Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 368 Special Minerals?Antarctic vibrating gold!

Chapter 368 Special Minerals?Antarctic vibrating gold!
"The Emperor is up!"

"Jessica! What have you been feeding it lately? How do I remember that the previous Magnum was less than 1.5 meters high?"

Rorschach, who was in a state of shock, immediately turned his head to look at Jessica in front of him, and asked loudly.

"Teacher, this is the special talent of Magnum. In the form of mud, it can ingest a large amount of minerals, sort and absorb the impurities inside, and then excrete the refined and purified minerals."

Jessica said while grinning.

At the same time, he waved his arm vigorously at Magnum, which was like a small mountain.


In the next second, Magnum, whose huge mud body slowly squirmed, tried to open that big mouth like a black hole.

It spewed out a large amount of refined minerals shining with metallic luster towards the nearby coast one after another!
ka ka ka-

Immediately afterwards, automatic servo robots waving mechanical tentacles quickly walked out of the hidden location.

They picked up the refined minerals that fell from the sky one after another.

Then quickly moved back and forth in the direction of the foundry.

At this moment, the squinted Rorschach stared at the huge Magnum and took a deep breath.

He saw Magnum chat briefly with Jessica.

And after shaking the huge body in the direction of him and Doom.

Re-submerged below the rough sea surface.

At this moment, Rorschach repeatedly blinked his eyes and turned to look at the smiling Jessica.

He said helplessly:

"Okay, Jessica, I admit that the results of your work are amazing, you can keep your power scythe, by the way, what did you communicate with just now?"

"Haha, thank you teacher!"

"Not long ago, Magnum accidentally excavated a new mineral, and it asked me to increase the price again. In the past, a ton of ordinary minerals could be exchanged for a catty of candy, but now special minerals must start at ten catties, and for Lei Ditus’s foundry, I reluctantly agreed, anyway, how to transport candies is a headache for David.”

With her head held high, Jessica is carrying her beloved Power Scythe.

She said to Rorschach without hesitation.

"A new special mineral? Let's go to Reditus and ask about the situation."

Rorschach raised his eyebrows and scanned the coast.

After discovering that all the refined minerals were transported away by the automatic servo robots.

He immediately greeted Doom and Jessica who had just recovered, and walked towards the entrance of the foundry.

Soon after, everyone entered the foundry where the air temperature was much higher than the outside world.

And in the foundry hall full of autonomous servo robots and the wreckage of many ships.

Found the very busy Servo-Skull Reditus.

Rorschach first introduced Dum to Reditus.

Then, he immediately asked the servo skull suspended in midair:
"Raditus, where are the minerals that were just delivered? I heard that you found a special mineral?"

"Aha, respected Lord Primarch, your news is really good... Dear Jessica, I have prepared some new gifts for you, and the No. 18 automatic servo robot will take you to the storage place of the gifts, go quickly!"

Reditus, whose eyes were shining red, first greeted Rorschach.

Immediately, a series of eviction orders were issued to Jessica.

And wait until Jessica, who is full of interest, leaves the hall with the automatic servo robot.

Only then did Reditus, the servo helmet, drive the anti-gravity engine, slowly floating in front of Rorschach and Dum.

"Boy, your name is Dum, right? I heard that you have a lot of research ideas on power armor? We can share a little bit later..."

"Ah, Lord Primarch, we have indeed excavated a very special precious mineral from the depths of the seabed near the island, please taste it."

Reditus' words did not finish.

An automatic servo robot cautiously approached everyone.

And inside its mechanical tentacles, a power long sword reflecting a faint golden luster appeared in front of Luo Xia.

At this moment, Rorschach, who felt the repeated signals from the simulator, forcibly resisted the urge to open and check.

He casually picked up the power sword in the mechanical tentacles, looked up at Reditus and asked:

"Raditus, is this power sword made of special minerals? What's so special about it?"

"What's special? Dear Primarch, I guarantee you in the name of the Mechanicus and the Emperor. From now on, if the power weapons produced by the Human Empire are not mixed with this special mineral, then they will be A pile of garbage creations that no one cares about!"

"This power long sword made entirely of special minerals, even without the excitation of the decomposition force field, the sharpness between the blades is far more than before, whether it is against the living metal of the space necromancers or It can easily penetrate into any metal substance in the human empire!"

At this moment, Reditus, who was suspended in mid-air, said to Rorschach in a very fanatical tone:

"Moreover, this power weapon made of special minerals, after being stimulated by a decomposition force field, even has a destructive power comparable to that of a super-phase sword! If the super-phase sword is because the technology level of the Necrons is too profound and Extremely, then the special minerals we have almost wiped out the technological gap between the two parties from the source of manufacture! You have technology, right? I have a mine at home!"

I heard Reditus' continuous words.

Rorschach, who narrowed his eyes slightly, couldn't care about Doom standing beside him.

Without hesitation, he activated the decomposition force field of the power sword.


In the next second, the azure blue decomposition force field completely wrapped the entire blade of the power sword.

Rorschach glanced left and right at the surrounding environment.

He immediately stepped forward, and slashed hard at the fine gold keel exposed by the wreckage of the ship!
Chi Chi Chi!
The azure blue blade that had just touched the fine gold keel made a fleeting buzzing and trembling in the blink of an eye.

And the surface structure is easily shaken away by the blade of the power sword as if it was liquefied!
Rorschach didn't even use much strength.

The power long sword in the palm easily cut off a large piece of ship wreckage!

"Reditus, I will give you and Jessica and others a great credit! You have also been approved to research and manufacture a new type of intelligent control legion robot!"

Rorschach couldn't help showing a bright smile at the corner of his mouth, he turned his head and said loudly to Reditus who was jumping up and down:
"By the way, do you have a new name for this special mineral?"

"Om Messiah! By the Emperor! Thank you Primarch for your generosity!"

"By inquiring local mineral information, I think this special mineral should be called Zhenjin..."

"Antarctic vibrating gold!"

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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