Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 425 Strucker's Death!

Chapter 425 Strucker's Death!

If Rorschach had to describe it.

Then the passages underground in the secret fortress meander like a maze.

Facing the underground passages, the size of the overall structure and even the brightness of the lights are almost exactly the same.

If Sol had been the one to track them down, everyone would have lost their way by now.

Simply Rorschach took Iron Man David.

And there are special contributions from the Defense Force combat squad in the underground passage.

Their broken corpses pierced by superpowers or laser beams are the best guiding coordinates.

dong dong dong-

Soon after, Rorschach in power armor and Tiberus driving the Terminator armor.

Finally arrived at an underground plaza with an extremely wide space.

And it's at the end of the underground plaza.

Except for a group of Hydra elite soldiers who are busy back and forth.

There are also cruise missiles that are five or six storeys high and dozens of them in number!

"David! Those cruise missiles are handed over to you! Whether they want to launch or detonate on the spot, they must never let Hydra succeed!"

At this moment, Rorschach, who quickly took a glance and understood the other party's careful thinking, immediately gave an order to Iron Man David.

Afterwards, Rorschach and Tiberus, who were attacking very well, did not hesitate at all.

They carried the power weapons in their palms and launched a terrifying charge towards the hydra on the square!

Whoosh whoosh—

Metal darts shaped like crosses continuously condense out from the palm of a superpower user.

Rorschach, who was wearing power armor, had no intention of dodging.

With his other hand, he quickly picked up the heart of the furnace from his waist.

Facing the large number of Hydra warriors and superpowers who were attacking him, he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Chi Chi Chi!
In an instant, the high-temperature tide formed by countless azure blue plasma balls almost drowned the nearby hydra!
Only some quick-response superpowers dodged the past with caution and luck.

And most of the elite Hydra soldiers were completely burned to ashes by the plasma tide in an instant!

At the same time, Tiberus, who rushed past like a galloping train, swung the lightning power claw every time.

There was a psychic who tried to stop his progress and was torn into pieces of flesh and blood flying all over the sky.

Relying on crazy offensive methods that are difficult for even superpowers to catch easily.

Tiberus became the first bloody butcher to kill through the entire underground square.

Afterwards, Iron Man David, who took the opportunity to get close to the launch console, quickly inserted the metal palm into it.

The blue light in its eye sockets flickered desperately, and countless data streams seemed to flow inside.

At this moment, Rorschach, who was stepping on the ashes of the corpse with magnetic boots, also successfully reached the end of the underground plaza.

And there are not many enemy corpses that can be preserved intact behind him.

"Clap clap-"

At this moment, a burst of muffled applause suddenly came from behind the crowd.

Rorschach and Tiberus, who were holding the Blood Scythe, subconsciously turned their metal helmets.

But within the range of their eyepieces.

A bald man with a black cloak on his shoulders and a mechanical right arm.

With a mechanical eye, he slowly walked out of a nearby shadow.

"As expected of the famous and vicious Terra Star Boundary Legion, even if I spent a lot of energy and time on cultivating and cloning a special ethnic group, the superpowers that I gradually researched were easily harvested like mature straw. gone."

At this moment, Baron Strucker said to Rorschach and the others in a very flat tone.

"Also, don't let that artificial intelligence go to waste. Just before you arrive here, I have already started the launch process. The reason why I let those men pretend that they are about to launch is just to give you some hope. That's all!"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you guys, all cruise missiles are loaded with a special thing called death spore bombs, said to be death spore viruses, but their nature is more like a kind of fungal spores that love the concept of death. Or mythical species, even if only one cruise missile can land and explode, the spores scattered by the wind will spread to the entire earth, and then..."

dong dong dong-

Baron Strucker hadn't finished speaking.

Without any mood swings, Rorschach and Tiberus launched a quick charge forward without hesitation!

This made Baron Strucker slightly taken aback.

The indifferent expression on his face quickly turned into an uncontrollable anger!

"It's just a bunch of scum who have no respect for death! Then let you all be buried with me!"

Accompanied by the loud curse from the other party's mouth.

And the mechanical one-eyed that flashed a dark red light quickly.

A bright orange-red light beam, like a bright flame, erupted fiercely from the eyes of Baron Sterak!
chi chi chi-

Rorschach, who was about to approach the attack range, didn't want to parry and dodge, so he resisted with power armor.

But the premonition of crisis from the beast instinct made him subconsciously raise the blood sickle in his palm.

It blocked the shooting path of the orange-red beam!
The orange-red light beam with no heat at all was lightly blocked by the blade of the blood sickle.

Like a celestial girl scattering flowers, it exploded rapidly into the midair into tiny bright sparks!
In an instant, no matter whether it is the ceramic steel shell stained with a few bright sparks or the surrounding ground.

It seems that a strange decay phenomenon has occurred as if it has experienced rapid aging!
"Hey! The power of death spores is not limited to these! Ignorant scum!"

Seeing that Rorschach was charging, he subconsciously slowed down his forward speed.

Baron Strucker couldn't help showing a cruel smile from the corner of his mouth.

However, at this moment, Rorschach, who was wearing a metal helmet, only glanced at the Blood Scythe, which showed no signs of damage.

He quickly lowered a pottery steel palm, and pulled out the heart of the furnace from his waist.

Then, without hesitation, Rorschach pulled the trigger one after another in the direction of Baron Sterak!

Puff puff--

In the next second, azure blue plasma balls shot towards Baron Sterak who had no time to dodge!

At the same time, Tiberus, who had reached the other side, also stepped on the ground with two magnetic boots.

Without hesitation, he withdrew the lightning power claw that was about to strike Baron Stekla.

It also opened the way for the high-temperature plasma tide launched by Rorschach!
"Hydra Wan—"

At the moment of lightning and flint, Baron Sterak, who was determined to die, suddenly widened his one-eyed eyes.

He stared at the magnificent scene in front of him, and couldn't help but let out a final roar.

However, the frantic slogans belonging to Hydra did not end.

The extremely terrifying scorching plasma completely enveloped his whole body.

Then completely evaporate the fragile human body!


Accompanied by a light sound caused by friction.

The Heart of the Furnace in Luo Xia's palm quickly spun around, and then was hung back to his waist again.

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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