Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 502 Minotaur in Holy Terra: Shadow of the Regency! ()

Chapter 502 Minotaur in Holy Terra: Shadow of the Regency! (ten)

[In the ninth month, a proposal you made was supported by the Supreme Council of Terra. 】

[That is, the Forbidden Army Restriction Regulations that divided the high lords was temporarily cancelled, and thus the Forbidden Army successfully obtained the right to conduct large-scale operations in other places outside the Terra Palace. 】

[Trajan Valoris, the commander of the imperial army, also temporarily joined the 12-member high lord council, becoming the No.13 high lord in the true sense, not an honorary title that had no power before. 】

[You originally wanted the Terra Council to permanently cancel this ancient regulation, so that the tentacles of the Emperor's will can be extended to more places. 】

[But you later found out that this is the limit that the reformers can do. Unless you have the special ability to handle the administrative operations of the entire empire overnight, otherwise, you must learn to compromise, otherwise the reformers will start to fight against you everywhere. 】

[Sometimes, killing can solve problems, but it cannot solve all problems. 】

[In the end, in order to maintain the tacit understanding and balance between each other, you began to order the Minotaur battle group to gradually withdraw from Holy Terra, leaving only a small team of Terminator guards. 】

[At the same time, you also had some small contacts with the Mechanics. 】

[And this also involves the final fate of the conservative casting general. It is said that the other party was dismantled and dissolved by another great sage who had a bad relationship with him while praying. 】

[Taking this opportunity, your Minotaur battle group has once again obtained a lot of precious equipment replenishment opportunities from the Mechanic Order. 】

[And you also accidentally discovered that the fleet of the Minotaur still has the Battle Barge Daughter of the Storm that was snatched from the Lamenters during the Badab War. 】

[You recall carefully through Moloch's data stream, and then you subconsciously feel that the luck of the Wailers Group does have some indescribable special problems. 】

[Obviously the leader of the battle group, Foros, tried his best to stay away from the solicitation of the black-hearted Huron through your reminder, and avoided contact with the Star Claws. However, due to various factors, on the way away from the maelstrom, he was unreasonably The Minotaur warband launched a gang-hopping attack as the rebel Astartes trying to escape. 】

【Simply, Chapter Master Foros took preventive measures against this situation in advance. The Lamenter Astartes did not lose many personnel, but the battle barge Daughter of the Storm was still lost. 】

[In the tenth month, you did something else next. 】

[You filled the entire Tempest Daughter with two-thirds of the precious equipment from the Mechanicus and the countless ammunition materials mobilized again from the Ministry of the Interior. 】

[At the same time, you also gave the current mortal captain of the Daughter of the Storm a very secret mission. 】

[That is to go to the Ghoul Starfield as soon as possible, look for an unfamiliar war group named Shark Shark, and personally deliver the entire battle barge and the ammunition supplies inside to this war group. The specific origin, then the mortal captain will say a number 22 to gain the trust of the shark. 】

[As for why you didn't return the Storm Daughter to the Wailers. 】

[One is that you can't find any trace of them at the moment, and the other is that after you leave, Moloch finds that the battle barge is back in the hands of the Lamenter, and a bigger conflict will easily break out between the two sides. 】

[To be honest, the combat strength of the Wailers belongs to the mid-range in the Astartes, and it is still weaker than the shark battle group that has been wandering outside the domain all year round. 】

[Also, you have only heard of a man-eating shark robbing others, but you have not seen a man-eating shark being robbed. 】

[No. In the 11th month, the focus of your mission has shifted from the upper layer of Terra, which is gradually returning to normal, to the civilians of the Hive Capital. 】

【You also don't want to wait until after you leave, the nest that was so hard to clean will fall to the bottom of the pitiful dust once again. 】

[According to your in-depth analysis and investigation, Holy Terra is actually not suitable to be a hive world. Endless consumption. 】

[This also leads to problems with the transportation routes from other star domains to Terra, countless people of Terra will starve and be used by cultists or heretics. 】

[So, you want to try your best to change this from happening. 】

[However, in the face of hundreds of billions of hive people, even if you have the dual support from the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it will be difficult to shake this terrifying situation. 】

[Even if Terra Nest itself is the recruitment site for the major regiments and various troops, the carefully selected selection system will not have much effect. 】

[In the end, you have to make a very cold and difficult decision. 】

[Since it is impossible to reduce expenditure, then find a way to open source. 】

[No. In the 12th month, you began to use your potential reputation and influence in the major hive cities to truly recruit a hive capital star realm army. 】

[And these hive recruits who have only undergone simple training and whose sole purpose is to fill in the lines on the battlefield will form a special system on the holy Terra that everyone knows well, that is, they can use this to consume Thai Pull the overpopulation above. 】

[However, your decision has successfully won more support from the Supreme Council of Terra and the Ministry of Military Affairs, and the indomitable expedition launched by the regent Guilliman will fill every inch of land and victory won The blood and tears of countless Terra people. 】

[No. 13 months, just when you are suffering from the torture of conscience alone. 】

[Trajan, the commander of the imperial army, came to visit again. 】

[This time, he sent you a solemn invitation without hesitation, hoping that you can follow him to the throne room, so as to prove your noble status as the Primarch. 】

【You who just happened to be in a depressed state wanted to refuse immediately, but then you saw Trajan's resolute face without any emotional fluctuations and covered with scars. 】

【In an instant, you understood that this was not a request from the Commander of the Imperial Army at all, but a vague will from the 'Master' sitting on the Golden Throne. 】

【You took a deep breath, and slowly drove the Terminator power armor to stand up. 】

[At this moment, Trajan, the commander of the imperial army, nodded slightly to you, then turned and walked outside. 】

【And you also drove the Terminator power armor to follow. 】

【You did not carry the Black Spear and the Minotaur Shield with you, because what you are about to meet is the Lord of Humanity who has maintained the Human Empire for 1 years...】

【Emperor! 】

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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