Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 484 The Hub Chaos and the Cosmic Rubik's Cube!

Chapter 484 The Hub Chaos and the Cosmic Rubik's Cube!
dong dong dong-

Accompanied by the dull sound of magnetic boots trampling heavily on the concrete floor.

An Astartes raid team and a heavy weapons team belonging to the Lamenter Company rushed out of the cabin of the Thunderhawk transport plane and fell to the ground.

They swiftly drove the black and white two-color speed-type power armor, and launched a charge towards the predetermined target building like steel chariots.

By direct order from Primarch Rorschach.

Unless those mortal agents strike first or use an unknown lethal weapon.

Otherwise, there is no need for the Wailers to fight back, their main task is to occupy and control.

And relying on the defensive ability of the power armor, it is difficult for ordinary physical bullets to cause much damage to the Astartes.

Perhaps, however, Rogers' pre-war speeches didn't do much.

Or maybe the Wailers are up against agents belonging to HYDRA.

Da da da--

Accompanied by a series of large-caliber machine gun bullets piercing the air, and muzzle flames that kept swallowing flames.

Mortal agents hiding in airport towers, hangars and other buildings launched extremely fierce resistance.

At this moment, the company commander of the Wailers company quickly changed the battle plan.

All Astartes mission objectives start with Occupation and Control.

Immediately changed to annihilation mode.

boom boom-

In an instant, the harsh roar of a large number of bolters appeared on the S.H.I.E.L.D. site for the first time.

Numerous HYDRA lurking agents who were attacking or unidentified S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, together with some bunkers, were blasted to pieces by the terrifying bombs one by one!
And the Astartes, who had partially completed the charge, drew out the roaring chainsword.

A bloodier massacre was unavoidably staged.

In fact, even Rorschach knew about the current situation.

He himself would not say much.

After all, it is a rare benevolence of the Astartes to give the enemy an honorable death on the battlefield.

As for the promise to Rogers, he can only say sorry.


SHIELD headquarters.

Agent command operations center, hub.

This is a hidden location where most of the space is located inside the vast mountains of the Colorado Plateau.

Since its completion, it has never been attacked or discovered by the enemy.

However, at this moment, one after another, fierce gunshots are constantly ringing out from every place inside the base.

S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and Hydra agents with completely different positions and beliefs engaged in fierce battles relying on complex corridors and terrain.

Although it is inevitable that both parties originally belonged to the same camp.

But it happened because of mutual suspicion or other small thoughts and passionate shootings on the spot.

But in most of the battles and conflicts, there are contradictions between the enemy and ourselves.


At this moment, accompanied by bursts of ear-piercing buzzing alarms and red lights completely enveloped the entire headquarters base.

The only entrance to the hub headquarters was suddenly surrounded by continuous explosions and flames.

The next moment, with the sound of twisting heavy metal.

The Terminator with whirlwind missile launchers installed above the five powered backpacks slowly stepped into the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D. against the flames and smoke that had not yet dissipated.

Immediately afterwards, Rorschach, whose ten metal rings were constantly dancing above his head, also drove the vibrating gold power armor, leading Rogers, Dum and others into the base.

"Dugan, Killer Monkey! You go to contact the secret service team in the headquarters, and you must distinguish who are our people and who are Hydra people! Do you understand?"

Rogers, wearing a carapace, raised the vibrating gold shield on his arm and the laser gun in his palm.

He turned his head and issued an order to his two teammates.

And Luo Xia, who was breathing the smell of gunpowder smoke, also looked at Iron Man David beside him, and said:
"David, have you taken over the monitoring equipment here? Find me the remnants of the Hydras in Crossbones, and I will tear them apart with my own hands!"

"Yes, my lord."

In the next second, the iron man David with the blue light in his eyes shook his metal head slightly.

It quickly invaded the monitoring equipment of the hub headquarters and searched for the location of the mission target.

"My lord, the target person is gathering their manpower deep in the base. Some Hydras have already entered the vehicles. It seems that they want to rush out of the hub headquarters and go to the airport."

Iron Man David turned his head and reported to Rorschach without hesitation.

And Luo Xia with a stern expression suddenly raised a vibrating gold arm, and swung it down heavily.

"Dum, you lead a few raid teams to assist Rogers to gather S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to clean up Hydra, and the Terminator team will follow me!"

Rorschach, who quickly drove the vibration gold power armor, rushed into the corridor of the base without looking back.

And the five terminators also immediately changed their direction and followed closely behind the Primarch.


almost the same time.

It's just a little deeper in the hub headquarters.

Natasha, who was looking through the secret documents in the computer file, and Hawkeye subconsciously glanced at each other.

They vaguely heard the very familiar intrusion siren in their ears.

"My boss and Steve have already started to act, and we have to speed up here."

Natasha said to her friend Hawkeye without looking back.

When Iron Man David informed them that they had found the real culprit, the two had already sneaked into the hub headquarters.

So, in order not to waste this opportunity.

Natasha decided to dig deeper into the black material of S.H.I.E.L.D. or Nick Fury.

It also adds some leverage to Steve Rogers leading S.H.I.E.L.D.

Hawkeye, who pulled out a special compound bow from behind with his backhand, turned his head to look at another place in the base room.

At this moment, Coulson, who had a somewhat helpless expression on his face, was being firmly tied to the ground.

"I never thought that it was Captain America himself who invaded the hub headquarters. This is really..."

It seemed to feel the silent gaze from Hawkeye.

Coulson subconsciously grinned wryly, and said to the other party.

"Colson, didn't you hear? Today's S.H.I.E.L.D. has been hidden by Hydra for many years. I am willing to trust Captain America's character and judgment, so I will fight for S.H.I.E.L.D. and Captain America."

Hawkeye casually pulled out a bow and arrow from the quiver behind his back and said without raising his head:
"You are a good man and a dedicated senior agent. Coulson, Nick Fury, the director, is really dereliction of duty. No matter what the reason is, if he failed to detect the signs of Hydra's resurrection, he is no longer a You are a qualified bureau chief, I suggest you think about it, maybe it is a good thing to change the leader, of course, if you believe in the stupid theory of Hydra, then take my words as fart."

At this moment, Coulson, who heard Hawkeye's words, seemed to have a much lower expression.

But he still took a deep breath and said:

"I believe that Fury is not the kind of person in your eyes. He should be rushing here now, or he is hiding in a hidden place in the headquarters to wait for the development of the whole situation. In fact, Fury has been avoiding intensification. He and the United States The conflicts and contradictions among the captains..."

"and many more!"

However, at this time, Natasha, who seemed to have discovered some deep secrets, abruptly interrupted Coulson's words.

With her red hair tied up, she turned around and stared at Coulson like an angry lioness, and questioned each word:
"Colson, as Nick Fury's confidant, can you tell us..."

"What the hell is this weaponization project about the 'Cosmic Cube'?!"

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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