Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 358 The Liberation War in Harlem!

Chapter 358 The Liberation War in Harlem!

At the bottom of a desolate hill ten kilometers away from Harlem City.

Each of them was wearing heavy body armor.

Members of the resistance army with ordinary firearms curled up on the withered grass, motionless.

Each of them closed their eyes slightly and entered a state of rest to recharge their batteries.

At the same time, a group of people were wearing army green carapace.

The middle-aged and elderly rebels carrying Terra I laser weapons were also scattered around the team, maintaining a very vigilant fighting state.


Not long after, there was a loud sound of heavy feet trampling the soil.

Rorschach, who was wearing black power armor, led the Stormtroopers team to arrive here slowly.

And it was at the end of the Stormtroopers squad.

Followed by a man wearing silver power armor.

A tall figure with a dark green cloak is also shrouded on the surface of the ceramic steel shell.

It was the skeleton and shell that had just been cast using witchcraft.

And cooperate with the electronic muscle bundle and power backpack delivered by Iron Man David, supplemented by part of the Ark reactor.

Doom, the leader of the Rebel Army who successfully built a set of power armor.

In fact, fortunately, Rorschach didn't have the intention to hide his secrets.

Otherwise, it is just the research and scientific analysis of electronic muscle bundles and power packs.

That's enough for Doom to take a while.

Doom is indeed a super genius among human beings.

But he also needs a learning process and continuous experimentation to implement everything.

At this moment, Doom, who was wearing a metal helmet, glanced at the members of the Resistance Army who were resting through the eyepiece.

He walked behind Rorschach, and said softly through the communication device:

"Master Rorschach, when will we launch the final attack? According to the news from inside Harlem City, Leviathan's Zodiac has arrived there and slaughtered most of the direct descendants of the Harlem family... these guys It doesn't look like a normal person at all, and I'm afraid that the longer the delay, the greater the trouble."

Hear Dum's inquiry.

Rorschach, who was also wearing a metal helmet, said without looking back:

"Dum, don't be impatient, if it's not for the purpose of attacking, why would I ask you to gather the rebels?"

"There are seven superpowers, and they don't know what superpowers they have. We must be more cautious in our actions."

"You led the rebel army to occupy the important facilities of Harlem City, disrupt the structure of the opponent's army, and eliminate the commanders."

"The Stormtroopers and I are responsible for beheading those superpowers. However, in order to prevent accidents, I have sent hundreds of automatic bees and automatic servo robots equipped with heavy firepower to the outside of Harlem."

"If the whole battle is not going well, then my intelligent control army will enter the arena forcibly. At that time, you can support us according to the situation. I hope your witchcraft can play a greater role."

Rorschach's voice just fell.

Doom shook the metal helmet slightly.

He drove the silver power armor forward.

And following Dum's movements, each of the rebels who had closed their eyes and rested their minds immediately opened their eyes.

They climbed up from the icy ground with resolute expressions, and their eyes focused on Doom's tall body.

At this moment, Doom looked through the visor of his helmet.

Staring at the rebel elite, whose number was close to a thousand, remained silent for a long time.

He slowly raised a metal arm, palm clenched into a fist.

Dum took a deep breath and shouted to the people in front of him:
"Today is a good day for us to liberate Latovilla!"

"Today is also the first day we end the Harlem family's reign of terror!"

"I can't guarantee that each of you can survive to the end of this war, but I believe that you are not only fighting for yourself, you are fighting for those relatives and friends who have passed away, but also for future family members and children!"

"From now on, we will work together to build a stronger and more prosperous Latovilla!"

"Come on! My brothers and sisters! For the bright future we look forward to, let us launch the final and most difficult liberation war against Harlem!"

At this moment, Dum's words triggered enthusiastic responses from countless rebels.

They all raised the weapons in their palms.

He uttered a deafening roar at Dum in front of him with enthusiasm!

"Liberate Harlem! Long live the Resistance!"

"Liberate Harlem! Long live Doom!"

"Liberate Harlem! Long live Rorschach!"



One after another, the rockets wrapped in smoke trails quickly passed through the air.

Forcibly bombarded the outer city wall of Harlem City.

While the flames of the explosion splashed countless gravel, it also successfully took out the enemy's firepower.

It is the oldest capital city in Latovilla.

The outer city wall of Harlem City is only about 20 meters high, and even the thickness of the city wall has reached three meters.

Whether it is ancient or modern, for the rebel team through the ground attack.

This will be a war fortress that may not be able to successfully enter even after suffering countless painful casualties.

However, at this time, it was in the middle of the battlefield where countless firepower crossed and strafed each other.

Dum, who was wearing silver power armor, used invisible and powerful thoughts to levitate out of thin air.

Between his hands, he quickly drew out witchcraft circles that were difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, and without hesitation released the strongest witchcraft that he could control at the moment!
boom boom-

In the next second, the ground trembled like an earthquake.

The closed entrance of Harlem City, tens of meters away, completely collapsed together with most of the city walls, forming a terrifying breach like a moat in the blink of an eye!
At this moment, both the rebels and the enemy seemed to be overwhelmed by the big scene before them.

Even the sound of the exchange of fire between each other temporarily stopped for a moment.

Dum, who was originally suspended in mid-air, quickly landed.

His two magnetic boots stomped into the ground below.

Doom shook the two metal arms that were trembling slightly.

He took a deep breath and yelled at the rebels through the communication channel:

"What are you all doing in a daze! The assault team organizes an attack immediately! Don't let the enemy completely react!"

Dum's voice did not fall.

The rebel veterans in carapaces rushed out of the positions where they were hiding without hesitation.

While pulling the trigger of the laser weapon to fight back at the enemy above, they swarmed towards the break of the city wall where the dust had not yet cleared!

"The report of the rebel army's battle situation, the frontal battlefield is progressing smoothly, and the city wall has been breached by me... The street fighting inside the city is about to start."

Doom, who was wearing a metal helmet, shook his slightly drowsy head vigorously.

He quickly sent a battle notification to the communication channel.

In the next second, the mechanical voice from Iron Man David slowly echoed in Dum's ears.

"Received, my lord has arrived at the target area, and the beheading operation is about to begin."

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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