Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 355 Soldiers come to block, water comes to soil!

Chapter 355 Soldiers come to block, water comes to soil!
Lighting installed between the jagged rock walls was powered by the Ark's reactor.

But maybe it's for atmosphere and heating.

The huge fire pit in the middle of the cave is still intact.

As the flames flickered, wisps of vigorous flame licked through the metal griddle to sizzling Glocks steak.

Slowly exuding an incomparably alluring aroma of oil.

Next to the fire pit, Rorschach, who was wearing power armor, sat cross-legged.

He acted boldly, like a wild wolf that had been hungry for a long time, devouring the roasted meat of Iron Man David.

"My lord, the operation system of the Twin Islands base is gradually on the right track. The existence of the carrier-based aircraft spirit Cortana has greatly reduced the processing speed of many chores. If there is no unexpected situation in a short period of time, we can consider using Cortana With Na as the center, with countless automatic servo robots, the central control core system of the entire base has been built, so that the efficiency of both production tasks and execution operations will be greatly improved."

The iron man David with blue eyes flashing in his eyes once again handed a plate of steaming steak in front of Rorschach.

Rorschach, who was full of oil, took it casually, and said without raising his head:

"If various defense systems can be prepared inside the base, I have no objection to this. By the way, in order to prevent possible accidents, David, you will personally cast a metal statue of the emperor, and put it in the resettlement department. Inside the core of Tana’s base, and also select some useful seals and engrave them on some key node positions for the prayer scriptures about Om Messiah that you remember.”

"Uh... my lord, why did you choose such a cumbersome method? Perhaps, the emperor is always watching you."

At this moment, Iron Man David, who was grilling meat, seemed to recall some unpleasant experience.

It quickly shook the metal head vigorously, stared at Rorschach and said.

"Although our current method is to adapt measures to local conditions, I remember that the emperor doesn't like artificial intelligence very much. It's a matter of saying whether or not it will be blessed in a real situation. I'm just looking for a psychological comfort. In addition, there may be no artificial intelligence from chaos in the local area. Electronic demons, but there may not be nano-viruses or other weird things that can produce similar effects, and this is something we need to consider in advance."

"I don't want to have to deal with an Omnic Crisis or an Iron Rebellion one day... sorry, David, this is not about you personally, but a necessary worry."

Before he finished speaking, Luo Xia suddenly stopped eating.

He frowned slightly, staring at the constantly dancing flames in front of him, and murmured with empty eyes:

"Also, just when the 'miracle' was performed last time, the Emperor also gave me a psychic prophecy of impending disaster... During this period of time, I always subconsciously think about this matter, maybe, I mean maybe... If the prophecy has nothing to do with the homeland, then the forces of chaos may not be as far away from this universe as I think."

"A Chaos Demon from the Subspace..."

The speed at which the blue light flickered in Iron David's eye sockets seemed to have increased a bit.

It casually moved the sizzling barbecue on the fire to the side to cool down.

There seemed to be some relief in the mechanical sound:

"My lord, if your concerns are correct, the worst we can do is to face the normal wars that the human empire encounters every day, and at that time, those native humans who have never faced terrifying demons will still You are needed to lead them to continue fighting, and the unbearable price of casualties will definitely exist, but the native humans who have been tempered by a lot of wars are no longer infants."

"Sacrifice, the foundation of the human empire is always built on sacrifice. This is a perfect motto that has been proved by countless lives. As a loyal iron man, I can tell you with certainty that in fact, even the most brilliant gold of mankind The era is fleeting, but some things in the bones of human beings have never changed, which is the fundamental reason why the human empire can continue to fight against countless aliens, heretics, and even Chaos Demons."

"It doesn't even matter which universe, which world... It is an important factor for the human species to stand out from countless competitors. Most human beings may be ignorant, reckless and aggressive, but at the same time they are also brave and fearless. A strong spiritual will to sacrifice."

"I personally think that even native humans, as long as they are given the right time and a lot of experience, they will bloom with the same brilliance..."

At this moment, the words of Iron Man David made Rorschach gradually fall into deep thought.

Then, he suddenly shook his head.

A faint smile appeared between the corners of his mouth stained with grease.

"David, what you said is right, maybe, I am too worried about some problems."

"In any case, we should be prepared. If the development of everything gradually exceeds the original expectation, then it will be nothing more than one sentence... Soldiers come to block, water comes to earth!"

"Also, I'm not fighting alone, and you in the team are here to help me!"

"Come on, David, get on with the meat!"

At this moment, Rorschach's appetite that had just subsided returned to his body.

Energetic, he continued to devour the food in front of him.

Iron Man David shook his metal head slightly.

It grilled more steaks again like a wise man who has retired.


Early the next morning.

The energetic Dumb arrived outside the private cave more than ten hours earlier than expected.

He carried a large bucket of sweet soup made from the roots and stems of various plants mixed with starch and found Rorschach who had not fallen asleep.

While sharing a simple breakfast that tasted not bad, the two discussed the next action plan.

Dum first expressed his difficulties to Rorschach.

The number of rebels today is far less than before in terms of combat effectiveness and personnel quality.

Even equipped with more advanced weapons and equipment.

It is also unlikely to regain the previous revolutionary pomp.

Moreover, it is also difficult to gain the support of the local people again.

Dum, who is proficient in witchcraft, is indeed not weak in personal strength.

But in the face of the shielding technology controlled by Leviathan, it is often difficult to play a big role.

However, Rorschach already had some ideas about the situation.

He asked Doom about it.

If you want to reactivate the people of Latvia, what is the success rate?

Doom, who frowned slightly, lowered his head and pondered for a moment.

He said to Rorschach very cautiously:

"According to what I have learned in the past, the people here can't wait to eat the flesh and bones of everyone in the Harlem family! Almost every Latovilla has a blood feud with the ruling class! I can't guarantee [-]% success, but the chance It's not low, it's worth trying."

Rorschach, who squinted his eyes, nodded slightly.

He took a deep breath and said calmly:

"If this is the case, then use some public opinion offensives to test the water first, and then adapt to the subsequent development..."

"David, come in!"

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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