Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 594 Lone Space Ship, Mars Meets!

ka ka ka-

Accompanied by the top of the Antarctic airport base, the layers of huge thick metal decks slowly shrink outwards.

Cobra-class destroyers from the Imperium of Man were also exposed to the bright light of the home world for the first time.

Small ice particles aroused by the large amount of icy air pouring into the inner space, and white snowflakes drifting with the wind.

A company of shark terminators led by the gigantic Chapter Master Tiberus himself.

As well as the Lamenter Terminator company with the Primarch Rorschach as its backbone, they also slowly entered the battleship from the hatch entrance.

Not long after, Thor, the god of thunder, put on the six-armed cavalry terminator.

Rogers, who was driving the speed-type power armor, and Tony, who had deliberately replaced the most powerful "Steel Centurion" heavy mechanical armor so far, also quickly arrived inside the bridge on the upper level of the battleship.

In addition, there are no more living people in the entire destroyer.

Almost every basic post used to maintain the operation of the ship.

All of them are directly and effectively controlled by the iron man David who temporarily acts as the captain through the automatic servo robot.

As a result, the combat capability of this Cobra-class destroyer can be said to have shown an exponential increase.

boom boom-

After David, the iron man who turned into the ship-based aircraft soul, quickly checked the airtightness of the entire ship.

Accompanied by bursts of roaring tremors that suddenly spread to the entire airport base.

The Cobra-class destroyer with a body length of [-] kilometers gradually activated the huge subspace engine that occupied one-third of the space of the ship.

Afterwards, the entire metal hull immediately rose slowly towards the sky, and even above the earth's orbit!

Wait until the ship reaches the predetermined orbit.

The internal large-scale shipborne auspicious instrument and space radar present all the data and information of the entire earth and even most of the solar system on the virtual image inside the bridge.

At this moment, none of the people standing firmly on the bridge deck said anything.

They stared at the azure planet outside the porthole of the bridge with solemn expressions, trying to feel the endless joy brought by human beings stepping into the deep space for the first time.

Of course, only Rogers and Tony, who have never left the earth, feel the deepest.

After all, apart from the two of them, even Sol has long been used to it.

Not to mention Rorschach and the Astartes from the Fleet-based Chapter.


Soon after, Iron Man David, who was collecting and processing various data information, temporarily docked the Cobra-class destroyer in Earth orbit.

Rorschach and others, who quickly entered the battle state, also immediately discovered the real traces of the alien enemy by studying the data images continuously sent back by the large shipborne bird divination instrument.

At this moment, a cosmic fleet consisting of a huge Chitauri mothership, plus five alien warships with completely different shapes and appearances, seemingly not from the same race at all, has arrived at the edge of the solar system.

At present, this alien fleet is sailing towards the earth at super-light speed.

After everyone present looked at each other.

Rorschach, who had long been elected as the commander and master of the fleet, did not hesitate too much.

He immediately ordered Iron Man David to activate the subspace engine of the Cobra-class destroyer that has undergone local magic changes, preparing to face the enemy fleet in the depths of the solar system.

The next moment, under the silent gaze of the deep-space satellites orbiting the earth and the subtle detection fluctuations from the direction of the moon.

The huge metal hull slowly detached from the orbit, and the Cobra-class destroyer, which began to accelerate continuously, successfully entered the super sublight speed sailing state infinitely close to the speed of light.

And like an arrow leaving the string, it launched a rampage towards the depths of the cold void!
After a few days of sailing.

The lone space ship belonging to humans and the Chitauri alien fleet launched the first large-scale space exchange in the native world near the Mars star field.

And with the hard work of countless automatic servo robots controlled by Iron Man David.

The colorful void shield slowly completely enveloped the entire Cobra-class destroyer.

In an instant, blue laser beams from the Chitauri fleet and space torpedoes with strange shapes streaked across the icy void one after another, repeatedly bombarding the void shield of the lone human ship!
It's a pity that even if it is only a small battleship of the human empire in front of the alien.

However, the void shield technology developed and iterated in the war-torn Warhammer universe still gave the aliens an incomprehensible shock.

That is, this extremely fast space battleship is like an unbreakable steel walnut.

No matter how the alien fleet's firepower configuration is adjusted, the shiny and colorful void shields show no signs of disappearing and breaking!
And even those space torpedoes that can successfully pass through the void shield at a slow speed, successfully set off violent explosions on the thick armor of the Cobra-class destroyer.

Just relying on the stupid gold keel structure and extremely thick metal armor of imperial ships, they can't cause too much damage at all.

That is to say, as long as the Iron Man David, who is the soul of the carrier-based aircraft, doesn't make waves deliberately, then the space firepower of the alien fleet in front of him basically doesn't pose any destructive threat!

Soon after, the Cobra-class destroyer, which rushed towards the alien fleet with its extremely flexible movement angle and speed, quickly mobilized the light spear turret located above the bow.

Along with one after another, huge light spears with terrifying power but extremely short range were launched one after another.

A small xenos warship attempting to defend the Chitauri mothership became the prime target of the lances!


At this moment, even in the cold void, no sound can be transmitted.

The people who were about to leave the bridge position just subconsciously made up the sound of the explosion in the porthole picture.

And the small alien warship that unfortunately became the first attack target of the Cobra-class destroyer did not resist the rapidly deployed energy shield for a long time, and the entire ship structure gradually exploded into metal wreckage floating around!

After the second medium-sized alien supply ship on the charge route was blasted into metal wreckage by the spear turret controlled by Iron Man David himself.

The Cobra-class destroyer with a void shield and metal armor that was constantly under attack from the enemy unexpectedly passed through the center of the alien fleet abruptly, and quickly arrived at the rear of the alien fleet!

Immediately afterwards, the huge metal hull of the Cobra-class destroyer slowly traversed.

The torpedoes loaded with Astartes Terminator quickly spewed out from the rows of torpedo launchers on the sideboard, as well as many space torpedoes with confusing effects.

At the same time, a glove assault boat full of sharks and wailer terminators also quickly left the lower deck of the Cobra-class destroyer.

These ancient space vehicles specially designed for Astartes are like steel fleas that are constantly besieging their prey, launching extremely deadly gang-jumping tactics against the alien fleet with only four large and small ships left today!

Among them, the Chitauri mothership, the largest in size, received the warm hospitality of ten gauntlet assault boats without any accident.

And with the fierce roar of the terrifying hot melt penetrating the thick deck, every gauntlet assault boat successfully entered the deepest part of the Chitauri mothership!

Now, this undoubtedly means only one thing, and that is that the Chitauri fleet is about to face annihilation!
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