Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 431 The Death of the Hive and the End of the War!

Chapter 431 The Death of the Hive and the End of the War!
dong dong dong-

A large number of Ao monster machine guards entering the water are like smart torpedoes.

They collided murderously against the metal shell of the Hydra submarine, making an extremely dull collision sound.

Then, the Ao monster machine guards cut repeatedly with the sharp sawtooth of the chainsaw sword.

Or abruptly inserted the mechanical tentacles into the interior of the submarine, violently tearing the shell structure.

Not long after, almost none of the seven or eight Hydra submarines that narrowly escaped survived.

Or it was blown into several pieces of wreckage by a sudden internal explosion.

Or wait until the internal structure is almost destroyed.

It quickly sank into the cold and deep seabed!

So far, through the unremitting efforts of everyone.

No Hydra could successfully escape from the burning Hydra Island.

After about five hours.

The terrifying fire storm covering the entire Hydra Island gradually weakened.

And the thirteen Thunderhawk transport planes wanted to save fuel for returning to the base.

It had to withstand the high temperature that had not yet dissipated and landed on the edge of several flames that had just extinguished and were basically burnt.

Luo Xia and the others had just stepped out of the cabin,

The first foot was deeply embedded in the scorching hot ground covered with a few feet of ash, splashing a large amount of slowly floating fine smoke and dust.

Not long after, the automatic bees quickly flew out of the cabin of the transport plane, and repeatedly searched the ground of the entire Hydra Island.

And as the fire on the island weakened again.

The heavy rain that had been evaporated by the high temperature finally got a chance to descend.

Countless raindrops quickly poured down on the smoky Hydra Island.

Half an hour later, the robot bees had finished exploring the barren surface.

Finally found an entrance to an underground base that was melted and deformed by high temperatures.

Rorschach, who was driving the power armor, swung the blood sickle a few times with ease.

It directly split the door of the metal wreckage that had just solidified.

Then, wearing Terminator armor, Tiberus walked into the dark base that was still emitting heat.

The monster machine guards and the robot bees followed each other's steady pace, and gradually went deeper into the interior.

Luo Xia and the others entered inside without hesitation.

Only a part of the Ao monster machine guards were left to guard the Thunderhawk transport plane and guard the pilots from the defense force.

Along the way, everyone saw a large number of Hydra elite soldiers who lost their lives due to high temperature and suffocation.

They fell down in the passage or room of the base with painful expressions, and there was no more sound.

Ten minutes later, everyone who arrived at an empty square saw a large number of Hydra vehicles that had not yet been dispatched.

and in the center of the square.

Several snake-shaped mechanical creations with a height of three meters and a length of more than 15 meters are covered with silver and white.

And just above the head of one of the snake-shaped mechanical creations.

A humanoid worm aggregate knelt on one knee and subconsciously stretched its palm towards the sky, appeared in everyone's line of sight without moving.

If Rorschach guessed correctly.

Because of the terrifying high temperature, this alien species whose entire worm body has fully matured.

It should be the master of the Hydra Supreme Council, the alien 'hive'!
"My lord, this guy is dead."

"Although its overall structure is completely different from that of humans, its basic needs are still similar. In other words, it is still a carbon-based life that cannot withstand extreme high temperatures and suffocation environments. Perhaps it can barely survive in a vacuum environment for a short period of time. However, The catalyst has been burning for too long, and by the time it faintly senses something is wrong and wants to control the snake-shaped mechanical creation to completely rush out of the underground base, it is already too late."

The Iron Man David with blue light flashing in his eye sockets first scanned the alien 'hive' that looked like a Slossian.

Then, it shook its metal head slightly, turned its head and said to Rorschach.

Rorschach, who remained silent, just nodded and didn't say much.

For the situation in front of him, he seemed to have expected it.

"Huh? Dead? I thought we still had to fight each other for hundreds of rounds, at least that's how it's done in most superhero movies..."

The next moment, Tony, who couldn't help opening his eyes wide, subconsciously complained.

Sol, who was standing beside him, was not surprised, grinning and said:

"Tony, the Firestorm Catalyst is something you made yourself. You should know the power and effect of that thing best..."

chi chi chi-

At this moment, without waiting for Saul to finish speaking.

The heart of the furnace in Rorschach's palm quickly ejected a large number of scorching plasma balls from between the muzzles of the gun.

Immediately afterwards, the corpse of the alien hive, together with the metal casing of part of the snake-like machine, was completely evaporated by the blue plasma!

Maybe he noticed the eyes of everyone betting on him.

Luo Xia calmly took back the heart of the furnace and said without raising his head:

"Be careful to prevent the other party from cheating on the corpse again."

Hear Rorschach's words.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

They didn't mind much about Rorschach's actions, after all, it was not a mistake to be cautious.

Soon after, Iron Man David led the Ao monster machine guard to explore the entire underground base. It wanted to see if it could find more hydra or the alien technology left by the alien 'hive'.

And Rorschach also discussed with Tony and Sol how to deal with the remaining Hydra faction.

However, this time, Rorschach planned to lead Tiberus and the Astartes personal guards to launch a surprise attack.

However, it did not receive strong support from Tony et al.

The reason Tony gave was not complicated.

One is that Hydra in North America is entangled with S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel.

It is impossible to tell who is the good guy and the bad guy.

Moreover, Alexander, the leader of this Hydra faction, holds a high position in the United Nations.

Beheadings that are too blatant will easily lead to unnecessary international disputes.

Even if Rorschach doesn't care much about it.

We should also give some consideration to the difficulties of these friends.

The second is that Rogers is working to clean up many hidden dangers within S.H.I.E.L.D.

The previous joint operations between Tony and Sol were to help clean up the identified Hydra.

If nothing else, more joint operations would keep reducing Hydra's combatants, gradually weakening their sphere of influence.

So, Rorschach with his hands folded around his chest didn't say much.

With a deadpan face, he couldn't tell the two people in front of him directly.

If according to his idea.

If the timing is right, S.H.I.E.L.D. will be wiped out like Hydra, right?
Therefore, when Tony solemnly promised that he would unite Rogers and Saul.

Dispose of the last Hydra leader Alexander very covertly.

And after cleaning up the fighters of Hydra as soon as possible.

Rorschach, who narrowed his eyes inside the helmet, also chose to believe the other party's words.

So far, except for the North American continent.

The hydra that once spread all over the world has been basically wiped out by Rorschach.

Even if there are a few small fish and shrimp left, it is not enough.

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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