Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 447 The Sustainability of Primordial Vibrating Gold is Exhausted!

Chapter 447 The Sustainability of Primordial Vibrating Gold is Exhausted!

Due to the difference in time flow rate.

Rorschach had no way of knowing how long it would take for the Shark Corps to produce concrete results.

So, he got busy with other things again.

Not long after, Rorschach returned to the base hall.

He recruited autonomous servo-droids to strip off the power armor.

Then he sat next to the metal round table and assisted Iron Man David in planning many things for the team in the future.

At the same time, Rorschach, who occasionally fished, also passed the emulator's diplomatic page.

A batch of precious materials of local specialties were released again, such as the power sword made of Antarctic Zhenjin.

Attempts to establish diplomatic relations with other imperial powers.

Links with more Chapters Astartes than ever.

On the contrary, Rorschach looked forward to having a cordial meeting with the Mechanics Order.

Immediately afterwards, Rorschach subconsciously swiped a few times on the simulator page.

I also found that the support prayer page of the Golden Throne has already been updated in rotation.

Many new tasks appeared before him again.

However, Rorschach did not immediately set off to prepare for the battle.

Instead, some support missions with a more suitable battle scale were selected in advance as future action options.

"My lord, one of our goods trading plans has encountered temporary trouble."

At this moment, the mechanical voice from Iron Man David suddenly interrupted Rorschach's meditation.

He casually closed the emulator's page.

Turning his head to look at Iron Man David, he asked softly:

"David, where is the problem? The Japanese base? Or the European side?"

Hear Rorschach's guess.

The iron man David with the blue light flashing in his eyes slowly shook his metal head and said:

"My lord, neither."

"Do you remember that you allowed Reditus to collect raw vibranium from all over the world?"

"For the sake of convenience, Reditus pushed this task to me, and I managed to find the only black market seller in the world who owns a large amount of precious goods, a black market smuggler named Ulysses Crow .”

"The original contact operation went smoothly. I remotely commanded a field operation team of Imperial Heavy Industries to reach a transaction intention with the other party, and bought all the original vibration gold in the other party's hands at a high price of 20.00% higher than the market price."

"But for some reason, Crowe temporarily changed his mind. He wanted to communicate face-to-face with the traders behind the scenes, instead of simply paying with one hand and delivering the goods with the other."

At this moment, after listening to Iron Man David's words.

With a sneer on the corner of his mouth, Rorschach blinked his eyes.

He said in a deep voice:
"David, didn't you tell him that this is a taboo in the black market?"

"Or did he vaguely guess the real background of our group of buyers?"

"My lord, I think this possibility is not impossible, maybe it is because of this that he has other thoughts."

The iron man David with blue light flashing in his eyes analyzed and said:

"I even threatened to wipe out every penny in the other party's bank account, but I couldn't completely dispel Ulysses' idea of ​​planning to communicate face-to-face. If a desperado doesn't want money, then he must have something else."

"Very well, we don't have to pay."

Rorschach, who was squinting his eyes, suddenly stood up from the round metal table.

He stared down at Iron Man David, and said calmly:

"Didn't we find a few more complete brainwashing devices from Hydra's base? We can just use him to test the specific effect. Since he doesn't want to collect money and deliver the goods safely, then it will completely become us in the future." free labor!"


Now that Rorschach has issued the final order.

Then Iron Man David naturally went to execute it.

This matter does not even require Rorschach to do it himself.

An unmanned Thunderhawk transport plane loaded with the Thinker system, plus two teams of Ao monster machine guards.

It took about five hours in total.

Just from the inside of a giant oil tanker that has been floating in the Indian Ocean for a long time.

Ulysses Crow was successfully captured, and nearly two hundred kilograms of original vibration gold was seized by the way.

And this is basically the vast majority of vibrating gold outside of Wakanda, the place of origin.

Not long after, his whole body was covered with the flesh and blood of his mercenaries.

Ulysses Crow, whose eyes were full of fear, was firmly bound by the mechanical tentacles of the two monster machine guards, and dragged abruptly into the brightly lit base hall.

At the same time, Rorschach, who was holding a cup of hot tea in his hand, was sitting next to the round metal table, staring blankly at the approaching partner.

"You are Ulysses Crow? I heard that you want to talk to us face to face?"

Rorschach, who narrowed his eyes, raised the teacup in his palm.

After he took a sip of the hot tea, he asked lightly.

"Wait, stranger! I don't mean anything else at all!"

"I just want to raise the selling price for Zhenjin! In recent years, Wakanda has become more and more intensive in recycling Zhenjin, and there is less and less Zhenjin circulating in the market. I have no choice but to do so!"

At this moment, I couldn't help but open my eyes wide.

Ulysses Crow, who was trembling subconsciously, explained to Rorschach in a hurried tone.

"So, you didn't guess our background identity at all?"

Rorschach who put down the teacup casually blinked his eyes.

He stared at the other party and asked again.

"If I'm telling the truth, can you spare my life? As for the vibrating gold, it's my apology to you..."

Ulysses Crow, whose lips were squirming, turned his flickering frightened eyes, and said with a dejected face:
"If I didn't know anything about your background when I first came into contact with you, when these robots landed on my ship and carried out a massacre, I vaguely guessed your background identity, because the current Among the major forces, there is only one that always likes to use robots to stand out, and that is the 'Terra Star Legion'..."

"Congratulations, friend, you have learned to answer quickly."

At this moment, Rorschach raised his palm with a faint smile on his mouth and interrupted the other party's words.

Immediately afterwards, Rorschach turned his head and told Iron Man David standing nearby:

"David, take him to brainwash."

"Also, by the way, tell Reditus to keep it away from those brainwashing devices! Without my order, it is forbidden to carry out any research!"

At this moment, Rorschach's words were heard in his ears.

The line of sight also saw the black skeleton iron man David stepping forward.

Ulysses Crow's facial expression twisted instantly.

He panicked and shouted in Rorschach's direction:
"Wait! I know a top-secret route to secretly sneak into Wakanda! I can get you more vibrating gold! I also know the true identities of some Wakanda exiles! We can use it..."

However, Rorschach, who was sitting next to the metal round table, interrupted the other party's words again.

I saw him staring at the middle-aged man who was tightly bound by mechanical tentacles, and said earnestly:

"You don't have to struggle anymore, after you have completely devoted your loyalty to us, you will do everything with [-]% heart..."

"Ulysses Crow, you are welcome to be part of our team... You are completely free."

 thanks for your support!
I don't even know the time now.

Merry Christmas to friends who like to celebrate foreign festivals.

But don't go out for a while, the new crown is really uncomfortable, trust me.

(End of this chapter)

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