Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 504 The Emperor's 'Meeting' Ceremony!

Chapter 504 The Emperor's 'Meeting' Ceremony!

[The eyes of your body and the soul inside seem to be looking directly at a 'cold sun' sitting in an ancient mechanical device, the golden throne. 】

【You knelt down on one knee uncontrollably, and took off the metal helmet on your head. 】

【Your expression sometimes distorted, and sometimes indifferently lowered your head towards this great and tragic human god emperor who is still alive. 】

[At this moment, the dazed Ni seemed to vaguely see a tall, slender and dark figure standing under the golden throne through the corner of his eye...]

[Garbled characters are being blocked——]

[Garbled characters are being blocked——]

【Your consciousness gradually dissipates. 】

【'you are dead. 】

[This simulation is over, it took one year and one month. 】

【This simulation can retain the options as follows. 】

[[-]. The Ancient Black Spear (Master)]

[Note: "This is the exclusive weapon of Asterion Moloch, the leader of the Minotaur Chapter."]

[Note: "According to legend, this is a master-level power weapon transformed from a variant spear called the Relic Spear in the Imperial Army's arsenal."]

[Note: "It can emit a kind of disintegrating light in a dark technological age in a directional way. It is very powerful. It is a pity that the leader of the Moloch battle has been obsessed with melee combat all year round, and rarely uses this method to fight the enemy."]

[Mark: "'Ah! My eyes—' Moloch, who accidentally looked directly at the Emperor himself with the help of your body, couldn't help but let out a painful roar. He didn't die, but he just needed to endure a period of time. The blindness of time."]

[Note: "Your prestige relationship with the Moloch Chapter Commander himself and the Minotaur Chapter has been raised to worship (temporary). For details, please check the simulator's diplomatic page."]

[[-]. Brand-new Cobra-class destroyers (common)]

[Note: "This is a cobra-class destroyer that has just been completed and prayed on the top of a cast world steel ball."]

[Note: "It is the most commonly used torpedo attack ship in the navy of the human empire. Its high speed and maneuverability enable the Cobra-class destroyer to quickly seize a powerful position to launch torpedoes on a cosmic scale battlefield."】

[Note: "In contrast to the high-speed maneuverability of the Cobra-class destroyer, the small hull structure is forcibly stuffed with a large subspace engine, as well as a very weak armor defense capability, which will temporarily disable the void shield. Destroyers make good enough moving targets."]

[Note: "The Imperial Navy reminds you that there are tens of thousands of waterways in the subspace, the first one in the Geller force field, the navigator's guidance is not standardized, and the Golden Throne has two lines of tears."]

[[-]. One chance to obtain an Emperor-class battleship (only)] (please choose carefully)

[Note: "You will get the random transmission permission of your real body to the space battlefield of the human empire or any forged planet."]

[Note: "You can use the identity of the original body to threaten, exchange materials, or use force to snatch and steal an Emperor-class battleship belonging to the human empire."]

[Mark: "The Emperor-class battleship is one of the capital ships of the human empire's navy and the Mechanic Adeptus. An unsunk Emperor-class battleship is an important protector of the empire's territory."]

[Note: "Whether you successfully obtain the ownership of the Emperor-class battleship or not, you will be re-transmitted back within a certain period of time. Please be cautious about all the actions you do to obtain the ship."]

[Mark: "'This may be a gift from the Emperor for your merits in rectifying the Holy Terra and meeting the other party for the first time, or maybe it's just compensation for erasing part of your memory? Tsk tsk...' a back-born pair of wings The blue bird man muttered to himself in the chaotic and treacherous subspace, and in the next second, an extremely terrifying spiritual energy swept from the depths of the subspace, completely annihilating the giggling opponent. "——The comedy "Don't Mess with the God-Emperor in the Subspace", performers: Tzeentch, Damo, Tzeentch. 】

[This simulation has ended, and the consumption is one throne coin. 】

[Currently holding throne coins: two. 】


After the simulation is completely over.

Rorschach opened and closed his eyes for the first time.

He covered his short, gray head with a huge palm covered with a vibrating gold shell.

At this moment, he felt as if his entire head had just been thrown into a drum washing machine and spun for an extremely long period of time.

This unbearable dizziness mixed with tingling sensation made him subconsciously let out a low moan.

It was the first time that Rorschach experienced such a strange taste after the simulation ended.

"My lord, did you feel uncomfortable just now? Do you need me to provide you with a panacea?"

At this moment, the iron man David in the Leiying cab shook his metal head slightly.

With blue lights flashing in its eye sockets, it asked Rorschach in the cabin very intimately.

Rorschach did not reply immediately.

He waited until the dizziness gradually disappeared and the tingling pain was almost gone, then he turned his head and said in a deep voice in the direction of the cab:

"No, David, you can fly the plane properly."

Afterwards, Rorschach, who frowned slightly, quickly set his sights on the simulator.

He read the simulated content above as quickly as possible, and then let out a long breath.

"After I used Moloch's body to push the door of the throne room, something else must have happened... But why didn't the Emperor want me to know, instead of erasing this memory?"

"A truth about something I can't know yet? Or a person I can't meet?"

Rorschach's thoughts turned rapidly as his expression gradually returned to a state of indifference.

But he who has no impression of that memory can't guess the truth anyway.

In the next second, he looked at the text in the third reward.

"The blue birdman must be Tzeentch's Chaos Great Demon, and the Great Demon can be said to be the incarnation of Tzeentch himself, and the reason why it said those words is probably to arouse suspicion in my heart. After all, the Emperor The emperor just cleaned part of my memory."

"Hehe, if Tzeentch thinks that he can shake my tenacious will at will, then he really underestimates me..."

"The Emperor may not be a good man, but Chaos God is a pile of shit!"

At this moment, Rorschach sneered slightly as his thoughts turned back and forth in his mind.

He closed his eyes again.

At this moment, Rorschach did not immediately choose the simulation reward, but directly closed the simulator.

He needs to think about how to choose.

The most valuable one is naturally an opportunity to obtain an Emperor-class battleship.

That's an Emperor-class battleship.

For Rorschach who doesn't even have a space-class ship right now, it's no less than going directly from steamed buns and pickles to a full banquet.

But corresponding problems also emerged.

This is just a chance like a lottery, and it needs to be there in person.

And the Emperor did not directly send an Emperor-class battleship must also have his consideration.

At the same time, what worried Rorschach the most was that.

All the ships of the human empire use subspace engines.

Although the native world also has special spaces with similar properties.

But whether the warp engine from the Warhammer universe can be used on the home world is still unknown.

If the subspace engine fails.

Then the Emperor-class battleship can only temporarily become a metal fortress that cannot be separated from the ground, and cannot exert its due strength at all.

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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