Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 580 The plan will be counted!

Chapter 580 The plan will be counted!

In an instant, part of the ceramic steel armor made a dull collision sound.

The Astartes in one strike party immediately dropped to one knee in a firing stance.

They held the bolt guns hanging around their waists tightly in their palms again, then raised their guns and pointed them at Nick Fury not far away.

And the other wailer assault team also quickly raised their bolt guns, and aimed at every alien race around the opponent without any hesitation!
At this moment, Jessica, who was slowly floating in the midair of the passage, did not speak casually.

She is constantly scanning the large alien mechanical creation through the helmet eyepiece, trying to develop the flaws above.

At the same time, they also secretly analyzed the truth of the other party's words, how much they died together.

Strangely though.

The Stormtroopers who have been following Jessica have not revealed their tall figure for a long time.

"Nick Fury, as a member of the human race, you colluded with the alien race, never repented, and tried to reactivate the Rubik's Cube..."

"You said you did it on purpose? Or were you careless?"

At this moment, Doom, with a dark green cloak fluttering in the wind, led the apprentice Wanda in red nun armor to slowly behind the combat team.

His icy eyes stared through the helmet eyepiece, staring at Nick Fury, whose expression was almost numb not far away, and said in a low voice:

"Why don't we open the skylight and tell the truth, do you think you can leave here alive today?"

And Dum's words just fell.

Nick Fury, who couldn't help showing a sneer on the muscular dark face, blinked his bloodshot eyes, and said in a deep voice:
"Hehe, I used to think that I was a radical human supremacist, but compared with the cruel behavior of your Terra star corps, I have almost become an out-and-out joke!"

"Yes, you guys are strong and strong, you can do whatever you want, and even have weapons and equipment far beyond the earth's technology as the backing for your reckless actions."

"But do you understand that the measure of the entire universe is too large, and all the achievements of our human beings are too small!"

"Do you know how many alien races there are in the entire universe? How many alien life forms are far more powerful than the earth and you? Their rule may be calculated in light years! And we humans have not even stepped out Solar system!"

"The Shi'ar Empire, the Cree Empire, the Skrulls, the Asgardians, the Eternals, the cosmic parasites, the symbionts... In the face of so many ancient alien races that are difficult for human races, you Terra Star Boundary Legion Are you planning to step into the cosmic era with this extremely xenophobic and stupid idea?"

"Wake up! If our human race does not have a qualified guide and does not get the help of these pacifist Skrulls, then we will be completely exterminated on the first day of becoming an interstellar race, and will completely become a member of the universe. A speck of dust!"

At this moment, even Nick Fury's dark face gradually turned red due to over-excited emotions.

He shouted to Dum and the others almost hoarsely, and finally let out a deafening roar.

"Tsk tsk..."

However, at this moment, Doom, who was listening quietly, seemed to shake the metal helmet slightly.

An indifferent voice that couldn't tell whether it was ridicule or sarcasm gradually came out of the helmet.

"I thought you would have some more profound insights, but I didn't expect it to be such a cliché without nutrition!"

"Do you think from the bottom of your heart that our group of people is a group of human idiots with no vision? Killing endlessly for self-interest? Instead, you secretly colluded with the aliens. After you heard the gossip that others instilled in you, overnight Awakened completely and became a savior of mankind with weak knees?”

"Hehe, stop making trouble, you have already betrayed the interests of human beings by choosing to collude with the alien!"

"You don't really believe that a alien race that can set foot on the earth will show mercy to the human race?"

"You might as well ask these green-skinned aliens beside you now, and ask them if they believe that they will unreservedly assist the human race to enter the cosmic era!"

"You still want us to wake up? I'm afraid you need to wake up and wash your brain!"

"Now, let me tell you a fundamental law on a cosmic scale, that is, each race will only regard the interests of its own group as the most important thing!"

"And you, who think highly of yourself, have never been the pioneer of human awakening, or the only savior! You are just a heretic traitor who is shouted and beaten like a street mouse!"

"Astartes! Now tell him who is the true pioneer of humanity!"

At this moment, Dum's passionate words have not completely fallen.

Every Astartes present let out a low-pitched roar without hesitation.

Even Jessica, who had been hovering in mid-air trying to observe the enemy and waited for an opportunity to attack, subconsciously raised the Seiko sickle in her palm above her head!

"Lord Primarch! Long live Rorschach!"

"Tell them who is the real savior of mankind!"

"For the Emperor! For Sanguinius!"

At this moment, the deafening roars of everyone in the Astartes continued to echo in the depths of the vast underground passage.

It even gradually formed a series of overlapping echoes that were transmitted to farther places.

At this moment, all the green-skinned aliens including Nick Fury.

Their faces quickly changed indescribably, and it was impossible to tell whether it was shock or fear.

"Nick Fury, I've given us all the final answer."

"Now, hand over the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, and I can give you a happy death!"

With the icy sound resounding through the entire underground passage again.

The dark green cloak on Dum's tall body gradually became windless and automatic.

His two ceramic steel palms also secretly made witchcraft gestures.

Afterwards, Dum actually slowly drove the power armor forward.

And with the sound of the footsteps of the magnetic boots like heavy drumbeats, it fell on the violently beating hearts of Nick Fury and others.

The tragic aura that the other party showed deliberately, wanting to die together, was gradually suppressed!
"Stop! Did you hear me, I'm fucking telling you to stop!"

At this moment, Nick Fury, who gradually recovered, took a deep breath.

He suddenly opened a pair of bloodshot eyes.

The numb expression on that dark face gradually turned ferocious.

"Do you think I'm bluffing? Do you think that your Taira Star World Legion has won? You..."

Nick Fury's voice did not fall.

Dum, who suddenly stopped advancing under his feet, suddenly interrupted the other party's words:

"Nick Fury, haven't you found out yet? In fact, I've been delaying time with you!"


At this moment, Doom's cold voice quickly echoed in everyone's ears.

In the depths of the base hall not far behind Nick Fury and a dozen green-skinned aliens.

Five stormtroopers wearing auxiliary power armor quietly revealed their tall figures who were lurking!

At the same time, wisps of scarlet energy also cling to the ground and move forward, spreading covertly to the front, back, left, and right sides of the alien mechanical creation!
 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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