Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 608 Deathwatch: Death of Time (9)

Chapter 608 Deathwatch: Death of Time ([-])
[Right now, your physical strength and reaction speed have reached some extremely terrifying limit state with the repeated catalysis of a lot of aging time. 】

【However, layer after layer of 'entropy field' shrouded your tall body again. 】

[Even if you smash the opponent's flesh and blood body immediately, the 'entropy energy' force field covering the body will dissipate immediately. 】

[However, the state of almost continuous time aging. 】

[It also allows you to reach the level of the Primarch's terrifying power and reaction speed is rapidly declining! 】

[The time remnants or reflections brought about by these mysterious "entropy energy" are like flowers in a mirror and the moon in water, after all, they are not the powerful power you obtain through yourself. 】

[At this moment, you can clearly feel it through the beast senses without even looking in the mirror. 】

[Your bronze-colored face hidden inside the skull helmet is already covered with deep wrinkles like knife cuts, and even the short white hair on top of your head has almost fallen off completely. 】

[But you didn't feel any fear or fear at all, but you rarely enjoyed a kind of tranquility before dying in your heart. 】

[At this moment, there is only one target in your gradually blurred vision. 】

【That is the Hrud Horned Rat who is the head of the Hrud clan. 】

[As the distance between the two parties continues to shrink, and a large number of Hruds on your flight path continue to suffer casualties. 】

[Hrud Horned Rat has also obviously noticed your presence on the chaotic battlefield. 】

【dong dong dong-】

【The huge Hrud Horned Rat immediately widened its dark eyes in your direction, and let out a low-pitched roar. 】

[A pair of ring-shaped long and narrow limbs hit the ground heavily like a stretching spring, splashing a lot of gravel. 】

【Then, the opponent suddenly pulled out two off-white 'entropy energy' lightsabers from behind, and launched an equally swift reverse charge in your direction! 】

[At this moment, you who are flying at a low altitude above the ground seem to squeeze into a layer of 'entropy energy' force field covering an extremely wide area. 】

[You suddenly feel that strands of time being drawn away are rapidly moving away from your tall body. 】

【You took a deep breath, not paying attention to the rapidly declining physical strength and the terrifying shadow of the body gradually decaying and heading towards death. 】

【Boom! 】

[The next second, there was a loud roar that shook the air. 】

[The power armor Starfire Glory has also entered an irreversible state of decay and aging. 】

【You have to fall heavily on the ground, and continue to rush towards the enemy with heavy steps. 】

【You seem to let out an extremely heavy gasp. 】

【Using all your strength, you swung the staff of the covenant that was gradually getting heavier in your palm, and then slashed heavily at the Hrud horned rat that was almost close at hand! 】

【Chi Chi Chi! 】

[In an instant, the Hrud Horn Rat couldn't help but let out a painful roar, the flesh and bones between half of the shoulder and the chest quickly collapsed and shattered, and sticky blood continued to splatter outward! 】

[At the same time, an 'entropic energy' lightsaber that looks like a gray flame was quickly pierced through the decayed and aging power armor by the opponent's only remaining limbs, and pierced through your entire chest forcibly! 】


[A large amount of light golden blood is constantly pouring into your mouth where your teeth are constantly falling out. 】

[And you just let out a low-pitched, fuzzy laugh subconsciously. 】

【You took a deep breath again, and slightly moved your heavy body that was still being aged by the 'entropic energy' force field. 】

【The increasingly heavy staff of the covenant in your palm was swung again by you, and then without hesitation, it smashed the round head of the Hrud Horned Rat! 】

【Boom! 】

[The suddenly disappearing 'entropy energy' force field makes you almost fall to the ground. 】

【You have to use the Covenant Rod to support the power armor that has no effect. 】

[At this moment, a large number of Hruds seem to have fallen into the final state of madness. They screamed piercingly and launched a desperate charge towards any Astartes they could see. 】

【You turn the slightly trembling aging body a little bit. 】

【You are leaning on the staff of the covenant surrounded by green light, staring indifferently at the Hruds who are rushing towards you one by one. 】

[At this moment, your consciousness gradually blurred. 】

[And just before you closed your eyes with a sigh of relief, the last image you saw. 】

[It is the Astartes whose fighting style is almost crazy, and several dreadnought mechs that are roaring in terror one after another are rushing desperately towards your position. 】

【You close your eyes and let out your last breath slowly. 】

[Because you have been shrouded in the mysterious time 'entropy energy' for a long time, the replica body in the material world has exhausted the last trace of vitality. 】

【You are old and dead. 】

[This simulation is over and it took three months. 】

【This simulation can retain the options as follows. 】

[[-]. Necromancer's Covenant Rod (Seiko)]

[Note: "This is an alien weapon that was successfully recovered by the Death Watch in a tragic battle against the invasion of the Space Necromancer Exploration Fleet. Thousands of years have passed since it became a trophy."]

[Note: "According to the long-term research of the technical sergeants inside Deathwatch, this advanced necromancer weapon is only eligible to be used by the three holy guards and higher-level space necromancers."]

[Note: "The Rod of the Covenant has two modes of long-range and melee combat. The energy impact of the long-range mode is enough to completely melt the living metal body of any space necromancer into a pool of smoldering metal juice, and the attack method of the melee mode, the principle The above is basically the same as the power weapon, and even more powerful."]

[Note: "'I have at least 99 ways to kill any living thing! 99 ways!' A crazy Sansheng guard whispered to a pile of human skeletons wearing bloody human skin."]

[[-]. The 'entropy energy' lightsaber of the Hruds (unknown)]

[Note: "As a mysterious and ancient alien race, the Hruds have a very high talent for finding technological items that can be continued to be used from a large amount of garbage. They often like to make swords powered by 'entropy energy' melee-like weapons, or lethal firearms that fire solid projectiles.”]

[Note: "It is said that poisonous crystal weapons produced by the Dark Eldar were also found on the samples of the Hruds accidentally captured by the Human Empire. Of course, even the appearance of mechanical prosthetics produced by the Human Empire is expected. .”]

[Note: "However, it may be difficult for human beings to use 'entropy energy' weapons through various technological means, because the key to driving 'entropy energy' weapons lies in the special talent 'entropy energy' inherently possessed by the Hruds."]

[Note: "'Don't be too presumptuous, it's useless...' The mechanical sage holding an entropy lightsaber is chanting the Hrud characters engraved on the hilt of the sword one by one."]

[[-]. Brand-new sword-class frigate (common)]

[Note: "The sword-class frigate is a frigate used by the human empire, and is usually used in large numbers by the imperial navy and the fleet of the Mechanic Order."]

[Note: "The origin of the Sword-class frigate is very old, and can be traced back to the early days of the Great Expedition. Of course, almost all components and structures of the Sword-class frigate that are still in production today have been redesigned and adjusted at a high level, and have undergone extensive testing. Evidence of countless tragic wars.”]

[Note: "Due to the nature of the sword-class frigate itself, both the thickness of the armor and the structure of the cabin are among the best among ships of the same tonnage, and even the defense capability of the void shield is the most extreme existence among small and medium-sized ships. "]

[Note: "The sword-class frigate only has some short-range laser arrays and lacks long-range attack capabilities, but at the same time, the structure and power of the plasma engine are very simple and powerful. Even a mechanical priest who has just graduated can easily complete the maintenance. and maintenance tasks."]

[Note: "'All frigates, move forward four...follow me to sink Abaddon!' A frigate captain with wide-eyed eyes uttered a final roar to the communication channel."]

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(End of this chapter)

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