Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 548 The King of Ghouls: The Legacy of the Crow King!

Empty glass.

According to think tank chief Kahuranki.

It was an ancient artifact that Corax, the Raven King, gave them to the Forsaken before he exiled the Sharks.

It's a pity that the Primarch didn't disclose the specific function of the ancient artifact, but only left a warning that can be used in the most desperate time.

However, more than 1000 years ago, the Shark Chapter lost this ancient artifact.

And the priest brother who was in charge of keeping the artifact became the only atonement person who wanted to retrieve the artifact.

Perhaps the Astartes of the White Shark Chapter were also angry and roared.

But today, thousands of years later, they seem to have given up any hope of recovering the ancient artifact.

"Although I can understand that the situation of the Devouring Sharks was really difficult in the past, and when the Raven King asked you to keep the ancient artifacts, it is a big problem that is difficult to understand..."

"However, it's beyond my imagination that you are planning to fool around like this."

On the metal throne of the ancient temple.

With a stern expression, Rorschach first glanced at the silent chapter leader Tiberus.

Then he turned his cold gaze to a group of the oldest White Shark Astartes.

"Even if it wasn't for the pale nomad who accidentally told me, I wouldn't even know about it!"

"It doesn't matter whether you own or lose an ancient artifact! But I don't like the attitude of your shark group!"

Just as he finished speaking, Rorschach suddenly raised a vibrating gold palm and clenched it into a fist.

He slammed his fist hard on the handle of the metal throne, and there was a loud roar of metal collisions!

dong dong dong-

The next moment, all the Astartes, including Chapter Master Tiberus.

Without hesitation, they knelt on one knee in the direction of the metal throne, and slowly lowered their heads.

"Master Primarch, please calm down—"

"My lord Primarch, the phagocytoid battle group in the past really couldn't deal with this matter. The Tyranids who invaded the Ghoul Starfield countless times, or more mysterious aliens also distracted us too much. ..."

At this moment, the chief think tank, the pale nomad, raised his drooping head first.

He stared at Rorschach on the metal throne with a pair of black eyes and said loudly:
"Master Primarch, now may be an important opportunity for our sharks to completely recover the ancient artifact. With the emergence of the Great Rift and the more frequent invasions of the Tyranids, there is no worse battle situation than now."

"Although we don't know what the ancient artifact of Kongji Liuli represents, if it is useful, we can not only use it to deal with the Tyranids, but even help the empire deal with more battlefields!"

The voice just fell.

Rorschach, who squinted his eyes, and the chief think tank looked at each other very covertly.

"Let that pastor brother come in, I think we need more intelligence information to understand the whole picture of the matter."

The next second, Rorschach took a deep breath and leaned the vibrating gold power armor behind the metal throne.

He immediately waved to the people below and said.

Wait until all the Astartes get up from the ground one after another.

A priest brother wearing old power armor led his hunting team into the ancient temple.

"Preacher of the Shark Corps, Tangatta Manu, the sinner who lost the ancient artifact, has an audience with the Primarch!"

The Astartes Priest named Manu knelt on one knee without hesitation.

Those Astartes who followed behind him offered their loyalty to Rorschach without hesitation.

"Okay, let's all get up, let's talk about business first."

Rorschach frowned slightly.

He raised his hand to make those in front of him stand up immediately.

"I heard that you have been looking for the ancient artifact 'Kongji Liuli' for more than 1000 years?"

"Report to Lord Primarch, it is one thousand four hundred and fifty three years."

Pastor Manu raised his head slightly, looked at Rorschach with a pair of dark eyes and replied.

"Then, in the past 450 years, have you ever found any traces of Kongji Liuli?"

Rorschach continued to ask with a serious expression.

"To report to the Primarch, only once, and before we return."

Pastor Manu nodded without any hesitation.

"Oh? Then why didn't you find the ancient artifact? Or was it that the enemies you faced were difficult to deal with?"

Rorschach stared at the priest brother below, and asked casually.

But the pastor Manu was silent for a while, and said without concealing:
"To be precise, when we found the trace of the artifact, it was still a bit late in time. The ancient artifact had already been stolen by a dark Eldar conspiracy called the Piercing Rose."

"Conspiracy? Dark Eldar?"

After hearing the familiar alien race.

Rorschach's expression gradually became serious and he straightened his back slowly.

He questioned Priest Manu again:
"Why would the Dark Eldar go looking for an ancient artifact belonging to the Raven King?"

"Master Primarch, those sharp ears don't know what it is, but simply think that it may be a precious treasure that can be loved by the consul of the cabal group... We still have a chance to find this ancient artifact, but we need you Or the great support of the White Sharks Chapter."

Priest Manu took a deep breath.

He slowly bowed to Rorschach on the metal throne.

"Tiberus, what do you think of this matter?"

At this moment, Rorschach turned his eyes and looked at Tiberus who had been silent.

"My lord Primarch, I think it is just a illusory ancient artifact. Although it is extremely precious, it is not worth the more resources and combat power of the Man-eating Sharks, and I believe that one has failed for 450 years. The sinner can succeed, I would rather give him the final judgment cleanly!"

Tiberus, who slowly raised his two lightning-powered claws, stared at Priest Manu's tall back.

He spoke in the direction of Rorschach in a low tone.

"Priest Tangata Manu, do you have anything else to say?"

Rorschach, who didn't express any intention, turned his attention to the priest brother again.

He asked the other party calmly.

"Respected Lord Primarch, Lord Chapter Leader and all the brothers in the void, I am indeed a sinner who unfortunately lost the ancient artifact and cannot be forgiven, but this time, I am willing to use my life as a guarantee!"

"I know which Dark Eldar stole the Kongji Liuli, and which conspiracy group the other party belongs to, and there is only one last clue left to track down. I implore the Primarch and the Chapter Master to allow me to continue hunting! "

"If this mission fails in the end, I am willing to accept the punishment immediately, but if it succeeds, we will be able to regain the Kongji Liuli, and even use this to avenge more enemies of the emperor!"

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