Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 472 The first mechanical sage!


Still on top of the expanded circular plaza.

Accompanied by a space crack quietly emerged.

Three gray-faced, slightly embarrassed red figures quickly appeared under the shadow of a huge mechanical creation!

ka ka ka-

At the same time, the dormant Ao monster machine guard combat teams instantly revived.

They waved the chainsaw swords and laser guns in the mechanical tentacles and rushed forward quickly, surrounding these strange figures that had just appeared.

"Intelligent control legion? These are all monster machine guards, and there are Fortress-type intelligent control machines in the distance that are being activated? Where did the group of cold-blooded Astartes send us?"

At this moment, a sage wearing the robes of the Mechanic Order.

From under the metal mask on his face, a low figure with a crisp female voice gently waved a mechanical palm.

In the next second, a Castellan mech with a height of about four meters took heavy steps.

The huge mechanical creation with a red shell quickly spread its mechanical arms to block the female mechanical sage and the intelligent control army.

"Heh? An artificial intelligence whose consciousness has just sprouted and awakened? My lord, it seems that this machine oil girl is really courageous!"

However, at this moment, the Castellan mech, who was just about to wave his mechanical arm to launch an attack, froze in place for an instant.

A burst of binary codes that are difficult for human ears to distinguish suddenly sounded from its sound-generating device.

Even the huge mechanical body suddenly lost any sound!
Immediately afterwards, Rorschach, who had just put on the vibrating gold power armor, and Iron Man David, who was shaking his head, stepped into the circular plaza from the passage without haste.

Obviously, the only huge mechanical creation that the opponent can rely on has been successfully controlled by Iron Man David.

"Each of you has 3 minutes to explain your true origins to me. If you dare to lie or play tricks with me, I will send you to see the emperor immediately!"

At this moment, Rorschach, who casually raised the heart of the furnace, glanced at the three strange figures in front of him one by one.

Without any emotional fluctuations, he quickly asked the members of the Mechanic Order who hardly dared to move.

Judging from Rorschach's long-term experience with Reditus.

In many cases, there is no need to be too polite when dealing with the guys of the Mechanicus.

Sure enough, it may be because of the strong psychological pressure brought by the surrounding intelligence control army and Rorschach's heart of the furnace.

A male bald man dressed as a technical priest immediately raised a mechanical arm, and he cautiously said to Rorschach and the others:

"I am the Technical Priest of Deathwatch! I just plan to go back to Mars to study, but a group of unreasonable Astartes raided my ship... In addition to searching for all the supplies on the ship, they also took I was kidnapped myself, and said it was my honor to serve the noble Primarch!"

"Let me explain in advance, I am just an ordinary technical priest, and I don't have any precious STC!"

"And me, I'm an engineer who belongs to the Imperial Guard, I just want to take this colleague's ship back to Mars, but we are drinking engine oil and singing praises, and suddenly... just you Astartes sent here."

At this moment, the technical priest's voice has not yet fallen.

Another middle-aged man wearing a breathing mask quickly explained.

The expressionless Rorschach took a deep breath and let out a sigh.

He refreshed his understanding of the roughness of the White Shark Chapter's work.

Afterwards, Rorschach's gaze slowly focused on the red robe of the female mechanical sage.

If he didn't guess wrong.

Obviously, this sage is the highlight, and the other two people are more like gifts thrown over by the shark group.

"To a certain extent, I actually came here voluntarily. I offended many colleagues of the Mechanic Order because I used the abomination intelligence without authorization and consumed an extremely precious universal repair tool."

"It just so happens that the Shark Corps once conducted some shady gray tax deals with me, and they are considered acquaintances, so everyone understands... please allow me to ask, since you can make an ancient iron man appear so openly , Then this unknown Primarch, do you allow more taboo research here?"

At this moment, the female mechanical sage told Luo Xia briefly about her specific background without any concealment.

Rorschach, who raised his brow slightly, stared deeply at the metal mask on the opponent's face.

He slowly dropped the Heart of the Furnace in his palm.

Then, Luo Xia raised a few thick fingers wrapped in vibration gold towards the three people in front of him.

"There are actually very few rules here. The first thing is that you fellows of the Mechanic Order must learn to respect the lives of others. There are no machine servants here, so without my order permission, it is forbidden in my base Human experiments, violators die!"

"Secondly, any taboo research project needs to pass the discussion of the round table meeting, and at least three people agree to continue the research, otherwise the violator will also die!"

"Third, anyone can actively or passively make scientific research contributions to our team. If you are worried about making mistakes, then just do the work you are most familiar with. But if I find out that you dare to give up Violation of Yang, disobedience of my order... You can imagine the consequences for yourself."

"Besides, there are no other rules in my base. It can be said to be quite free."

Rorschach's indifferent words slowly echoed in the circular square.

And the three newcomers who listened carefully to all the content subconsciously looked at each other.

Among them, the technical priest and craftsman obviously let out a sigh of relief.

They were glad they had not come to the domain of the Renegade Chapter or the Dark Mechanicus.

The mechanical sage with a higher status was silent for a while.

After a long time, the other party slowly nodded to the expressionless Rorschach.

"Thank you Primarch for taking me in. On behalf of Mars, I will do my best to make a contribution to you and the Emperor. I happen to have the detailed drawings of several ancient vehicles, and I am also proficient in many mechanical technologies. This place may It will take my research realm to a higher level."

The voice of the female mechanical sage without much emotional change said clearly and calmly:

"You can call me Sage Neil... As for this iron man, can you untie the mind of my iron friend?"

Iron Man David, with blue lights shining in his eyes, turned his head to look at Rorschach.

After squinting his eyes, Rorschach looked at the other party for a few more times, then slowly nodded to Iron Man David.

"Now, you can get to know your future leader, my only technical priest Reditus."

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