Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 624 Crows and Shadows: Damocles Bay (9)

Chapter 624 Crows and Shadows: Damocles Bay ([-])

Face a large-scale war of high intensity.

Even a superhuman Astartes is just a dot on a virtual terrain map, or a cold number in a series of death lists.

They were no different than every mortal warrior tasked with filling the battle lines.

Therefore, even the death of an important person at the level of the chapter leader is actually a common occurrence.

But now, Rorschach, who was always calm, took a few deep breaths repeatedly.

He still couldn't help but let out a deep growl like the eve of a volcanic eruption to the third company commander Kevan Stryker who had just sent the news of his death.

Slowly driving the power armor forward, he stared at the other party and asked loudly.

Why was the Chapter Master of the Raven Guard beheaded by the enemy commander.

What is their intelligence network doing.

And what are those Terminator guards attached to the Chapter Master himself doing.

At this moment, the third company commander, whose facial expressions were full of anger and grief, resisted the emotional fluctuations deep in his heart.

He explained everything to the angry Primarch in detail.

It turned out that with the input of a large number of combat forces from both the enemy and the enemy, the situation on some battlefields lacking Astartes support continued to deteriorate.

And in order to show a real record in front of the Primarch.

Chapter Master Severax himself led half a company of Raven Guard veterans into the fray.

However, when he happened to be on a battlefield, he accidentally discovered a white figure wearing an xv22 stealth command battle suit.

Chapter Master Severax immediately determined that it must be the Tau Commander, Shadowsun!

Afterwards, he quickly led the Raven Guard to launch continuous raids and interceptions towards the opponent.

Even after several failed encounters, despite the dissuasion of the Terminator's personal guards.

Just to behead Yingyang, he chose to go deep into the enemy-controlled position alone.

Unfortunately, just as Chapter Master Severax successfully beheaded 'Shadowsun'.

Another tall figure wearing the xv95 ghost cover battle suit suddenly appeared from the invisible state.

And using a deadly heavy-duty long-range weapon, he attacked the battle group leader whose reaction speed had dropped, and completely tore the opponent's entire body and power armor into two halves!

After listening to the third company commander, Luo Xia quickly calmed down his emotions.

Commander Shadowsun did come to this mineral planet as expected.

It is true that the beheading revenge against the human empire was launched.

However, the target chosen in the end was not the Primarch as everyone thought, but an important figure of a lower level.

In fact, it is not that Rorschach and others have not guessed similar situations.

But even Rorschach himself always believed that with the degree of hatred he beheaded Aether Anvar and O'Sharas.

No matter what, Yingyang would only target him for beheading.

But the current situation shows that.

The other party had no intention of meeting him from the beginning.

Instead, he chose to weaken the battlefield morale of the human empire as much as possible, so as to gradually expand the results of the entire battlefield!
Perhaps in Yingyang's view.

Narrow hatred is far less important than winning a battle for the race.

And even the death of Tai Anwa is a measurable cost of war!
Thinking of this, Luo Xia, who couldn't help furrowing his eyebrows, suddenly opened his entire brow.

He turned his head slightly, staring at the third company commander Stryker with a tense expression, and said:

"From now on, immediately order Kadi's armored troops to pretend to be defeated, and let them evacuate the mineral planet as soon as possible!"

"At the same time, let the Raven Guard and the battle brothers of the White Scars launch a retaliatory raid, and pretend to be defeated, and give up the entire battlefield to the Tau Empire!"

"Master Primarch, are you planning to..."

At this moment, Captain Stryker, who heard the order from the Primarch, couldn't help but widen his eyes.

He stared at the Primarch in front of him and asked subconsciously.

"Since the Tau Empire wants this mineral planet so much, then give it to them. However, do you think an unmined mineral planet is important to the Human Empire?"

"Instead of playing hide-and-seek with Shadow Sun on the surface, even wasting the lives of more combat brothers."

"I'm going to show my cards and turn the table over, so I won't play with them!"

Rorschach's expression gradually turned cold, driving the power armor, turning around and walking towards the rear.

At the same time, the cold order from the Primarch was clearly conveyed to the ears of the commander of the third company.

"Go and inform the mixed fleet above the orbit to prepare the cyclone torpedo."

"Let all the Tau troops on this planet, and even Shadowsun himself, be buried with Chapter Master Severax!"


Soon after, with the evacuation of Kadi's armored troops and all Astartes.

The positions on the entire mineral planet were successfully occupied by the menacing Tau Empire forces.

And the Raven Guard fleet that is entangled with many Tau Empire fleets, and the White Scars fleet that has secretly returned to the battlefield.

But after all the evacuated troops successfully entered the deck.

Quickly changed the direction of attack, and launched a torpedo torpedo towards the mineral planet not far away!

In an instant, it was accompanied by streaks of dazzling light that were clearly visible on the void orbit.

The extremely terrifying explosion flames and continuous shock waves swept across the surface of the entire planet at high speed!

In a short period of time, even those dust storms that have never stopped were completely submerged by the endless terrifying high temperature.

The continental plates of the entire planet are constantly shaking, and then rapidly cracking and collapsing.

Even the planetary fortress, which was strong enough to withstand the bombings of a large number of enemies, was covered in a fiery red terrifying sky.

Soon after, the explosive shock that swept across the planet seemed to set off a chain reaction.

A large amount of minerals was also accidentally stimulated to become a source of power to promote the complete disintegration of the planet's crust.

And as pieces gradually collapsed and drifted towards the void, the broken crust.

The Raven Guard and the White Scars Fleet are the culprits of destruction.

Under the frenzied siege of a large number of Tau Empire fleets, they quickly left the battlefield full of ships and planetary wreckage, and marched away into the depths of the void!


The destruction of the Mineral Planet not only wiped out Commander Shadowsun and a large number of Tau ground forces.

It also seemed to temporarily end the expansion wars of the Tau Empire.

However, as the direct leader who issued the extermination order.

Today's Rorschach has completely become a special target for being held accountable by the War Council of this star region and wanting to be examined immediately.

Even in the entire star area.

All the judges were moved when they heard the news, and quickly rushed to Damocles Bay by ship.

And the Raven Guards, who had just killed a chapter leader, were naturally very dissatisfied with the attitude of the Tribunal and even the War Council towards Lord Primarch.

If it wasn't for Rorschach to block it a little bit.

A fierce conflict between the Inquisition and the founding warbands was inevitable.

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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