Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 569 Star Burners Griffin No. 4 (End)

Even if the nuclear explosion has been over for a long time.

The earth was still shaking violently in pain.

Even the sky was slowly covered by the billowing sea of ​​flames and pitch-black smoke.

Looking around, countless buildings exposed above the ground continued to collapse due to the endless shock waves.

And those industrial hives located below the ground.

Except for most of the Mechanic Adeptus support staff in the last nest who were able to escape by chance, the rest of the mortals were basically buried under the abyss!


Accompanied by the humming sound of piercing the air and a large amount of smoke.

Metal ten rings filled with purple energy kept destroying the wreckage of metal buildings falling from above everyone's heads.

At this moment, the ashen-faced Rorschach didn't care about the light golden blood that was slowly flowing down the corner of his forehead.

He forcefully spit out the dust and scum in his mouth, and issued a series of orders to the obviously flustered noisy crowd around him:

"All technical priests who can still breathe and move to check the injuries of the surrounding comrades! Immediately send some people to the hangar to check the damage of the Devourer-class transport ship and the Titan transport ship! That is the best choice for us to evacuate the Forge World! "

"Also, let those non-crazy astropaths contact the fleeing fleet that is still in low-Earth orbit, and let them send more Whale-class transport ships and fighter jets to meet us as soon as possible!"

"Wolf cubs! You lead the skitaris who can still move outside to see the situation in the hive capital. Remember, you can save as much as you can, but as long as I give you an order to evacuate, you must turn around and leave! Understand Yet?"

"Is that what you need to say?"

The wolf Rorschach, who was also ashamed, shook his head violently.

He immediately drove the power armor forward, directly split a large piece of shattered metal blocking the entrance of the command center with the super-phase sword in his palm, and then ran towards the outside world where the situation was more complicated without looking back. go.

Soon after, the engine oil guys, who experienced a large-scale nuclear explosion for the first time, gradually regained their composure.

Under the leadership of Rorschach, they quickly contacted the outside logistics personnel to count the current losses.

Although the most important drawings and STC have already been transferred in advance.

And this plan to destroy the forge world was voted for by almost every oil guy.

But seeing with their own eyes the complete scrapping of a large number of heavy vehicle production lines and the destruction of countless mortal workers also made these mechanical sages feel extremely sorry.

However, Rorschach, who remained indifferent from the beginning to the end, only glanced at the casualty figures that were roughly counted.

He didn't think about it any more.

Instead, after a period of time, the final order to retreat was issued without hesitation.

Today, the Forge World of Griffin IV has been destroyed by their own hands.

There aren't many high-value strategic objectives in the city worth the lives of remaining combatants.

Even the Tyranid swarms on the surface temporarily disappeared.

But outside the layer of black smoke and dust covering the earth, the Tyranid fleet wandering in the cold void must still be there.

And Luo Xia didn't dare to bet on whether the will of the worm nest would choose to give up and retreat because of the imbalance of biomass income and expenditure.


In the hangar on the ground full of rubble and cracks.

The deafening heavy footsteps sounded one after another.

The only remaining god machine of the Griffin Titan Legion is slowly entering the interior of the larger Titan transport ship.

Not far away, the scarred knight battle armors on the armor shells are also under the rapid command of more machine servants and even technical priests.

Hundreds of Devourer-class transport ships were continuously placed inside.

And just as more Mechanic Order logistics staff were repeatedly carrying many materials that could be taken away.

ka ka ka-

The almost messy outskirts of the industrial city.

Numerous pygmy pythons from the Tyranid race broke through the surface, and the bugs with their teeth and claws swiftly galloped towards the survivors!
At this moment, the will of the hive did not choose to give up, but continued to launch a new round of attack!

It seems that the destruction of the forge world may have other strategic purposes besides the necessary feeding.

Boom boom boom!
In an instant, thousands of Castellan mechs were on standby, and some of the technical priests were commanding them to retreat.

Immediately assumed the task of guarding, they fired at the Tyranid Zerg that came again, and at the same time launched a more intense close-quarters fight.

At the same time, there was a terrifying whistling of metal ten rings.

Rorschach, holding the blood scythe, also showed a tall figure like a steel train running crazily, and then launched an extremely terrifying charge in the direction of the Tyranid swarm!

At this moment, he seemed to have completely vented the depression he had accumulated during this period of time on the Tyranids.

The metal ten rings flying back and forth in the mid-air and the blood sickle dancing in the palm of the hand forming rounds of green light circles continuously chopped up a large number of digging pythons in front of them into pieces of flesh and blood scattered all over the sky!
"Don't worry about me, everyone continues to retreat!"

He saw groups of Castellan mechs approaching him.

Rorschach, whose bronze face was covered with purple blood, let out a low growl without looking back.

He vigorously drove the Zhenjin Powered Armor forward.

Let countless sharp limbs slash on the indestructible armor shell!
And even if the number of Tyranid Zerg in front seems to be endless.

Rorschach, who kept charging, did not show the slightest fear.

He just completely turned into an emotionless killing machine, abruptly dividing the entire Tyranid attack team into two halves!

boom boom-

At this moment, one after another whirlwind missiles suddenly cut through the dimly lit midair.

It quickly blasted down towards the pythons who were trying to surround Rorschach!

The next moment, a tall dark red figure brandished two melee weapons like an unstoppable monster, and rushed into the Tyranid swarm!
"Primarch! Why the hell are you crazy?"

"You are a commander now! You are the backbone of everyone! If you are accidentally eaten by bugs, then the human empire will really become a big joke!"

Wild wolf Rorschach, who swung a large circle of super-phase swords in his palm, quickly cleared a large gap among countless Tyranids.

He took the opportunity to drive the power armor through the gap, rushed to Rorschach's side, opened his eyes wide and growled at him.

"It's just a bunch of bugs, what's there to be afraid of?"

"Didn't you go to save people? What are you doing here again? Where are the people you saved?"

Rorschach with a stern expression didn't look back.

He just waved his hand, and the rapidly rotating metal ten rings instantly formed an extremely terrifying metal storm.

It completely tore the Tyranids that were rushing up around them into pieces of flesh and blood flying all over the sky!
"The living people who can be found or easily excavated have been sent to the transport fleet. Those mortals who can't be found or buried deeper in the hive city, we don't have extra time and equipment to rescue them!"

"The fleeing fleet has already launched a confrontation with the fleet of the Tyranid Zerg above our heads, and a large number of whale-class transport planes are waiting for our arrival..."

Grinning wild wolf Rorschach quickly glanced at the surrounding battlefield situation.

Without hesitation, he raised his hand and sent a signal for help to the Castellan formation in the distance, then turned his head to look at Rorschach who was still killing and shouted loudly:

"Retreat! This time we admit defeat! But in the future, there will be opportunities to give a big gift to the fucking will of the hive!"

"In the future? No later, I will give the Hive Will a meeting gift now!"

At this moment, Rorschach, who vented a lot of depression by killing, suddenly looked up at the sky.

He sneered at first, then took a deep breath.

Immediately afterwards, a huge palm wrapped in vibrating gold was quickly lifted above the head!

chi chi chi-

In the next second, four beams of colorful Tianlin divine power suddenly exploded from the protective ring towards the depths of the cold void beyond the dark clouds!

And a large number of hive fleets that are launching a fierce confrontation with the fleeing fleet.

A faucet of illusory energy comparable to the size of a planetary satellite was slowly summoned by the constantly intertwined and fused divine power of Tianlin!
And accompanied by the silent opening and closing of the huge dragon's mouth.

A torrent of scorching energy engulfed in the anger and resentment of billions of sacrificed human beings.

Immediately launched an uncontrollable frantic spit at the narwhal insect ship that was close at hand!

boom boom-

thanks for your support!
Fuck, it's said that in the latest plot, King Angron's body was chopped into a starship... Is this going to be a space fantasy plot?

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