Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 536 Paladin Phoenix·Museum Wonderful Night (4)!

Chapter 536 Paladin Phoenix·Museum Wonderful Night ([-])!

[The slender corpse of the Harlequin of the Spirit Race falls to the ground heavily. 】

【"I don't know what it means, none of you Spirit Race can speak human language..."】

【With your brows tightly furrowed, you blinked your eyes and focused your gaze on the more intense battlefield. 】

[With the appearance of you and Fulgrim, the buffoons of the Eldar race seem to be in an embarrassing situation, but the Terminators of the Black Legion rely on their steady and steady attacks to gradually compress the opponent's living space. 】

【At this moment, you and Fulgrim have not stepped forward to help. 】

[No matter which side survives, it may be the starting point of another battle. 】

[Shortly afterwards, as the roar of bolters and chainswords died down, the five nearly unscathed Chaos Astartes put an end to the Eldar Harlequin's life signs. 】

【They slowly turned the helmet's eyepiece, focusing their gaze on you and Fulgrim. 】

【And you also subconsciously clenched the blood sickle in your palm, analyzing with your cold eyes how to launch a more effective attack. 】

【"Look at what this is... a Primarch and his little follower? The gods really bless us!" A Chaos Astarte who clearly occupied the leading position suddenly stepped forward, and the bolter in his palm had already aligned in your direction. 】

【You and Fulgrim both showed a sneer at the corner of your mouth, and your cold eyes seemed to be looking at five dead people. 】

[The next moment, you are the first to drive the Zhenjin Powered Armor forward and launch a fierce charge. 】

【Boom boom boom—】

[The bolt guns in the palms of the five Black Legion Terminator quickly launched a large-scale concentrated fire towards you! 】

【However, you only raised a vibranium arm to block the front of your head without helmet protection, and the vibranium power armor, which continuously splashed a lot of sparks, slammed into the enemy's formation like an indestructible steel fortress! 】

【Boom! 】

[Accompanied by a deafening sound of metal collisions, the leader of the Black Legion Terminator quickly stepped back towards the rear! 】

【The sickle of blood that you hold tightly in the palm of your hand is like a tarsal maggot, wrapped in a lot of green light, and swept towards the opponent's neck abruptly! 】

[At the same time, Fulgrim, who once again turned into a purple-gold storm, has completely rushed in front of the other terminators. 】

[He raised a huge palm gracefully and brutally, and squeezed the metal helmet of a Terminator in the blink of an eye, and the power long sword in the other palm had already penetrated deeply into the Terminator beside him. Heavy armor inside! 】

[The next moment, you, who successfully chopped off a rolling head, also drove the vibrating power armor to move with heavy steps, and once again had a violent collision with other terminators! 】


[At this moment, the Terminator whose helmet was crushed by Fulgrim subconsciously let out a fierce roar, and the blood scythe in your palm also flipped and swung two roaring chainsaws The sword hacked into a Terminator's shoulder blade again! 】

[In a short while, a Terminator lost his entire head, and a Terminator had his head crushed by a terrifying force. 】

[And the other Terminator who was pierced through the breastplate by Fulgrim's power sword will die soon, after you use all your strength to dismember the penultimate Terminator obliquely. 】

【The grinning you and the cold-faced Fulgrim almost subconsciously focused their icy eyes on the last Terminator! 】

【"Abadon is here! Long live the Black Legion—"】

【However, just when the only remaining Chaos Astarte couldn't help but let out a deafening roar, planning to step forward and continue to fight with you. 】

【Crack! 】

[A sudden burst of crisp applause reached the ears of all of you. 】

【You quickly drove the vibration gold power armor to turn your tall body, and you firmly held the blood sickle stained with fresh blood in your palm. 】

[Fulgrim, with a dignified expression, also gave up on slaughtering the last Chaotic Astartes. He quickly turned his gaze to the direction where the voice came from. 】

[At this moment, a space necromancer whose appearance is obviously more advanced than that of a tomb technician is holding a scepter, revealing a silver metal body emitting a cold aura. 】

["Tsk tsk, double happiness... If I can take you in, then all the losses I have suffered can be made up for." The space necromancer with green eyes flickering slightly shook the metal head, It spoke to you with interest. 】

["Brother, if you don't want to return to the stasis force field, we need to really work hard. It should be the master of this tomb world, the galaxy thief saint, and the dead soul overlord Tarasin!" You took a deep breath, Suddenly he whispered to Fulgrim not far away. 】

【"If the battle situation is unfavorable, I will try my best to use the melta bomb in my hand to create a chance for you to escape... Rest assured, to a certain extent, I am immortal!"]

【At this moment, upon hearing your words, Fulgrim with a solemn expression suddenly turned his head and stared at you. 】

【He didn't have any extra words, but nodded his head slowly. 】

【"For the emperor, brothers, we will fight side by side!"】

【"Come on, for the Emperor!"】

[You take another deep breath. 】

【You clenched the blood sickle in your palm, and let out a deafening roar from the depths of your chest! 】


[Nth round. 】

【You opened your closed eyes with a slightly blank expression. 】

【You immediately perceive the Vibranium power armor you are wearing, the blood sickle lingering in green light in your palm, and a scarred bolter on your waist. 】

[At this moment, you who just took a deep breath suddenly noticed that it was within your line of sight. 】

[A space necromancer catacomb technician with icy luster all over his body and green eyes shining opened his metal-fitting mouth. 】

【"Huh? Which stasis force field did you run out of?"】

【You can't help but frown. 】

[You are vaguely aware that the scene in front of you seems to have been seen somewhere before. 】

[However, in the face of an upcoming attack by a space necromancer, you don't have time to have too many thoughts. 】

【You quickly activated the vibrating gold power armor, and the blood sickle held tightly in your palm instantly danced into a fleeting green halo! 】


[The next moment, with a clear sound, the metal head of the tomb technician suddenly shot up into the sky, turned over and fell heavily towards the metal floor! 】

【"The poor catacomb technician died under my scythe again...huh? Why do I say again?"】

【You blinked your doubtful eyes a few times, and murmured thoughtfully. 】

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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