment, you, who were not slow to react, stopped your forward steps in an instant. While dodging the attack, a thick arm that transformed into a large sickle suddenly extended forward. 】

【In an instant, the sharp blade made of flesh and blood slashed through the air, and slashed heavily at Perturabo's head, which was covered by thick armor! 】

【Boom! 】

[Accompanied by the ear-piercing whistling of the Furnace Breaker's hammer rubbing against the air, strands of terrifying thunder snakes blooming in the air, wrapped in a heavy wrench hammer, slammed down on your broad shoulders. 】

[Countless blue bone shells are flying outwards in all directions, a thick and bloody arm is almost broken from your tall body, and only a trace of squirming and active fine flesh is still connected to it. 】

【But at the same time, with an almost ferocious expression, you quickly pierced the opponent's thick armor with the extended scythe, and slashed hard at the depths of Perturabo's neck! 】

[If it wasn't for the only hoop robot that can move, it was used by the opponent to hold the sickle arm you are pulling hard, I am afraid that the damage you can cause is far more than that! 】

【Chi Chi Chi! 】

[The next second, before the roaring Perturabo could react, the four bony limbs that suddenly pierced through your flesh and blood from behind your wide ridge quickly pierced forward, and then pierced Perturabo's tall body heavily. body! 】

【However, at this moment, Perturabo, whose expression became more and more distorted and ferocious, casually dropped the 'Furnace Breaker' hammer in his palm. 】

【He slammed the pair of melting wrist cannons on the top of the arm armor firmly against the front of your bone breastplate, and then pulled the trigger without hesitation! 】

[Boom boom boom! 】

【A burst of scorching heat that is close at hand explodes in front of your chest. 】

[In almost the blink of an eye, the flesh and blood in most of your chest was completely evaporated, revealing a terrifying melting hole and those blue bones that didn't seem to melt much. 】

【You don't seem to care about such a serious injury. 】

【You suddenly lifted the broken arm that had just healed, and quickly pierced Perturabo's heart with a hard bone spur extending from the palm of your hand! 】

【"Sad traitor brother, for the sake of the emperor and the future of the human empire, let us go on the road together!"】

【With blood-red eyes, you stared at Perturabo's eyes full of endless anger and unwillingness, and the scarlet blood repeatedly gushing up from his mouth, and said with a deep and sinister tone. 】

【Subsequently, a melta bomb that was being activated unexpectedly squirmed upwards from the depths of your throat, and was completely revealed in front of Perturabo's eyes through the mouth that was opened to the extreme! 】

【"twenty two--"】

【At this moment, Perturabo, who kept gushing more blood from his mouth, couldn't help letting out a fuzzy roar full of anger and despair. 】

【But with a ferocious expression, you still activated the melta bomb in your mouth with your tongue without moving! 】


【Following the sudden dazzling light from your mouth, and the violent fluctuations of the teleportation beacon on the other party, the terrifying scorching heat completely swallowed the tall body you and Perturabo tried their best to entangle with each other! 】

[Are you... dead? 】

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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