Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 643 The Blessing of Disappearance and Rorschach's Little Experiment!

Rorschach, who was gradually waking up, slowly opened his eyes.

He quickly lifted his muscular body from the metal bed.

Rorschach slightly turned his slightly dazed gaze.

From the timing device not far away, he found that he had completely rested for about 24 hours.

In the next second, he felt that any tiredness and fatigue in his body were almost wiped away. While getting up and washing, he subconsciously opened the page of the simulator.

"Huh? Chaos Blessing page? And why did all the blessings restart the countdown?"

"Oops! Could it be..."

At this moment, with his mouth full of white toothpaste foam, he immediately turned around and strode quickly towards the outside of the private room.

The speed is fast and the action is fierce.

Even let the strong body surrounded by the sound of the wind forcefully knock a heavy metal door out!

And when Rorschach, who had a frosty expression on his face, found Iron Man David in the lobby of the base.

He immediately ordered the other party to turn on the large auspicious array on the low earth orbit with full power.

At the same time, it also asked Iron Man David to search for any clues of Chaos invasion from the global network.

However, the large auspicious array has been operating intensively for twelve hours.

Even the Asian side and the mutant countries, as well as the major intelligence agencies under Rorschach, have conducted a large-scale exploration operation.

There is no sign of chaos on the entire Terra and the planets inside the solar system!
Of course, except for those regional small-scale mortal wars, or the daily actions of those super villains.

It's another quiet day in the vibrant Native World.

Afterwards, Rorschach, who didn't quite believe in evil, left for the emperor's statue in the round square.

He is under the silent watch of Ukari, the White Shark Think Tank.

He went straight to the front of the statue of the emperor, knelt down on one knee and prayed for a long time.

Until the think tank Ukari brought a large bowl of ceramic steel nutrition porridge for the third time.

Rorschach, who opened his eyes, interrupted the act of praying.

He still had no instructions or signs of apparition from the Emperor.

"Either the Chaos God reached another deal with the Emperor, or the blessing of Chaos this time is not in Terra or the entire solar system at all. After all, the universe of the local world is too large."

"I just hope that if the blessing has come, other alien races in the depths of the universe can fight for their breath, and have some way to resist the invasion of chaos. Otherwise, by then, I will really raise a super-large Even if I have three heads and six arms, I still can't kill them all."

At this moment, Rorschach raised his chin slightly and stared deeply at the unmoving emperor statue.

Taking a deep breath, he slowly stood up from the metal floor.

Frowning, Rorschach stopped Think Tank Ukari, who was eating, from getting up and saluting.

He walked thoughtfully towards the passage outside the circular square.

Only the echo of footsteps that gradually disappeared and the sound of swallowing made by Think Tank Ukari, who couldn't help but take another sip of nutritious porridge, remained.


Not long after, standing inside the private room.

Rorschach, who hadn't put on the vibrating gold power armor, accidentally discovered that his body seemed to be much taller than before.

If it is said that his physical size was basically the same as that of normal Astartes before.

So now he is already about half a meter taller than the Astartes.

Although it has not yet reached the size of Taberus, the leader of the White Shark Chapter, which is far beyond the normal specifications.

But Rorschach can also be very confident.

He was finally no longer the shortest of all Primarchs, at least much taller than Alpharius or Omegon.

Not long after, Rorschach, who was casually wearing a set of oversized loose casual clothes, found Iron Man David who was still busy in the base hall.

"David, if you are not busy, come with me. I have some ideas recently and I want you to experiment with me."

Rorschach's voice just fell.

The iron man David sitting next to the metal round table immediately dropped the things it was processing on the network, and stood up to welcome Rorschach's arrival.

"My lord, what are your orders?"

"David, do you still remember the throne coin that I will get from the Emperor every time I complete my prayer support?"

At this moment, Rorschach, who was sitting beside the metal round table, raised a palm.

In the next second, in the slightly flipped palm, two palm-sized throne coins were shining with golden luster under the light.

"I calculated it, and the number of throne coins in my hand has reached eighteen."

"So, I'm going to ask you to come with me to make an experiment. You can think that we were sent our soul or consciousness back to the farther and more dangerous part of the Warhammer universe by the emperor's psychic power. A lot of experience in the era of terror."

"The only advantage is that we won't really die, and at the same time, after everything is over, we can also get some extra gifts from the emperor."

"But since it's the first time I've taken people on a trial, I don't know what to expect."

"Maybe the throne coin cannot be used by anyone other than me, or maybe your training process is not in the same time and space as mine. In short, because I trust you the most, I plan to let you try it with me."

With a serious expression, Rorschach stared at Iron David's dark and reflective metal head.

He said to the other party in a very solemn tone.

And in the face of Luo Xia's serious words and sincere approval.

The iron man David with the blue light in his eyes quickly got up again and bowed to Rorschach.

Then, it nodded without hesitation:
"My lord, thank you for your generosity and trust as always. I am very grateful for this. Any request from you is the only purpose of my existence."

"However, my lord, I have a question. I am a mechanical life, can I also bear the great power of psionic power from the emperor?"

"That's why we have to try it. I still have so many throne coins. Even if it fails, it's no big deal."

"Because in the next step, I also plan to find other people to do the same thing. For example, Jessica, who has been a little lazy recently, is a very suitable candidate. It is time for her to experience the real cruel battlefield as she grew up in the greenhouse. "

Rorschach took a deep breath and said in a low voice.

And as the voice fell.

With a calm expression, Rorschach reached out and handed a throne coin to Iron Man David.

He continued to say to the other party:

"David, let's throw the throne coin into the air later. If you can't follow, or if you are alone in a strange environment, then adapt everything accordingly."

"By the way, remember to pray to the Emperor, I personally think this is an indescribable luck insurance procedure."

"Understood, my lord... Emperor bless you?"

"Well, the Emperor bless—"

In an instant, Rorschach and Iron Man David flicked their fingers upwards almost simultaneously.

The two glittering golden throne coins suddenly rolled violently into the midair!
ding ding-

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