Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 409 'Very Hungry' Man Eater Shark!

Chapter 409 'Very Hungry' Man Eater Shark!

boom boom-

Accompanied by the battle roar that suddenly resounded all around.

And the violent buzzing of chain saw axes.

Surrounding the edge of the rotunda, the monster machine guards set to autonomous attack mode also quickly swung their roaring chainsaw swords, and they rushed towards the strange Asta without fear. special squad.

"and many more!"

"Keep your hands still—"

In the blink of an eye, Luo Xia, who reacted quickly, instantly opened his blue wolf eyes wide.

He stretched out his palm to stop the ferocious attack of the monster machine guards.

While yelling loudly at the terrifying figure closely surrounded by the Astartes personal guards who reacted equally swiftly:
"Captain Tiberus of the Shark Squad! I have descended on your group once, and I am Patrick! Captain Chauvin of the [-]rd Company! We are also fortunate to have met once!"

"Oh! Turn back! Look back! This is the territory of the Human Empire! The statue of the Emperor is watching you!"

Rorschach's voice did not finish.

A monster machine guard who rushed to the opponent's attack range first was easily swept away by a roaring chain saw axe.

In an instant, the heavy metal snake body flew over a distance of more than 20 meters.

It kept rolling and bumped into the metal wall engraved with prayer scriptures, making a terrifying loud noise.


At this moment, the terrifying figure wearing the ancient Terminator armor slowly raised a huge palm with lightning-powered claws, temporarily stopping the next move of the five Astartes guards.

"I remember Padraic who died on the battlefield, and I also sensed a weak connection belonging to Lord Corax from you."

The icy sound of Chapter Master Tiberus, like a shark grinding his teeth, radiated from the inside of the thick metal helmet.

"Who the hell are you? Why are you wearing power armor in the livery of the Salamanders? What is this place?"

Seeing the other party finally raised the desire to communicate.

Rorschach, who opened his eyes wide, subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

He turned his head and stared at Iron Man David, who was secretly issuing orders to summon more Intellectual Control Corps.

Rorschach first raised a palm, signaling Iron Man David not to act rashly.

Then, he took a deep breath and said in a very solemn tone:

"I am the No.20 Primarch created by the Emperor. As for the battle group painting of the power armor, it is just a disguise."

"This is a primordial universe that does not exist in the subspace, and has not yet been invaded wantonly by the forces of chaos. You are standing under Terra in this universe, which is the deepest part of the base I own!"

And hearing the words that Rorschach almost blurted out.

The White Shark Chapter Master Tiberus seemed to shake his heavy metal helmet slightly.

After being silent for a while, he continued to speak to Rorschach in a low voice:

"It seems that you are not lying, and the psychic predictions received by my chief think tank have not made many mistakes."

"Father of the Void, above! The leader of the Space Devouring Sharks, Tiberus Scarlet Scar, see No.20, the two Primarchs, and I also offer strong greetings from the Sons of the Void!"

The next moment, there was a loud roar as the ceramic steel armor collided with the metal floor.

Chapter Master Tiberus and his Astartes guards knelt on one knee in Rorschach's direction without hesitation.

They intersected their hands as hard as they could, barely making a ceremonial gesture of the imperial sky eagle ceremony.

At the same time, everyone also roared in the direction of Rorschach:
"For the Father of the Void and the Primarch! The Shark Corps will die!"

At this moment, Luo Xia, who seemed not quite used to such a solemn scene, hastily waved Tao Gang's palm.

He asked in a deep voice to the leader of the Tiberus Chapter:
"Uh, I'll call you the Chapter Commander...Tiberus Chapter Commander, why did you guys come here?"

"My lord Primarch, are you the one who sent 20 rounds of explosive ammunition to our flagship?"



Then, the Chapter Leader of Tiberus, who drove the ancient Terminator up slowly.

So he told Rorschach about the ins and outs of his coming here.

A pile of bomb materials with a quantity close to 20 rounds passed through a fleeting subspace portal.

Appeared in front of Tiberus out of thin air.

At the same time, the Chief Librarian of the White Shark Chapter also received a psychic vision from the Void Father.

Generally speaking, such psionic omens are just a few words like the Riddler, or fragments of broken scenes.

Therefore, apart from knowing that the batch of bomb supplies can be used normally, the very bewildered chief think tank does not need to worry about chaos.

I only know that I can use the power of psionic energy to return some gifts to an unknown direction.

However, originally for other warbands, the matter basically came to an end.

But the White Sharks don't think so.

20 rounds of explosive ammunition is not a small amount for them.

It was even worth a trip by Chapter Master Tiberus himself.

After all, how rare is a friendly territory that might be able to levy a large amount of gray and blood taxes.

That's right, Chapter Leader Tiberus jumped over to help with his personal guards with the mentality of a robber who would grab and run.

And after listening to the other party's one-fifth and ten-tenths.

The stunned Rorschach couldn't help giving a thumbs up to the brain circuits of the sharks.

He also raised an inexplicable respect for the "poor" chapter leader Tiberus.

Even if they don't know anything about the situation here, these guys really dare to come.

Immediately afterwards, Rorschach also passed through the simulator immediately.

It is confirmed that he did choose the largest batch of materials and sent them out at will.

As a result, the tense atmosphere between the two parties was temporarily relaxed.

Soon after, the Intellectual Control Legion that completely surrounded the periphery of the rotunda temporarily entered a standby state.

And the distinguished guests from the White Shark Chapter.

He was also welcomed into the base hall by Rorschach and Iron Man David.

Unexpectedly, Chapter Master Tiberus showed little reaction to the presence of such abominable intelligences as Iron David.

Rorschach asked the other party curiously.

In exchange for a simple sentence from Taborus that was adapted to local conditions, this problem was completely put to an end.

And in order to pull in the relationship between the two parties.

It was also to ease the embarrassing atmosphere that had been tense just now.

Rorschach quickly ordered the automatic servo robot to bring a large amount of food and drinks over.

Chapter Master Tiberus removed his metal helmet.

The pale face that looked like a dead person was revealed.

Although his personal guards did not refuse the meat served on the table, they did not drink a drop of wine.

Wait until the other party is completely full.

Rorschach thoughtfully asked Chapter Master Tiberus about their next plans.

At this moment, there were no emotional fluctuations on Tiberus's gray face that was almost dead.

He stared at a pair of pitch-black eyes covered with black sclera, and said in a low voice:

"According to the chief think tank, the time we can stay is about thirteen Terra days, which is one of the reasons why I dare to jump directly to help."

"You should also be aware of our situation. Today's White Sharks need a large amount of ammunition, ammunition, and food and supplies. The more the better... As a corresponding return, Lord Primarch, if both sides can establish a long-term demand and supply Cooperate, and you will have the strong support of an entire chapter of Astartes!"

"If you have any combat requirements, just tell us where to attack and how many to kill."


At this moment, Rorschach subconsciously bared his snow-white fangs with a smile gradually blooming on his face.

He grinned at the expressionless Tiberus:
"It's a deal, double happiness, Chapter Commander, don't go back on your word!"

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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