Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 632 Chernobyl Horror: Underground Prison!


Accompanied by a continuous low humming and vibration.

A blue square barrier suddenly appeared in the air.

Then the entire barrier immediately went from low to high, like a printer, sending several tall figures out of thin air above the ground.

"Oh, the teleportation technology researched by Dum and Reid is indeed very stable. I was somewhat skeptical about it. It seems that it is a bias problem caused by my insufficient knowledge reserve."

At this moment, a thin figure covered in heavy protective clothing said to Luo Xia and others beside him in a low voice.

But behind the opponent's back and in the palm of his hand.

Measuring instruments of various sizes began to emit a continuous humming sound.

"Rorschach, can I take off this protective suit now? To be honest, if I continue to wear it, I'm afraid that Hulk will come out to mess with me again, and it's just nuclear radiation, which is not a big problem for me. "

At this moment, the sluggish Dr. Banner was shaking the bulky heavy protective suit.

He turned his head and said to Rorschach, whose skull helmet glowed slightly.

And Rorschach waved his palm first.

Let the two Ravenguard champions who have just replaced the Zhenjin power armor start vigilance towards the surrounding environment.

He just looked down at Dr. Banner, and said in a low voice:

"Dr. Banner, after completing the scientific research measurement work, you can leave directly through teleportation. Although I know that the Hulk is very powerful, I still need to be more cautious when facing all kinds of mutants, and this is just an infiltration. It's just a reconnaissance operation, and we're not here to fight an invasion."

However, Rorschach's voice just fell.

bang bang bang-

Accompanied by a deep roar and the harsh sound of heavy protective clothing being broken one after another.

A green giant with a height of more than three meters appeared beside Rorschach in the blink of an eye!

"Hulk! Fearless!"

Hulk with a stubborn expression turned his head to look at Rorschach's skull helmet, and he said with a grin.

In the next second, it seemed that Professor Hulk's personality successfully calmed the angry Hulk.

The professor, who had shrunk significantly in size, reappeared.

He said to Rorschach with a helpless expression:

"Mr. Rorschach, you'd better not speak ill of our Hulk in front of Dr. Banner. For the sake of peaceful coexistence between each personality, our various senses are now shared, and the Hulk with a child personality I can’t tell the difference between metaphorical rhetorical questioning and hinting in our adult discourse.”

At this moment, Professor Hulk's words made Rorschach temporarily silent.

He seemed to take a deep breath inside the skull helmet, and said in a deep voice:
"Okay, my fault...Professor, how are your instruments detecting?"

For Rorschach's behavior of changing the subject.

Professor Hulk smiled gently.

Still tall, he bent down and picked up the dropped instrument from the ground.

However over time.

The expression on Professor Hulk's face became more serious.

"Mr. Rorschach, this is not an ordinary nuclear leak radiation. To be precise, nuclear radiation only accounts for a very small part of it, and the rest is more of the gamma rays that I am most familiar with!"

"Moreover, if my judgment is not wrong, these gamma rays with a large amount of basic activity seem to be emitted from a huge living substance!"

"But similar situations, I have only found myself in the past..."

At this moment, facing Professor Hulk's doubtful words.

Rorschach, who turned the skull helmet slightly, asked without any emotion:
"Professor, I need to know how harmful a large dose of gamma rays is to ordinary people. Will there be drastic changes in the body like you?"

Professor Hulk with a serious expression nodded his head.

He said to Rorschach based on everything he knew:

"Large doses of gamma radiation are fatal to all carbon-based organisms, but I don't rule out that kind of lucky guy. The other party may become a special individual like me, but it may also be completely destroyed by gamma rays. Mutation into some kind of gigantic monster!"

"It's fine for us to know this for the time being. Professor, you'd better go back to the base first, and leave the matter here to us."

Rorschach's voice just fell.

He quickly activated the light golden power armor on his body.

And the Ravenguard Champion, who was wearing vibrating gold armor, also quickly moved his magnetic boots.

They silently followed behind Luo Xia's tall figure, and slowly sneaked into the unfamiliar environment.

After the tall figures of Luo Xia and the others completely disappeared.

The Hulk professor who was standing there did not leave immediately.

"To be able to become such a large-scale source of living gamma radiation, the other party must be a first-generation individual like me, and may even be acquainted with me, but my old friends or enemies are all in the American continent..."

"Who is this strange existence?"


The bright sun shrouded the earth.

A remote and quiet asphalt road has no traces of vehicles passing by.

For a moment, it seemed that even the birdsong in the surrounding woods had completely disappeared.

And Rorschach, who was constantly casting shadow steps under his feet, was leading the two Raven Guard champions along a very empty road, quietly launching a gallop with the sound of the wind.

Not long after, when the huge cooling towers of the nuclear power plant were also faintly visible.

An army jeep that has unfortunately overturned on the side of an open road is slowly turning its useless rubber tires.

blah blah blah!

Rorschach, who was driving the power armor, suddenly stopped the magnetic boots.

He raised his hand and waved his palm lightly towards the champion of the Raven Guard behind him.

Afterwards, the three of them quickly sneaked in the direction of the jeep carefully.

In the next second, whether it is Rorschach or the Raven Guard champion.

They all clearly saw from the helmet eyepiece that a soldier who seemed to be undergoing various physical changes was lying on the ground full of gravel and twitching slightly.

"It seems that a large dose of gamma radiation is more harmful to mutants than ordinary people. I don't know if Natasha, who is an ordinary person, can survive."

Rorschach inside the skull helmet let out a sigh almost like a whisper.

However, just when he was about to order the Raven Guards to follow him and move on.

Not far away, the soldier whose body was constantly swelling and proliferating tried his best to lift up the terrifying head that was completely inhuman.

He stared in the direction of Rorschach and the others with a pair of blood-red eyeballs that were almost squeezed out of the eye sockets by flesh and blood!

"No matter who you are, please help me warn the elders of the Winter Palace that the underground prison of Chernobyl has been completely destroyed by an unknown energy. Mindless monster!"

"Repeat, Chernobyl has fallen! Repeat, Chernobyl has fallen!"


At this moment, when this tough-minded soldier is doing his best to convey important information to the outside world.

The opponent, who couldn't help but let out a painful roar, was completely covered by the growing flesh and blood!

In the next second, before the flesh and blood monster completely lost its mind, it got up and attacked.

The bolters in the palms of the two Raven Guard champions completely exploded with violent roars!

boom boom-

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