Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 517 Fight against chaos, only sacrifice!

Chapter 517 Fight against chaos, only sacrifice!
At this moment, in the face of continuous questioning from Iron Man David.

Reditus, who was always eloquent, didn't have any rebuttal words.

Speechless, it had no choice but to manipulate the tiny knight titan in the form of crawlers to squat randomly towards the corner of the room.

Instead, he devoted more attention to the specific movements of the Intellectual Control Corps.

Though this is Reditus' first big move to actually join the team.

But whether it is combat experience or the way he handles things, there is no comparison with Iron David.

Therefore, it still continues to be its technical priest with peace of mind.

Occasionally play a guest role on the super fire support platform.

Seeing that Reditus has completely stabilized.

The iron man David with the blue light in his eyes turned his metal head.

It continued to talk about more details of the plan with Tony, who had a serious expression, and Sol, who was wearing a six-armed Terminator.

Judging from the current situation.

The power and resources that Rorschach can mobilize are not too weak.

Some normal small and medium-sized countries are enough to quickly flatten the past, and they will not suffer much loss.

Even against the major members of the UN Security Council.

Abandon the way of attacking cities and pulling out strongholds, and instead use sports guerrilla tactics.

Neither the Astartes nor the Stormtroopers can cause a huge problem that cannot be dealt with in a short period of time.

It's a pity that what everyone is facing now is the demon of Nurgle, not an official human organization that can negotiate.

Especially with the presence of Chaos Astartes like the Death Guard.

It made Rorschach even more determined to carry out a large-scale tough battle.

And even this tough battle wasn't just the first pitched encounter between the Wailers Company and the Death Guard.

It also refers to the continuous torment of the people in this area by the plague of Nurgle.

When it is absolutely necessary.

The bombers of the Astartes and the laser beams of the Wehrmacht guards may still fall on countless civilians.

Because against chaos, there is only sacrifice.


dong dong dong-

Rough hard asphalt ground.

The heavy magnetic boots kept stepping on it, leaving clearly visible footprints.

It also drives the power armor like a metal giant to gallop forward continuously.

At this very moment, Rorschach, who was holding the Blood Scythe in his palm, and five Wailers wearing speed-type power armor were going deep into the hinterland of Uttar Pradesh alone.

More than ten hours ago, Natasha and Hawkeye, two mortal agents whose physical strength and mental will had reached their limits, had temporarily evacuated from the war zone.

Doom himself doesn't want to leave though.

But he still obeyed Rorschach's order and went to the temporary command center.

Help Iron Man David integrate the follow-up offensive team and deal with more problems.

And Luo Xia, who had completely let go of his hands and feet, was also restless.

He personally led the Astartes team to break through the encirclement of countless Nurgle corpses one after another.

They quickly raided four large towns, completely destroying more flesh foundries.

At the same time, Luo Xia and others also obtained more clues and important news.

The bad news is that Rorschach has little hope for the survival of the countless local civilians.

Based on the current number of Nurgle walking corpses and the degree of mutation in the surrounding environment.

The whirlwind missile scrubbing the ground is already the best ending.

If necessary, the fire storm catalysts that Reditus left in the Twin Islands base found new uses.

Of course, there is good news too.

Perhaps the other party did not expect that Rorschach, who was the Primarch, would attach great importance to the invasion of Chaos.

Or the power of Nurgle is also sometimes unacceptable.

In short, Chaos Daemons attempt to create Chaos Astartes speed out of thin air.

It was far behind the speed at which flesh and blood foundries were completely wiped out by Rorschach.

However, Rorschach, who was completely in a state of war, did not have any luck.

If nothing unexpected happens.

The real hinterland of Uttar Pradesh, such as Lucknow, the capital city with the largest population.

The horror of the Chaos Astartes must have appeared!
"Temporarily stop advancing, everyone rests in place for 15 minutes!"

At this moment, Rorschach, who was driving the Zhenjin Powered Armor to keep running, abruptly stopped the magnetic boots.

He suddenly turned his head and issued an order to the wailers behind him.

And the Astartes also immediately drove the power armor to look for the surrounding bunkers.

Then, they quickly knelt down on one knee to check the wear and tear of the melee weapons, and at the same time recovered their exhausted stamina as soon as possible.

At this moment, Rorschach, who stared left and right at the surrounding environment, did not notice any danger.

He raised a vibrating gold palm and tapped lightly on the side of the helmet, making a crisp crashing sound.

"David, our direction and current coordinates have been sent to you. Immediately notify the captains of the Wailers Company and ask them to join us as soon as possible."

"Also, how is the situation at the command center?"

And Luo Xia's deep voice just fell.

The mechanical voice from Iron Man David sounded in his ears.

"My lord, the coordinate information has been sent. The Wailers Company, which has already boarded the Taurus assault vehicle, will arrive at your location soon. The returned Mr. Doom has just finished many procedures of isolation and repeated disinfection, and has joined the In the communication meeting with the local official departments, Zheng Xian, the director of the Spear Bureau, also helped us a lot, and I think the final result we want will appear soon."

"The Intelligent Control Legion has already started the engineering task under the leadership of Reditus. Moreover, thanks to the resource support from the Divine Spear Bureau and local officials, we can use large containers to set up this isolation line of defense. After my According to data calculations, the entire Uttar Pradesh can be surrounded within about 72 hours."

"Currently, the reorganized defense force guards are also following your request, cooperating with the Storm Troopers to slowly advance into Uttar Pradesh inch by inch with flamethrowers, but this method has been strongly resisted by the local official department. The real image of the Chaos Demon is placed in front of them, and they still think that the economy and interests after the war are the most important, and our actions are undoubtedly destroying the future of their nation."

"Hehe, we have been galloping forward all the way, and we are now close to the hinterland of Uttar Pradesh, but we haven't seen any survivors who can communicate with each other. Even the wilderness plain outside the town is almost full of Nurgle's walking corpses. Already!"

After hearing what Iron Man David said.

Luo Xia couldn't help but sneered and said without hesitation:
"The future? David, you can tell them all clearly, as long as the pollution of chaos is not eradicated for a day, not only the South Asian subcontinent, but even the entire human race in Terra will have no future!"

"I don't want to pay any price, just want to win this war? There is no such good thing in my dream!"

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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